Pelicans have found learning about Earth and Space this term simply astronomical! From researching the movement of planets, to creating space-inspired abstract art; from designing our own space school, to investigating the conspiracies around the moon landing; Pelicans are really engaged and excited about their learning. This week, we have been learning about the difference between the weather in the UK and that in the tropics. Following our specific inquiries into different tropical places around the globe; the children got into pairs to create their own weather reports about their chosen city. The class have utilised their amazing English language skills to experiment with complex new vocabulary, as well as showing off their performance and presenting skills during their reports. Teamwork and reflection were two of the most important skills needed to make this task a success and all children demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity in their groups. Pop into Pelicans and ask us about the weather in the tropics – we are sure you will be impressed!
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