Welcome to the Performing and Creative Arts

At Bromsgrove we ASPIRE to instill a lifelong love of the arts within all of our students. Our art, drama and music provision is…


All learners are encouraged and challenged to achieve their potential.


Learning is collaborative and with friends.


Learning experiences are varied and high quality, with clear progression routes.


Everyone is an artist and performer, and can learn and develop at their own pace.


Learners discover a range of art, music and theatre that they engage and identify with.


Learning is practical, hands-on and fun!

The performing and creative arts play a large part in the personal development and enrichment of our students. The study of art, music and drama, and the opportunity to perform at all age levels, helps to develop valuable transferable skills, alongside our learner profile attributes, which benefit learning in other areas of the curriculum and beyond. These include:

Leadership, communication, time management, collaboration, patience, creativity, imagination, adaptability, listening, focus, courage, stamina and confidence.

Our school mission statement underlines our aim to develop the artistic potential in each and every one of our students. Through our innovative curricular and co-curricular programmes, we provide an inclusive, relevant and engaging approach to the teaching and learning of the arts, which enables our students to “Achieve Excellence Together”.

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