School Improvement Plan 2022-2025
As a school we strive for continuous improvement and development for the benefit of all members of our school community. The current 3-year School Improvement Plan (SIP) lays out the 6 main areas that we will focus on over the coming academic years. The current plan was formulated through consultation with our students, staff, parents and investors and Board of Governor members and we will work together to achieve these aims.
BIST: ‘Achieving Excellence Together’
3-Year School Improvement Plan (SIP) 2022-2025 Overview
Strategic Focus 1 | Fully engage with the EDT ISQM inspection process and to make continuous improvement towards a Gold standard |
Strategic Focus 2 | Further develop the school’s infrastructure to ensure outstanding buildings, facilities for learning, wellbeing and living |
Strategic Focus 3 | Further develop the quality of learning, teaching and progress across every phase of the school |
Strategic Focus 4 | Promote wellbeing for all – Healthy Lifestyle – Mental Health |
Strategic Focus 5 | FEnhance and further develop the boarding provision |
Strategic Focus 6 | Continue to develop parental engagement and links with the wider community |
Focus 1 – EDT Accreditation
- Continue to fully engage with the Education Development Trust (EDT) ISQM inspection process and to make continuous improvement towards a Gold (Outstanding) grading in November 2024.
Focus 2 – Infrastructure and Facilities
- Ensure the school learning environment is of an outstanding quality that allows for both strategic growth and development across the school; by remodelling, refurbishing and developing the existing campus footprint (to enable growth in ourstudent numbers up to 600 students).
- Complete the final phase of the boarding houses renovation project.
Focus 3 – Learning, Teaching and Progress
- Effectively utilise the new student information portal (Engage).
- Implement and develop the WP Academic Enrichment Programme to extend the curricula for students.
- Continue to extend the confidence and levels in English language across all phases of the school:
- English oracy
- Reading
- Writing
- Continue to embed the Bromsgrove Learner Profile Attributes to prepare students for the future.
- Ensure all students’ individual educational needs are met across the school.
- Continue to effectively analyse student data to track and monitor student progress and further inform curriculum development across the school.
- Embed a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy in the Secondary school and upgrade the wifi infrastructure as needed.
Focus 4 – Wellbeing
- Continue to promote healthy lifestyle choices for all members of the school community:
- healthy eating and nutrition
- work / study / life balance
- physical exercise
- Mental health
- Further develop the school’s counselling support
- Actively embed Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) across the school.
Focus 5 – Boarding Provision
- Continue to embed the Boarding Skills Award for all boarding students.
- Redesign the boarding provision to:
- Extend access to specialist academic support
- Improve students’ levels of independent study skills
- Develop links with the wider community to enhance social responsibility.
Focus 6 – Parent and Community Engagement
- Ensure the BIST Home School Agreement is embraced by all sections of the school community to fully support all students.
- Embed the parental usage of the Engage Parent Portal for school communication and procedures
- Utilise the expertise and connections of our parent community.
- Set up and embed an Alumni network for BIST.
- Further develop the school’s charitable connections to enable active participation of the student body.
- Continue to develop both community and service elements of our Residential Trips Programme.
- Develop links with local universities to utilise their STEM facilitates and expertise to support our curriculum.
Building Development Projects Overview & Timelines 2023 – 2025
- Classroom floors – update all floors in the DJ so that all have laminate wood flooring (Summer 2023).
- Patio seating area adjacent to boarding (Summer 2023)
- Laundry space in the boarding houses remodelled and extended (Summer 2023)
- Boarding driveway resurface and additional speed bumps for Health & Safety (December 2023)
- Design and create purposeful and engaging outdoor learning and play spaces for Primary School students
- Outdoor learning spaces (access from classrooms) for both Year 2 classrooms
- New sail cover and playground to match the quality/size of EY campus sail cover
- Sports Centre Redevelopment Project (Summer 2024)
- installation of a golf simulator room (where current fitness suite is located)
- new fitness suite & PE office (lobby remodelling)
- adding 4 additional A-Level/BTEC classroom spaces for Sixth Form centre floor
- remodelling the changing / toilet facilities
- Phase 3 of the Boarding renovation project (ground floor/lobby areas in WH & TH) (Summer 2024)
- Science laboratories renovation and upgrading of facilities (Summer 2025)
- Early Years second sail and playground space at PN and N end of the campus (Summer 2025)
- Design and install a purpose-built recording studio in the PAC to enhance our iGSCE and BTEC Music programmes (Summer 2025)