This Thursday, 13th September, marked the birth of the famous children’s author ‘Roald Dahl’. Year 2 celebrated this day by dressing up as one of his famous book characters. It was lovely to see so many children getting into the ‘Roald Dahl’ theme by coming to school in some amazing and imaginative costumes. We had children dressed up as; The Enormous Crocodile, Charlie from ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, Willy Wonka, Matilda, The Twits, Trunky from the ‘The Enormous Crocodile’, The BFG; and so many more!
Throughout the day, the children took part in a variety of exciting activities which included; making colourful paper plate ‘Roly Poly Birds’, as well as writing and sending messages in ESIO TROT language. However, the highlight of the day was certainly making a magical, amazing potion inspired by ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. We tested 2 potions:
- Baking soda and coca-cola
- Baking soda, red food colouring, washing up liquid and white vinegar
The first potion just fizzed as all the carbon dioxide escaped into the air. The second potion, however, caused a HUGE eruption of lava as the bicarbonate of soda (akali) and white vinegar (acid) reacted with each other! The look of excitement and amazement on the children’s faces was a joy to behold! Hopefully this experience will stand them in good stead for next week’s ‘Science Week’ and inspire them to read and enjoy many more stories written by the wonderful Roald Dahl.
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