Term 1 – end of term update from Primary Principal
What an incredible first term of academic year 2017-18 we have had here in BIST Primary. The term has been fun-filled and bursting with learning, both in the classroom and beyond. In this final week of term we have had Year 5 parents in school to visit the Year 5 Ancient Greece museum, and make some mosaic plates; Y3 parents in school to learn all about dinosaurs and make their very own jewellery from prehistoric bones; a school visit to Dinosaur Planet; a performance of the Christmas Nativity by our Year 1 children and Early Years; our House Christmas & News Quiz, as well as a House dodgeball tournament; Christmas parties in Primary; a Primary Christmas assembly to our parents and a very exciting Christmas Fayre ran by our Secondary pupils. If that is all in one week I am sure you can only imagine all of the experiences we have had this term and what we have achieved in Primary! It has been an outstanding term.
Our Primary school can only be this dynamic with the unwavering hard work of our Primary team of teachers and teaching assistants and I am sure you all join me in thanking them very much for all their hard work. Likewise, we couldn’t do all this without the support of our parents and the huge enthusiasm of our students to join in, participate, take risks and enjoy their learning journey. So to all involved in helping to make Primary a rich experience for our students we thank you very much indeed.
Term 2 is already looking very busy and we are excited to get started! Primary wish our community a very happy holiday and a prosperous new year, and we look forward to seeing everyone in January 2018.
Best wishes,
Christine Armstrong
Primary Principal