Primary Update – End of Term 1 Academic Year 2018/19

March 1, 2019

What a fantastic first term of academic year 2018-19 we have had here at  BIST Primary. The term has been fun-filled and bursting with learning, both in the classroom and beyond. It goes without saying that there is excellent learning taking place across the Primary school, but at this time of year when many are giving thanks, and many people around the world are reminded to think of others and their families, I would like to draw attention to the things we do in school to focus on the development of our students as kind and caring global citizens with well-rounded personal and social skills.

This term we have extended our Primary leadership to include learning champions and community champions, to help us think more about how we look after each other in school and the wider world, amongst other responsibilities. Our active Student Council have had an abundance of ideas and suggestions of how we can enhance the student experience in school, as well as be more environmentally responsible. Students have visited our EY friends at our EY Campus to help them with their reading skills, and play with them outdoors to help them develop their social and friendship skills. Each class have been working as a team to collect class marbles for displaying acts of kindness, friendship, helpfulness and great manners. We have been helping to raise money and supplies for 4 local charities this term, and all Primary took part in the Bromsgrove Charity Fun Run. In addition, we have been making gift boxes for a local orphanage and all Primary helped to make Christmas decorations to decorate our wonderful school, and get everyone in the spirit for our Christmas activities. These are just a few highlights of the things happening in Primary already this year and we look forward for to everything else coming up in term 2.

Our Primary school can only be this dynamic with the unwavering hard work of our Primary team of teachers,  teaching assistants, administration and support staff. I am sure you all join me in thanking them very much for all their hard work. Likewise, we couldn’t do all this without the support of our parents and the huge enthusiasm of our students to join in, participate, and care for each other and the wider world. So to all involved in helping to make Primary a rich experience for our students we thank you very much indeed.

Term 2 is already looking very busy and we are excited to get started! Primary wish our community a very happy holiday and a prosperous new year, and we look forward to seeing everyone in January 2019.


Christine Armstrong
Primary Principal