
September 7, 2015

Hannah Bennett, our new Primary Principal, writes: “What a fantastic start to a new academic year! I have been very impressed with how quickly the children have embraced the new school day and their new teachers. Even our very youngest children in Nursery and Pre-Nursery are settling quickly and making friends in their new classes. The highlight of last week was attending the Early Years Mother’s day celebrations, it was great to meet the parents and I very much enjoyed decorating biscuits with the children. I have also enjoyed watching the Primary children (and teachers) exploring the new atrium for the first time. Many teachers seized the opportunity to take their learning out of the classroom and I have seen conversation, drama and maths being taught in practical ways in our atrium space. This week was particularly exciting as Primary topics began. These topics are book-themed and range from Jungles in Year 1 to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in Year 6. There have been lots of exciting ‘Super Starts’ this week to engage the children with their new topic. One of my favourites was in Year 2 where they did a ‘disgusting discovery’ to encourage the children to build their bank of gruesome adjectives ready for ‘the Twits’ character descriptions.