It has been a busy and exciting year for Primary Music at BIST. Since the wonderful Gala Concert, Christmas Assembly and Nativity in Term 1, children in Years 1 to 6 have been working hard and having fun in and out of the classroom to build their musical skills and prepare for many different performances!
In Term 2, a group of students from Years 3 and 4 took part in the TISAC Primary Arts Day. Joining with students from seven other Bangkok schools, the students enjoyed a selection of workshops including Thai Music, Art, Dance and Drama activities. Come the awards ceremony, we were delighted to hear that Ruangkhao had won a special award for her achievement in Thai Music. A week later, our new Primary Rock Band “Scarlet” took to the stage at the TISAC Battle of the Bands, performing Stitches and This Is Me to a packed auditorium. Featuring Alex F on guitar, Nama on bass, Pra-Chan and Opal on vocals, Jaeho on piano and Melanie on drums, they impressed the audience with their confidence and ensemble skills.
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Term 3 started with the TISAC Primary Choral Day, where a group of children in Years 5 and 6 spent the day in a large choir, made up of several Bangkok schools, learning a range of songs in two and three parts! Following a great day of rehearsals, they performed in a short concert to parents and friends. The final TISAC Music event of the year gave our Primary Orchestra students the opportunity to play in an 80-strong orchestra from across the city. Again, following a day of sectionals and rehearsals, they took to the stage to perform the music they had learnt.
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We have also been very lucky to see three fantastic shows in our auditorium this term! Year 1 were the first to be featured in the Early Years Production There’s a Sunflower in my Supper”. It was then the turn of Years 2 and 3, who showed off their impressive singing and acting skills in Hats Off! This week Years 4, 5 and 6 took to the stage for their performance of the musical Pirates of the Curry Bean. They also impressed their parents, teachers and friends with fantastic comical timing, dancing and singing!
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With the end of term fast approaching, our Primary students are looking forward to sharing even more of their musical talent in the Awards Assembly and Year 6 Graduation on Wednesday 26 June!