From Friday 12th to Monday 15th October, Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST) hosted a group of teachers and other delegates from Cheng-Gong Elementary School in Taiwan.

They came to look at BIST as a result of the excellent reputation we have for dealing with students from a wide variety of different countries and cultures. They landed and Friday and with a brief stop off at the hotel came straight into school. Principal, Mr Lai, and the nine other guests were very impressed with the facilities and the friendly welcoming atmosphere of the staff and students.
They were particularly impressed with the boarding facilities. The party were entertained and spent the weekend exploring Bangkok with visits to the Grand Palace, shopping, the local hospital and the Thai Cultural Centre.
On the Monday they returned to school and were able to observe classroom teaching. We have high hopes that we will soon see students from Cheng-Gong coming to BIST to study with us.
Overall, the visit was a huge success and our visitors went home very happy with what they had seen.


7 out of 12 awards for BIST!
Mori Top in the World!

BIST students swept nine top awards in the recent Cambridge International Examinations sessions, with Morika Georgieva being awarded TOP IN THE WORLD at A Level English Literature.

7 of the 12 A Level awards available in Thailand were won by BIST students!

The full list of awards reads:

Morika Georgieva (A level English Literature)

TOP IN THAILAND (or HIGH ACHIEVEMENT for less subscribed subjects)
Morika Georgieva (Best Across 3 A Levels)
Mila Pencheva (A Level Psychology and French)
Zahab Gilitwala (A Level Chemistry)
Zuzana Damborska (A Level Art and Design)
Ivan Kunev (A Level Mathematics)
Kasidis Sueverachai (Hook) (AS Level Business Studies)
James Brixey (IGCSE Foreign Language Spanish)

We look forward to welcoming Mr Chris Edwards, Headmaster of Bromsgrove School UK, accompanied by Assistant head, Miss Rachel Scannell, to both our campuses on Wednesday 26 September.

As part of the day, Mr Edwards will be addressing the whole school in a special assembly, during which he has promised to provide some musical entertainment of his own.

Tap won the Vietnam Amateur Open last week in? a field of over 100 international competitors – a wonderful achievement from one of our star golfers.

Dear Parents

As you may be aware, a protest at the golf club led to some problems with access to the school today.We have spoken with the protestors and they have assured us that there will be no problem in getting in and out of the entrance on Friday. To allow for a speedy exit from school tomorrow, I ask all parents to collect their children as close to 3pm as possible. We will finish lessons at 2.50pm to assist this. It may be helpful for weekly boarders to also be collected at this time. We hope for a speedy end to the dispute that has nothing to do with the school.


Steve Challoner

Twenty Year 13 students at BIST took a total of 54 A2 examinations in the last examination session, with a phenomenal 63% of the results at either grades A* or A, with 37% of all grades at A*. This represents by far the best A-Level results so far at BIST.

13 of the 15 students who applied to UK universities were able to accept places at their first choice university, while others will be attending universities in the USA and other countries.

Outstanding performances included:

Mila Pencheva: 4 A*
Nikol Lambeva: 3 A*
Desi Ekzarova and Morika Georgieva: 2 A* and 1 A
Preaw Annez: 2 A*
Ben Kovacka: 1 A* and 3 A
Anya Wichitwechkarn (Pam): 1 A* and 2 A.

Headmaster, Mr Challoner, said, ?Students and their parents should be delighted with these sensational results, as is the whole school community. It is a great testament to the hard work and dedication of both students and teachers at BIST. These exceptional Bromsgrovians face a bright and successful future, and we wish them well in their further studies.

Thursday 29 June 1.30pm

Parents are cordially invited to attend this prestigious event to celebrate student achievement and effort in a variety of different areas.


The annual Parent Survey and a new Medical Information Form will be sent to all parents by email on Friday 15 June and in hard copy on Monday 18 June.

Parent Survey

In order to constantly review what we do and how we do it, and how we can improve our service to you and your children, we feel strongly that your input is essential, and we will continue to conduct an annual parent survey. Please complete the Windsor Park Campus Parents? Survey form attached to reflect your honest opinion.

?Medical Form

It is vital that we keep the medical records of your children fully up to date, and would be grateful if you could also complete the Medical Information Form also attached. We will obviously treat all this information in the strictest confidence, and will be updating our database over the summer break. This is an opportunity not just to clarify the correct medical treatment necessary in the case of an emergency, but also a chance to update your contact details.

Both forms may be completed in English or Thai, and either in hard copy or via email.

Please return the hard copies to your child’s Form Tutor OR complete the emailed copies online, save and attach them to your email reply.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation

BIST students took full advantage when ten UK universities set up shop in the Assembly Hall on Friday 18 January. The universities commented on the high quality of out students’ questions.