Bromsgrove made it 2 in a row after clinching the team title at the latest Bangkok Schools Golf Tournament at Lotus Valley Golf Club on Sunday 3 November!

Peng, the star of the moment, continued to astound everyone by returning the best round of golf for the day, an amazing 5 under par 67. Remember, he shot 9 under par in the previous tournament a month ago, so a total of 14 under par for 2 rounds.

The full individual results were:

Class B Boys:
Peng – 67 (5 under par, WINNER of Class B and the best performance of the day)
Boat – par 72 – 3rd (losing 2nd place on a card countback)

Class A Girls
Liz – 78 – 3rd place

Class A Boys
Mark 71 ? 1 under par – WINNER of Class A
Bright 77 – 3rd place


Congratulations to all the players, who also included Mek (Year 7), Robert (Year 11), and Aris (Year 9).

Click here to see more photos

On Sunday 27th October, staff and governors attended the official ‘Groundbreaking Ceremony’ for the new Performing Arts Centre. Attended by Pra Kru Woraseerajarn?(พระครูวรศีลาจาร), who blessed the ground and the new building, the ceremony was a chance for all stakeholders literally to hold one of the nine ‘stakes’ that symbolised the first foundations being laid. We will now all watch with eagerness and excitement as this impressive new facility comes to life over the coming months.

Nat (Punnin Kovapitukted in Year 6), is the 2013/14 BISAC Under13 Girls? Tennis Champion!

At 10 years old the youngest player in the championship, Nat triumphed over 40 other competitors representing all the other BISAC schools in Bangkok to take the title on 12 October. A tremendous achievement for Nat.

We are delighted to inform parents that our application for membership to FOBISSEA has been successful.

FOBISSEA is a Federation of 39 British international schools in the South Asia and South East Asia regions. These schools are found in 11 countries and have educational responsibility for over 25,000 students.

The Federation aims to promote excellence in its member schools, to promote British-style education in South and South East Asia, and to provide the staff of member schools with professional development opportunities similar to the United Kingdom.
It also organises opportunities for students to participate in activities of a sporting, cultural or of an academic nature.


This weekend saw a performance from one of our team members that was simply outstanding.
Peng, one of our new recruits to the school produced his best ever round of golf and possibly the best ever round turned in by any player who has represented Bromsgrove International School in the past.

The Eagles Cup was played at Green Valley Golf Club where Peng produced a score of 63 – 9 under par! As a fellow coach said to me yesterday ?If you put a field of world class golfers out on the course you would struggle to have anyone better that score – even Tiger.?

Peng was playing on the back of a victory at the Mercedes Benz Tournament held at Windsor Park Golf Club last Thursday and Friday – he won this event with 2 par rounds, beating his nearest rival from a field of 140 players, by 2 shots. Congratulations!

Yesterday?s event was the first on our calendar of school events. 8 BIST players were representing the school. The results as follows:

Peng was the winner in Class B and the best score of the tournament 63
Mark was runner up in Class A with 76
Bright won Class A with 75.

The format for the team event has changed this year which stipulates you must have both genders represented and there must be representation from at least 2 divisions. Mek was our 4th member of the team, and we were narrowly beaten to the winner?s podium by ASB.

The team spirit amongst the players is tremendous, and all the golfers are supportive of each other. They were all tremendous ambassadors for the school.
The players were:
Bright Year 13
Mark Year12
Robert Year11
Peng Year 9
Boat Year 9
Ja Year 8
Mek Year 7
Timer Year 6

Congratulations to them all and good luck in the next event on 3 November at Lotus Valley GC.


Nat (Punnin Kovapitukted in Year 6), is the 2013/14 BISAC Under13 Girls? Tennis Champion!

At 10 years old the youngest player in the championship, Nat triumphed over 40 other competitors representing all the other BISAC schools in Bangkok to take the title on 12 October. A tremendous achievement for Nat.

Bromsgrove Senior Choir participated in the 19th Bangkok International Choir Festival in October. Kevin Allen-Schmid, a professional choir conductor from Tanzania, East Africa, was the guest conductor for this year.

The festival took place over 3 days. On 1 October, Kevin came to our school to give a master class to our choir members; on 4 October, there were 5 hours of massed choir rehearsals and on 5 October, 3 hours of rehearsals in the morning and the Gala Concert in the afternoon.

There were 9 participating schools with about 300 students. Each school performed one song and the massed choir performed five. The concert programme covered a wide range of music, from classical church music to gospel, and more modern 60s music.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to Mr Challoner who gave us this chance and always provided support, making this festival a great success. Also, thank you Miss Puk for conducting the choir, and Mr Swan and Mr Savage who came to ?babysit? the choir members in the massed choir rehearsal and the concert days.

The guest conductor was very happy with our performance. Congratulations to all and again, thanks for all our choir members’ hard work. We have to carry on our choir spirit and continue to maintain our high standard. We look forward to next year?s choir festival.

On Thursday 26th September, one year to the day since their last visit BIST was delighted to see the return of Mr Chris Edwards (Headmaster) and Ms Rachel Scannell (Assistant Head) from Bromsgrove School in the UK.
Chris and Rachel spent a full day with us starting with a quick tour and presentation assembly at the Early Years Campus followed by a full day at Windsor Park. During the day Chris and Rachel witnessed some Thai dancing, met the staff, took part in a school assembly, had meetings with the school prefects, had lunch with senior staff, lesson observations throughout primary and secondary, finishing the day with a chat with a small group of parents.
By the end of day Chris was quite emotional. The visit is likely to be his last as Headmaster of Bromsgrove UK. He leaves Bromsgrove to become Principal of The United World College of South East Asia in Singapore. The school wished Chris the very best for the future.

Bromsgrove were proud to host the first Gifted and Talented event of the academic year for the Bangkok Gifted and Talented Cluster Group of International Schools. Twenty four specially selected Year 7 pupils from seven different schools attended The Computer Game Design Day.

The objectives of the day were to:
Understand some of the core principles of computer game
design Explore programming through creating and adapting computer programs Make computer games using Small Basic and Javascript To work with peers from different schools to
develop extended ideas.

The pupils thoroughly enjoyed the day and could not wait to get back to work after lunch! Even the members of staff who attended from other schools were excited to have learned something new about computer game design and computer programming during the day.

Special thanks go to Mr Golding and Mr Denton for planning and organising the events of the day and for making it such a success.

Here are some comments from the Year 7 students at the end of the day.

?Today has been a lot of fun. Firstly, I liked making the ?Street Fighter? on Scratch and learning how to make it work. I have learnt more about how hard it is to make video games with all the graphics today. I hope we do this again because it is so much fun.?
Allister ? Shrewsbury International School

?Today I learned about game designing and I learned about Scratch and Microsoft Small Basic. I also made some new friends. It was good to come here.?
Stella ? American School of Bangkok, Sukhumvit

?I am very happy that I made my own game, and I have done something that I have never done before in my life. I enjoyed having the new experience and maybe, I could become better at it in the future. It was good to work with students from other schools.?
Omsin ? Bromsgrove International School

?I have really enjoyed today. I particularly enjoyed the way Mr Denton showed us how to make games in Scratch.?
Max ? Bromsgrove International School

BIST Girls champions and BIST male and Female MVP awards.

It was a great weekend for BIST at the recent Khao Yai Invitational Basketball tournament. We were overall champions in the Girls tournament, beating Traill in the final by 28-24. A tremendous result by the girls.

Not only that but BIST were awarded both the male and female Most Valuable Player (MVP) medals for the best players in the tournament. Again a fantastic achievement and well done to Janissa and Diego for being awarded these MVP medals. All in all a superb weekend for BIST. Well done to all who played and represented the school at the tournament.

BIST Basketball boys and girls basketball squads at Khao Yai.

This year?s student leaders and Prefects were inaugurated at a special assembly on Monday 9 September. The Student Council members were also inducted at the same event. See the next Bromsgrovian for more details.

The picture shows (l to r): Mr Challoner (Headmaster), Kevin Henkens (Deputy Head Boy), Prawta Annez (Head Girl), Joon Young Byun (Head Boy) and Annemari Magi (Deputy Head Girl) and Mr Rogers (Senior Teacher Operations).