The students of Year 11 spent an enjoyable day with our Apple Education partners using Apple Macs for a number of activities including graphic design and movie making. Prizes were awarded throughout the day including the final short movie completion.

BIST Under 19 Girls Volleyball lost to Wells in the final of a GTAC (Greater Thailand Athletic & Activities Conference) Senior Volleyball Tournament at Concordian International School on 4 October.

The hard fought tournament, with 6 international schools taking part, saw BIST battle through to beat St Stephen’s Khao Yai in the semi final, before meeting their match against a strong Wells team.

Jeen was selected as the best player from our school in the tournament.

Peng, Yr 10 is going from strength to strength! This weekend- 4,5 Oct he competed over 2 days and won the TGA-Singha Junior Golf ranking 2014-2015. His 2day score -3(141) gave him the victory by 4 shots from his nearest rival!

Next weekend he will join the Bromsgrove Golf Team when they tee up at Green Valley for the Eagles Cup. Good luck to Peng and the team who include Mark, Boat, Jump, Dream, Eng, Jaa and Mek.

Bromsgrove International School Thailand is proud once again to celebrate the stellar success of several of our IGCSE and A Level students. Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) annually recognise the students who have scored the highest marks in each of their public examinations, and we are delighted again this year to have some of the very best students in the whole of Thailand.

At IGCSE level, the following students were named ‘Top in Thailand’, having achieved the highest result in the whole country: Seonwoo (Chloe) Ko (Business Studies); Jimyung (Lizzy) Lee (Mathematics); and Vijja (Pat) Wichitwechkarn (Environmental Management). Similarly, at AS Level, Kevin Henkens was named ‘Top in Thailand’ for Business Studies.

At A Level, two of our students were named ‘Top in Thailand’ – Prawta Annez (Art) and Vasilena Sadakova (Business Studies) – whilst Amirmasoud Khosravi and Irena Pecinkova received a ‘High Achievement Award’ for Physics and Biology respectively.

Consistently distinguished amongst the best in the country, our students continue to achieve academic excellence across a variety of subjects. Congratulations to all these students for their amazing achievement.


Morika Georgieva (A level English Literature)
(or HIGH ACHIEVEMENT for less subscribed subjects)
Morika Georgieva (Best Across 3 A Levels)
Mila Pencheva (A Level Psychology and French)
Zahab Gilitwala (A Level Chemistry)
Zuzana Damborska (A Level Art and Design)
Ivan Kunev (A Level Mathematics)
Kasidis Sueverachai (AS Level Business Studies)
James Brixey (IGCSE Foreign Language Spanish)

(or HIGH ACHIEVEMENT for less subscribed subjects)
Kasidis Sueverachai (A Level Business Studies)
Prawta Annez (AS level Art and Design)
James Brixey (A level Chemistry)
Seonwoo Ko (IGCSE Korean)
Surabhi Vanalia (IGCSE Geography)

(or HIGH ACHIEVEMENT for less subscribed subjects)
Seonwoo Ko (IGCSE Business Studies)
Jimyung Lee (IGCSE Level Mathematics)
Vijja Wichitwechkarn (IGCSE Environmental Management)
Kevin Henkens (AS Level Business Studies and History)
Prawta Annez (A Level Art)
Vasilena Sadakova (A Level Business Studies)
Amirmasoud Khosravi (A Level Physics)
Irena Pecinkova (A Level Biology)

(or HIGH ACHIEVEMENT for less subscribed subjects)
Kevin Henkens (A Level Business Studies)
Jiachen Liu (AS Level Chinese Language)
Vijja Wichitwechkarn (A Level Chemistry) and (Best Across 3 A Level)
Pannatorn Pavaupong (As Level Biology)

Download PDF file Top Awards


BIST U16 basketball squad went to the Khao Yai Internationals schools Basketball tournament last week. And reached the final where we faced Harrow school. We lost the final match 29-14.but runners up was still a tremendous achievement. Makito- was voted as 1 of the members of the all star team for the tournament. Congratulations to all who played.

Dear Parents and Guardians

I have had feedback from a number of parents about the time and date of the first Friends of Bromsgrove AGM. Many parents have expressed a concern that having this AGM meeting in the evening would mean many parents would be unable to attend the meeting, due to traffic and child care issues.

After listening to this feedback, I have decided to change the date and time of the meeting to Monday 27th October at 9am, on the Windsor Park Campus.

I trust this change of date and time will enable as many of our parents to attend this important event as possible and I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

If you have not yet nominated yourself to be either a Year Group parent representative role or a FOB Committee member and wish to do so, please return the attached form to Miss Trini, our Parent Liaison Manager at by Friday 24th October.

Warmest Regards,

Dr Dan Moore

Download letter here (ENG)

Download letter here (THAI)

Sunday 28 September 2014 saw the golfers head out of Bangkok to play in the first tournament of the year at Lotus Valley Golf Club. Some superb scores from our players resulted in them clinching the Team award and some individual honours. Peng was our equivalent of Justin Rose in the Europeans team who clinched victory at the weekend against the USA in the Ryder Cup. All the team are needed to clinch the victory but Peng produced yet another amazing score of 5under par – 67!

Team winners :
Best 4 score by Peng 67 , Boat 73 , Mark 75, Dream 75 . Total score +2 beating our nearest rivals ASB by 7 shots!

Individual honours to:
Class A Boys
Boat Runners up

Class B Boys
Peng Winner

Class B Girls
Eng Runners up
Mek 3rd Place

Class C Boys
Dream Winner

Congratulations to them all. The next event is in a fortnight on Sunday October 12 at Green Valley for the Eagles Cup.

Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST)


简体中文版 学校简介(请点击)


2017 年英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校泰國分校成為唯一一家在全球英國國際學校大獎中獲得年度最佳創新教育提名。英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校泰國分校在亞洲經過15年的努力,打造出一個世界認可的東盟國際精英基地。

英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校泰國分校(Bromsgrove International School Thailand, 作為全球知名的英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校(Bromsgrove School , UK)在亞洲唯一的分校,一直致力於為亞洲學生打造最高端的英式國際教育,學校一直有一個信條——沒有不能成才的學生。在過去15年學校也用事實印證了這一點:75%的畢業生進入英美名牌大學,連續3年均有學生申請到牛津或劍橋。

英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校(Bromsgrove School UK),是英國五大著名寄宿學校之一,與英國的伊頓和哈羅公學齊名。學校已經有近460年曆史。主要接收來自英國本地和世界各地的主流人士的子女入學。

2002年,英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校在泰國設立了目前全球唯一的分校英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校泰國分校。英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校泰國分校 98%的管理層人員和教師都是來自英國,經過英國總校精心挑選然後高新聘請到泰國分校工作。全校有400多個學生,其中有100多個是全日寄宿生。學生分別來自英國、美國、西班牙、泰國、韓國、日本、中國大陸、香港、台灣,等20多個國家和地區。



校區坐落於溫莎公園高爾夫球俱樂部內,四周被綠色的球場、茂盛的樹林、金黃的稻田環繞。清新的空氣加上優美的環境,給孩子們提供一個健康快樂的成長 環境,真正地做到為學生的學習和個人成長提供一切可能的需要。校區內具備一流 的教學設施,標準游泳池、健身房、室內外籃球場、大型足球場等等可供學生們學習和娛樂。學校還具有嚴格的安保系統,全天候24小時的安全諮詢服務;同 時,各個公共場所都裝有閉路電視,防火警鐘系統。學校將根據情況為7歲以上學生提供寄宿服務,宿舍區由經驗豐富的捨監和助理教師24小時值班照顧學生,還有專業執牌護士提供基本醫療服務。每天都會組織豐富的課後活動讓寄宿生盡情投入校園生活。









布羅姆斯格羅夫相信每一個學生都有成功的潛能,我們需要做的就是開發他們的潛質並加以輔助。學校教育組經過多年的研究,根據亞洲家庭的教育狀況,投入特別經費建立了一套完善的學習制導系統EAL (語言學習強化系統)。 EAL 特別強化小組由8名專業英語外教組成,他們並不負責任課,他們是專門的輔助師資儲備。 EAL系統功效一,在小學部當任課老師發現在班裡有1-2個同學的學習進度跟不上時,任課老師將會匯報給部長,部長會在EAL 小組抽調一名老師進入到該班級對這些跟不上的同學做隨堂輔導,用慢的語速講解課堂內容,同時不影響其他同學的進度。這就是為什麼有時候會看到一個課堂裡面有兩個外教加一個助教在教學,我們可以稱之為雙師教學。系統功能二,在初高中部新轉學來的學生在進行正常課程教學的情況下,可以獲得EAL 小組老師一對一或者一對二的英語特別強化輔導。這樣的語言學習強化系統在曼谷的國際學校中可以說是獨一無二的,對於英語為非母語的亞洲學生來說,EAL能夠在短期內迅速提升他們的英語水平和溝通能力,以最快的速度適應英式教學系統以及國際化的生活環境,從而實現生活和學習的雙豐收。




每年有成千上萬的學生拿著A+ 或者A 這樣的好成績申請名牌大學,那麼這些名牌大學要怎麼挑選?學霸不一定就能代表你能申請到好的大學,全球的學霸有很多。在激烈的學位競爭下,好成績固然是基礎,但是好成績並不是名校錄取唯一的標準,名校更為註重的是學生的全方位發展和一技之長。這時你初高中的課外活動活躍度和特長就能成為你脫穎而出的加分點。在英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校泰國分校我們有超過40多種的課後活動讓學生選擇,學生可以挑選自己喜歡的去參加,不但可以成為興趣愛好,也能成為一門特長。我們的課外活動70% 是免費的,只有一些專業性比較強的項目需要外聘老師(如:大提琴、 小提琴此類專業項目)會收取一定費用,但收費標準比現在國內的費用低很多,因為課後班的目的是培養學生的興趣和一技之長,而並非賺錢。





2012 TOP IN THE WORLD Morika Georgieva (A level English Literature)

TOP IN THAILAND (or HIGH ACHIEVEMENT for less subscribed subjects)

Morika Georgieva (Best Across 3 A Levels)

Mila Pencheva (A Level Psychology and French)

Zahab Gilitwala (A Level Chemistry)

Zuzana Damborska (A Level Art and Design)

Ivan Kunev (A Level Mathematics)

Kasidis Sueverachai (AS Level Business Studies)

James Brixey (IGCSE Foreign Language Spanish)

2013 TOP IN THAILAND (or HIGH ACHIEVEMENT for less subscribed subjects)

Kasidis Sueverachai (A Level Business Studies)

Prawta Annez (AS level Art and Design)

James Brixey (A level Chemistry)

Seonwoo Ko (IGCSE Korean)

Surabhi Vanalia (IGCSE Geography)

2014 TOP IN THAILAND (or HIGH ACHIEVEMENT for less subscribed subjects)

Seonwoo Ko (IGCSE Business Studies)

Jimyung Lee (IGCSE Level Mathematics)

Vijja Wichitwechkarn (IGCSE Environmental Management)

Kevin Henkens (AS Level Business Studies and History)

Prawta Annez (A Level Art)

Vasilena Sadakova (A Level Business Studies)

Amirmasoud Khosravi (A Level Physics)

Irena Pecinkova (A Level Biology)

2015-2016 TOP IN THAILAND (or HIGH ACHIEVEMENT for less subscribed subjects)

Kevin Henkens (A Level Business Studies)

Jiachen Liu (AS Level Chinese Language)

Vijja Wichitwechkarn (A Level Chemistry) and (Best Across 3A Level)

Pannatorn Pavaupong (As Level Biology)


University of Oxford
King’s College London
Michigan State University
University of Glasgow
University of Warwick
University of Bath
Durham University
University of Edinburgh
Leeds Metropolitan University
London School of Economics
University of Sheffield
The University of Birmingham
The Arts University Bournemouth
University of Essex
Loughborough University
Plymouth University
University of Sussex
Northwestern University USA
Vistula University, Warsaw
Chulalongkorn University
Thammasat University
Mahidol University

—————– 英語加強班課程 ——————

2020 英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校泰國分校新推出英語加強班課程!


招生對象: 2-18歲 適齡男女學生 (幼兒園-高中) 有日制和全日寄宿制可供選擇。
中文報名熱線: +66 2989 4873 轉 吳老師 (MR.Howard)
或直接电子邮件至 吳老師收

Dear Parents,

I am delighted to inform you that we are welcoming the new Headmaster from Bromsgrove UK (BUK), Mr Peter Claque, to Bangkok on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th September next week. As part of Mr Claque’s visit, Bromsgrove UK would like to invite all BIST parents to an evening drinks reception, along with current BUK parents based in Bangkok and BUK alumni. The reception will take place at the Plaza Athenee Hotel, Bangkok ( from 7pm to 9pm on Tuesday 23rd September. Please note that this reception is for BIST parents only, not your children, extended family members or friends.

If you would like to attend this wonderful reception please register the names of attendees to Ms. Aim, our Parent Liaison Officer at WP campus (by email at or by telephone 02 989 4873) by Wednesday 17th September at 4.30pm, who will add your name to the guest list. Please do not inform Ms Bow at the EY campus as Ms Aim will be coordinating the attendees list.

Only parents who have registered by this time will be on the guest list for this event as Bromsgrove UK have to inform the hotel of final numbers for the event by this time. If you have not registered by the deadline on Wednesday 17th September I am afraid that you will not be allowed to attend the event.

I must apologise for the very short time frame for registration, but this event was only finalized by BUK last Friday.

I look forward to seeing many of you at this wonderful reception.

Warmest Regards

Dr Dan Moore

As a result of our pioneering and cutting-edge work on student-level data, GL Assessment, the UK’s premier provider of assessment tools, commissioned this case study about our school.

Download case study here