Nond (Year 12) has achieved the highest score in Thailand at last year (2014)’s ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal School of Music in London) singing examination. He is being invited to perform in the High Scorers’ Concert on this Saturday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm, at the Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre (Details please see here ). This concert includes all the musicians who have achieved the highest score in different musical instruments and is opened to public so if you are interested to come, please make your reservation through the examination authority (Please see here).

Bromsgrove International School Thailand was honoured to welcome His Excellency Mark Kent formally to open their state-of-the-art, new Performing Arts Centre. Likely to be the envy of schools nationwide, with a stunning 500-seat auditorium and a dozen bespoke, 21st Century learning spaces, this new facility further enhances Bromsgrove’s outstanding provision in the Arts.

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Caption for photo: Seonwoo (Chloe) Ko (Head Girl), Kevin Techapichetvanich (Head Boy), Matthew Savage (Deputy Headmaster) and Khun Duenpen (Mint) Pawakranond present to Mr Surachat Chuenchoksan (District Governor of Rotary District 3350) Bromsgrove’s donation of THB50,000 to fund Polio vaccines around the world

Bromsgrove’s unique and trailblazing Polio Points programme, through which points awarded for positive examples of global citizenship amongst our students are converted into cash to fund Polio vaccines around the world, is proving irresistible to international schools across Asia. Already, a number of schools look set to adopt this programme later this year, with Bromsgrove yet again leading the way. So far this year, the achievements of our students, from Pre-Nursery to Year 13, have earned them an enormous number of Polio Points, and this week saw our first donation to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Mr Surachat Chuenchoksan, District Governor for Rotary International District 3350, received our first payment of THB50,000 this week, which will fund the equivalent of 1500 vaccines around the world. In fact, since all donations through Rotary’s Polio Plus programme are double matched by the Gates Foundation, that means we have funded 4500 vaccines in the first half of this academic year. Students at Bromsgrove really are making the world a better place, every single day.

After our success in the Tournament of Champions at Yale University last year, we fielded a squad of 24 students for this year’s regional round. At 10% of our Secondary student body, this was a formidable achievement in itself, against such sizeable competitors as ISB, Patana and NIST. That all 24 of our students qualified for the 2015 Global Round in Kuala Lumpur in June was even more impressive, and a credit to them all. Special mention must go to Thomas and Daisy Savage, who were Bromsgrove’s highest scorers in the Senior and Junior Divisions respectively (with Thomas the 8th highest scorer in the entire competition), and to Team 504 (Thomas, Nuna Kwak and Nicola Loftus) who placed 6th out of all the Senior Teams in Bangkok. Good luck to our Scholars (teams below) as they face the best in the world next term.



Senior Division: Nuna Kwak, Nicola Loftus and Thomas Savage; Tan Kongpithatsilp, May Phaowpat and Julia Schnabel; Nick Park, Sydney Tarrant and Lasanya Withayachon

Junior Division: Andrew Couper, Minjae Lee and Daisy Savage; Cindy Lee, Jeana Lee and Kai Tarrant; Nathan Coates, Leif Holden and Ted Kim; Erik Kang, Jedi Lekavathana and Ben Park; Joon Ho Byun, Mitul Patel and Ananya Sengupta.

The boarders were whisked off on a fabulous trip to Pattaya’s ‘Cartoon Network Amazon’ water park. The day was an absolute success and enjoyed by all. A special thank you to Ms Jaew …..

Headmaster’s visit to our affiliate school, Daewon Foreign Language High School, Seoul, South Korea.

On Thursday 5th March, Dr Moore, Headmaster visited one of our affiliate schools, Daewon Foreign Language High School. During his visit, Dr Moore gave advice to some Year 12 students from the school on UK and USA University applications and the the ‘world of work’. In addition, he met with the School Directors, Heads of Section within the school and also observed a number of lessons around the school campus during his tour.

On Friday 13th March, Bromsgrove hosted the inaugural FOBISIA Student Data Conference. This exciting event brought senior leaders from many of the best international schools across Asia together to explore and learn from the way in which Bromsgrove is trying to personalise learning for every student. It was exciting for us to be able to share our expertise with so many schools, and to learn from them too. It is becoming increasingly clear that Bromsgrove is at the cutting edge of the use of student data fully to understand a child’s attainment, aptitude and attitude. In addition to a keynote from Mr Savage, Deputy Headmaster, the highlight of the conference for many was a presentation from a team of Secondary students, who impressed all delegates with their profound and insightful interpretation of what data means to them.

The event also gave us a chance to give a ‘soft’ launch to our new Performing Arts Centre, in advance of the grand opening on 28th March. Schools far and wide will now have heard about what is a stunning and truly exceptional, 21st Century facility.

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Another great Code Club day was held at BIST. This time we welcomed pupils from a local school Wat Buang Bua. BIST’s fantastic pupils spent the morning teaching them how to create a computer game using Scratch. It was great to see our pupils applying what they had learnt by instructing other students how to program. Not only practising what they had learnt but also learning how to train and instruct others in the use of computer programming as well as giving something back to the local community.
Great fun was had by all!

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What an exciting and highly successful 4 days we had at the U13 BOYS FOBISIA games in Rayong last week. Our boys competed against schools from all over South East Asia and did amazingly well. In the Athletics we won a total of 12 gold medals, 6 silver and 4 bronze. In Basketball we claimed the team bronze medal and in Football we again were superb claiming the silver medal only losing one game in the whole tournament.

So all in all a quite superb event for BIST where we continue to have success upon success in sport. Well done and a huge congratulations to all the boys who represented the school so well.

BIST were track champions with 12 golds 6 silvers and 4 bronze medals in total

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We are happy to announce that BIST raised over 12,000 Baht for The SET Foundation ( during Book Week. The proceeds will be going to the Saengsawan Orphanage in Nakhon Sawan. Thanks to all who donated books, to those who bought them and to those who dressed up as their favourite character. Have a look at this video made by students at BIST who reflected on why they (and all of us) read…

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