Ruth Young, our new Secondary Principal, writes: “A positive and enthusiastic atmosphere has filled the Secondary school since the new academic year has started. It has been a time full of firsts: first assembly, first House competition, first BEAM lesson and first mixed-age tutor time, amongst many more. The tutor groups have named their tutor groups, with the theme of Thai Flora and Fauna to guide them and the final choices are now in pride of place on the House board in Reception. Learning is well underway and students are being shown many innovative and cutting-edge techniques to enhance their education and achieve their full potential. The ideas and inclusive atmosphere seen in every classroom I have visited have been truly inspirational. The students’ reactions to the new mezzanine area on the second floor have been a joy to see: they have now settled into their new space and are enjoying the freedom to both work and relax in comfort. The Trashion Show has made a welcome return to the House Events calendar this year and I am looking forward to sharing photos of the creations that students produce with you next week. Remember: Trashion is the new fashion!”

Wow – what a fantastic start to the new academic year we have had. We have a very new look campus, with our amazing new Primary and Secondary learning spaces and break-out areas, improvements to our boarding houses and our new Sixth Form centre.

Our new teachers have now settled into the ebb and flow of BIST life and are really enjoying getting to know our students. On my daily walkabouts and lesson drop-ins I have really enjoyed seeing the students so engaged in their lessons.

The new homework policy is now up and running, and the feedback from students, parents and teachers has been very positive and I am looking forward to seeing the improvements in the quality of homework now being done by our students.

The ECA programme started this week and I must say that it is no doubt the best ECA programme we have ever had at BIST and my thanks go to Mr Dye, our new Director of Sport and Enrichment for all his hard work putting this programme together over the past three weeks. I walked around the campus on Tuesday and it was a delight to see the students so engaged and excited trying new activities and clubs. I dropped in on Mr Meddows-Taylor to see his drumming club and decided to joined in – I will apparently be making a guest appearance on stage with the group at a later date as I was a natural drummer!

Elliot Dye, our new Director of Sport and Enrichment, writes: “It has been a very exciting start to the year in Sport and Enrichment and what a great start we have had to the comprehensive ECA programme. I really enjoyed walking around the campus as it buzzed with activity. To see all of our students so actively engaged in activities ranging from Drama Club to Volleyball and Manga Drawing to Instrumental Ensemble was a delight. There are a number of big sporting, performance-based and enrichment based events taking place this year, in which we are looking forward to BIST going from strength to strength. One highlight to date has been the trials for the staff football team, in which Dr Moore was able to embarrass a number of younger members of staff with a wyly hattrick. I very much look forward to meeting many Bromsgrovians at various events over the coming weeks.”

Dave Williams, our new Director of Boarding, writes: “It was great to see so many familiar and new faces on Sunday 23 August. There was a great buzz around boarding, as students returned to see all of the new building work and especially the new bedrooms in boys’ boarding. We started the week with a big team-building evening for staff and students, and, as the week has progressed, we have been busy appointing the new prefects for the coming year; good luck to all those that applied. A few tears of missing home were seen on the first couple of nights, but everyone is now settled in again and enjoying boarding life: a big well done to all of our new boarders for settling in so quickly. Next week, we will be launching our evening activity programme and will be opening up requests for using the house tutors. I shall look forward to writing to the parents of boarders early next week to introduce these exciting, new opportunities.”

Welcome back to school to all Bromsgrove golfers! During the holidays, many of our golfers enjoyed tremendous success competing overseas. The results were as follows.

Tanapat Pichaikool ( Peng ) is our star golfer from Year 11. He attended golf tournaments during the semester in the United States, China and Thailand. He achieved a fantastic results.

  • 3rd place in “World stars of junior golf tournament” at TPC Las Vegas USA on 22-24 July 2015. He finished 4 days with a competition score of 214 (-2).
  • Champion in “The 15th Zhang Lian Wei cup Junior Golf Invitational” on 12-13 July 2015 at Shenzhen Noble Merchant Golf Club China. He finished 2 days with competition scores of 62-64 and 126 overall (-18).
  • Winner “Qualifying Bangkok team for National students games 2016” at Watermills Golf & Garden Bangkok on 20-21 August 2015. He finished with 72-70 and 142 overall (-2).

Nicha Vorrasanpisut (Eng) from Year 10 also completed 3 tournaments in the USA.

  • Runner up in ”FCG international Junior golf 2015” at Sycuan Golf Resort.
  • 20th place in “IMG Junior World 2015” at Rancho Bernado Country Club.
  • 4th place in “US Teen World Championship 2015”

Smonporn Santadusit (Ja) Y.10

  • Winner in “Singh – ISF Junior Golf Open 2015” on 23 August 2015 at Unico Grande Golf Club.

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Whether it be calendar events, performances, term dates, parent workshops or anything else at all, you can be sure that you won’t miss anything if you follow us via these channels.


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Bromsgrove International School Thailand has changed. A dramatic transformation has taken place over the summer, creating vibrant, dynamic and 21st Century new learning and social spaces throughout the school..

Bromsgrove International School Thailand has changed. A dramatic transformation has taken place over the summer, creating vibrant, dynamic and 21st Century new learning and social spaces throughout the school. Together, members of staff from every section of the school have worked tirelessly during the summer to get the new school ready for the start of term. An outstanding school needs an outstanding campus – and schools do not get much more outstanding than the new Bromsgrove.

New Primary zone

New Primary playground

New Secondary lounge

New Sixth form common room

New boys boarding room

New Staff room

The second security booth

New student lockers

On Friday 12th June 2015, Early Years and Primary pupils embarked on a musical adventure based around the well known story of the Lion King. Talents were showcased…

Students at Bromsgrove International School would like to ask you some questions…
Should robots run the justice system? Does democracy suit all cultures? Do dictatorships cause more progress than regress?