Pokemon, Mario and Toy Story were the themes for the Primary Trashion show. It was a huge success and it was great to see so many parents turning up to support the event. Parent support was also appreciated at the Early Years campus with parents attending our Literacy and Numeracy themed parents coffee mornings. On Tuesday this week we celebrated Roald Dahl’s birthday with a Dahl inspired dress up day and lots of other Literacy inspired activities in lessons and during break and lunch times. It was a great day, with a few children taking it as an early opportunity to state their character preferences for our end of year production of Matilda. Finally, we welcomed the PTA to eat lunch with the Student Exec as part of our ongoing healthy eating initiative. I would like to thank them for their positive feedback and helpful comments.

It has been an exciting few weeks for our 2017 Bromsgrove university applicants. The Year 13s are working hard to complete their personal statements. We have had visits from representatives from Japan, Australia and the USA to give our students advice on how best to meet the requirements from different universities.

I am also pleased to report that we have seven students from Year 12 and 13 who have been invited to Bangkok Patana School for a workshop to help our young hopefuls with their Oxford applications. In this workshop, they will be trained on how best to prepare for the one of the world’s most prestigious universities.

Also, next week we have a lecturer from Nottingham University visiting Bromsgrove to run a personal statement writing workshop with all of our Year 13s. I have no doubt that this will be a valuable learning experience for our students.

Finally, we still have a variety of top university representatives from the USA, Thailand and the U.K. coming to meet our Year 12s and 13s on the 9 November, and also, Bromsgrove will be at the CIS-EARCOS University Fair at the Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, which will have more than 140 different universities attending. I urge students and parents from Year 11 upwards to come on Saturday the 1st October at 15:45 – 17:45 to see what the world of further education has to offer.

I look forward to seeing you there.
Miss Kenning
HE Advisor



On Saturday 10 September the Music Department performed to a very appreciative audience at Living in Bangkok 2016 at Bumrungrad International Hospital. The short concert featured the Bromsgrove Vocal Ensemble and the school’s talent Music scholarship students.
The programme opened with Bohemian Rhapsody, performed by the Vocal Ensemble which was led by our Choir Director and Vocal Teacher, Alice Law. The first soloist of the programme, Devi in Year 11, followed with a modern solo piano work called River Flows In You. Next, the audience were treated to a thrilling violin solo by Nicha in Year 4 who played the Gigue from Veracini’s Sonata in D Minor. The next three items featured Secondary student’s Jerry (Year 7), Nano and Anna (Year 8). Jerry sang the well know song Walking in the Air from the 1982 animated film The Snowman and Nano impressed us with his piano skills in the Passacaglia from Handel’s Suite No. 7 in G Minor. Lastly, Anna beautifully sang Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from The Phantom of the Opera. The concert was brought to a close by the Vocal Ensemble with Thank You For Being A Friend.
Each student involved gave a wonderful performance and demonstrated their musical talents to their full potential. As Head of the Music Department, I am very proud of them all and very grateful to the students, parents and Miss Alice for the commitment, hard work and practice that made this excellent concert possible.

Jeremy Meddows-Taylor
Head of Music Department

Name Country University Course

Vijja Wichitwechkarn (Pat)


University of Cambridge

Natural Sciences

Napat Matchaseth (Tae)


London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)


Hyejeong  Lee


The University of Manchester

Management (Accounting and Finance)

Hojun Lee UK

Cardiff University

Computer Science

Jaejae  Kim


UCL (University College London)

Information Management for Business

Johanna Keedus (Maria)


University of Dundee


Beeyawat Ball (Peter)


University of Brighton

Civil Engineering (BEng)

Yoonjeong  Jang (Susan)


Durham University

Business and Management

Pannatorn Pavapanupong (Thames)


The University of Sheffield


Jade Paige Taylor


The KSA Academy of Performing Arts

Musical Theatre

Some students have taken a gap year or have not yet decided on their destination

Previous year 2013-2015

It was an honour to welcome a large number of new and returning students to boarding last weekend. We had a fantastic time at the ‘Welcome Back!’ barbecue and look forward to running more community events this year. We have been amazed by the maturity of students to adapt to change and their ever increasing independence. Last week we saw the launch of Thursday Team Time: students worked in their House Teams to complete a scavenger hunt.This week, Ms Drew and Ms Gemma, launched the ‘Morning Mile’ in a bid to promote student health and wellbeing, We have also all had dinner together in the canteen each night and hope that students are learning more about healthy food and lifestyle choices.

Due to the new schedule, Academic Development is now at an earlier time. Primary have responded well to working with Ms Gemma every day; Secondary students now work across three different spaces and are adjusting well to their new study routines. During free time, students can now relax in the refurbished communal spaces: utilising the lounges, study spaces and shared kitchens.

We are pleased to announce that all new students are settling in well and are excited to learn more about the boarding community. We are regularly updating our Boarding Facebook and Instagram pages so please do like and follow us to find out what we have been up to.

Welcome back to all the Primary and Early Years students. It has been lovely catching up with families from our Early Years campus as they joined in our annual Mother’s’ Day celebration. It was a beautiful day and the perfect way to welcome new students and parents into our EY community. Our year has had a Super Start at WP as well with classes from Year 2 – 6 taking part in their topic emersion. Year 6 children were sorted into their Hogwarts Houses with the aid of an eerily familiar sounding sorting hat. Year 2 children enjoyed a ‘Disgusting Discovery’ to build their vocabulary for their topic of the Twits. Across the atrium, Year 5 had to work as detectives to solve a mystery that had been left by the BFG. Finally, possibly the most delicious Super Start took place in Year 3 where children created their own chocolate bars for approval and feedback from Willy Wonka. What a great start to, what promises to be, a very exciting term!

What a fantastic start to the new academic year! On Monday, all students, old and new, were welcomed back to Bromsgrove by Dr Moore in an inspiring assembly. Students then spent the day with their tutors learning from them and the Secondary leadership team about the routines and rules of the Secondary school, the Bromsgrove Award and also the Trashion Show 2016. I am also very proud of the academic results from last year’s Year 11, 12 and 13; please see the Academic Success section of the website for further details. The university destinations this year are outstanding and include the University of Cambridge, University College London, London School of Economics, University of Sheffield, University of Dundee, University of Cardiff and University of Manchester. This week started with the Hustings for Head Boy and Head Girl and all six candidates performed admirably. I look forward to introducing them formally to the school in next week’s assembly on Monday.

During the summer break, the Administration team has prepared the buildings and all facilities to be ready for the opening of the new academic year. At the Ramkamhaeng campus, we have rebuilt the roof of the playground and built the covering of the walkway which will help protect our children from the heat and the rain. At the Windsor Park campus, we have renovated the library, did a lot of maintenance work at the Boarding house & office building, and planted more trees to build fresh and green environment. We would like to ensure that Bromsgrove International School is well equipped with the quality facilities to support the academic achievement of all students.

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Name Country University Course

Vijja Wichitwechkarn (Pat)


University of Cambridge

Natural Sciences

Napat Matchaseth (Tae)


London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)


Hyejeong  Lee


The University of Manchester

Management (Accounting and Finance)

Hojun Lee UK

Cardiff University

Computer Science

Jaejae  Kim


UCL (University College London)

Information Management for Business

Johanna Keedus (Maria)


University of Dundee


Beeyawat Ball (Peter)


University of Brighton

Civil Engineering (BEng)

Yoonjeong  Jang (Susan)


Durham University

Business and Management

Pannatorn Pavapanupong (Thames)


The University of Sheffield


Jade Paige Taylor


The KSA Academy of Performing Arts

Musical Theatre

Some students have taken a gap year or have not yet decided on their destination

Bromsgrove International School is now offering a fantastic opportunity for all students to participate in our After School Chinese Language programme. We provide a fun and safe learning environment for your child to practise Chinese with qualified teachers facilitating activities, supporting learners of every age and level.

Time: Tuesday 15:30-16:30 and Thursday 15:30-16:30
Term 1: 7,200 baht (24 sessions/13 SEP to 8 DEC 2016)
Term 2: 6,900 baht (23 sessions/ 5 JAN to 30 MAR 2017)
Term 3: 6,000 baht (20 sessions/ 18 APR to 22 JUN 2017)

After School Chinese language program 2016-2017

This Scheme of Learning provides an overview of the topics suggested to be covered, dependent on the prior knowledge of students in the group. It will be adapted for the students who enroll in the course.

Click here to see more details

Download Application form

Please contact front office:  Ms Kai 02-989 4873

Chinese Programme