The passing of beloved His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej on October 13, 2559, brought sadness to the people of Thailand. To commemorate and remind our students to be aware of mercy to the people of Thailand and non-Thais under the Royal Optisompar, the school would like to dedicate an arbor memorial for the proclaimed honor of His Majesty the King. The school invites all students, parents and teachers to the year long mourning of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

As our first half term of 2016-17 draws to close, there are so many events planned for or currently taking place! The acts for the Bromsgrove’s Got Talent final have been announced and the video that was shared by Miss Reeks has created an excited buzz in advance of the final which has been postponed to term 2. The acts are all very different and I am very much looking forward to the difficult job of judging the winner! We have had a number of visits from universities across the region to Bromsgrove and our HE/Careers advisor also ran a visit to an Oxford Workshop to further support our students applying there. Some of our students also had a wonderful opportunity to take part in the Bangkok International Choral Festival at ISB and they formed part of a choir that was made up of students from schools across the region. We also hosted a FOBISIA JAWS event at school exploring how we and other schools in South East Asia deliver Outstanding Pastoral Care: this was well attended and all delegates spoke highly of our Student Leadership Group who ran a session for the visiting teachers. Our Upper School students are currently on Challenge Week as I write this and we look forward to welcoming them back on Friday and hearing of their adventures. I wish everyone a happy and relaxing half term break.

We have had a fantastic and busy first half term. This week we have hosted delegates from around the region as we explored what outstanding Pastoral care looks like in an International setting. We also held the first graduation for our Saturday School outreach cohort, celebrating how far they had come in just six short weeks. Our EY campus underwent another deep clean as we closed our Nursery and Pre Nursery block to ensure that the spread of Hand, Foot and Mouth was halted amongst our youngest children. The teachers used this time wisely, building water tables, sensory boards and even a farm ready for our students return. The student leadership committees on Windsor Park have also been busy creating games to ensure that every child enjoys their free time at break and lunch. My favourite game so far has been the Pokemon Go game, created by the Wellbeing committee and featuring pictures of teachers and students. This term I have have seen the children at WP and EY take ownership of their school and their education. I am very proud of what they have achieved, our traditional Fantastic Finish will be held this Friday on WP so please join us to celebrate another great half term.

Recently, our Bromsgrove students attended the CIS Conference in Bangkok where they got to meet over 300 potential universities and their representatives from around the world. This was a very valuable experience for our students to find out more about the different campuses and courses on offer so that they can start to map out their future.

Before the half term break, our five Oxbridge students sent their applications to their chosen colleges and I would like to commend them for all their immense hard work and dedication during the process. But their preparation did not stop there, because we also took a group of students to an Oxford Interview Workshop at Patana where they met other hopeful candidates also competing for a place at the prestigious university. The workshop included interview tips and advice on personal statements and they got a chance to discuss previous interview questions with their peers. It was a valuable practice and experience, and the students were delighted at the chance to face such a challenge.

Finally, on the 9 November, I am happy to announce that Bromsgrove is hosting the BRIT ED university fair, at 08:00 until 09:15, which will be open to Year 10, 11 and 12. This fair will have over ten universities from Japan, and Scotland and also universities that specialise in veterinary and dentistry. We hope that this will aid students in starting to think about their future choices early on.




Peng Tanapat representing Thailand. Won the team competition in “Srixon International Junior classic 2016” at Cypress lake and country club, Austrailia from 4 -7 October 2016. With more than 200 golfers participated.


Referring to Jump’s golf activity (TGA-SINGHA Junior Golf Ranking 2016-2017) by last weekend, he got the winner rank of class BB with the score of 2 over for 2-day competition at Narai Hill, Lopburi. We would like to share our good news and attach some photo for your reference. Thank you for your always kind support to Jump’s study and golf sport.







We are proud to announce that are the first official LittleBits school in Thailand and SE Asia. This now means we are connected to a global network of schools around the world that are also using LittleBits, as we develop our very own Bromsgrove international school MakerSpace.

Click here to see more photos

At Bromsgrove International School Bangkok Thailand, our boarding programme offers our students more than just a place to live while they are away from home; it gives them the opportunity to..



Bromsgrove School UK, one of the UK’s oldest independent schools with over 460 years of history; together with Bromsgrove International School Thailand hosted the BUK & BIST Alumni receptions in September. The event was a wonderful opportunity for both schools’ alumni to get back in touch with friends and other Old Bromsgrovians such as the Sundaravej brothers – Mr Dilokpol, Kampol and Kritapol; Mr Chris Sarasin and Mr Piya Yodmani. On this occasion, the Headmaster of Bromsgrove School UK and Senior staff got a chance to meet with both school’s alumni after visiting Bromsgrove International School Thailand to discuss opportunities with the BIST Headmaster, Dr Dan Moore, to further strengthen ties between the two schools moving forward.


Click here to see more photos

Last week we had our first official Thursday Team Time where day students were invited to join their friends and experience an evening in boarding. It was wonderful to see everyone working hard in Academic Development, talking together over a delicious BBQ and participating in a good old game of dodgeball! We look forward to welcoming more day students to our Thursday Team Time events and weekend trips.

This week, it was our pleasure to welcome staff from Bromsgrove UK into our boarding houses. We shared with them the developments that have been made and were pleased to hear that they wanted to take back many example of good practise to the UK boarding houses. This in itself goes to show how BIST’s boarding provision is going from strength to strength to ensure that every child is developed both socially and emotionally.

As many of you may know, we have been working since April to provide a well structured personalised program for our youngest boarders. We are now pleased to share with you this little video, which shows some of the highlights of “A day in the life of a Primary Boarder”

(Please click here)