

The Chelsea Football Club Foundation opening academy session was a huge success with over 20 students involved, despite the secondary students having only just returned from school trips.

Chelsea brought three top coaches with them, led by Laurence Griffin, and split the students into smaller groups. These groups focused on striking the ball. All students involved had a great time and are already talking about next week’s session.

There are still spaces available for students who are yet to sign up. If you are interested, please see the link. (Download letter here)img_4085_resize





On 12th of November, almost a month after the sad passing of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 16 Bromsgrove students from Years 11, 12, and 13 visited the Sanam Luang area of Bangkok to join the people of Thailand in mourning the loss. The voluntary service in helping the Volunteer for Dad group continued from 8.00 to 12.00 in the morning, and students participated in many works including giving out simple snacks to mourners, picking up rubbish and cleaning up the place. It was a meaningful trip as the students could actually take part in mourning of the loss in person and share the same feelings with many of the mourners of Thailand. After the service, our students said that they were willing to contribute further in similar voluntary work.

By Jason (Head Boy)

Please enjoy this video made by Satang (Head Girl)

Dear Parents and Guardians
Re: Planned Road Closure on Suwinthawong Road on November 15

The school has been informed today by the local government transport department that
the area of Suwinthawong Road in front of Soi 15 (the road leading into the Windsor
Park Golf Course) will be closed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m on Tuesday
November 15th to install a new footbridge over the width of the road. They have said
that alternative routes will be put in place to allow access to our Soi, so the campus is
still, as far as we know, accessible.

This closure should not effect the morning drop off to our Windsor Park Campus but it
may cause a delay for those parents coming to Windsor Park Campus to pick up their
children at 3.30 p.m. after ECAs have finished. Please allow for an additional 30
minutes travel time to reach the WP campus on this day.

Warmest Regards

Dr Dan Moore
Headmaster & CEO

View alternative routes map bellow



เรียน ท่านผู้ปกครอง
เรื่อง ปิดการจราจรเส้นทางบริเวณถนนสุวินทวงศ์ วันที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน

ทางโรงเรียนได้รับแจ้งจากหมวดทางหลวงร่มเกล้า แขวงทางหลวงกรุงเทพฯว่าจะปิดการจราจรเส้นทางบริเวณถนนสุวินทวงศ์ช่วงซอย 15 (ถนนที่นำเข้ามาในวินด์เซอร์ปาร์คกอล์ฟคลับ) ในวันอังคารที่ 15 พฤศจิกายนระหว่างเวลา 10:00 น.ถึงเวลา 16:00 น. เพื่อยกคานสะพานลอยคนเดินข้ามในช่วงความกว้างของถนน ทางแขวงทางหลวงกรุงเทพฯแจ้งว่าจะมีการจัดเส้นทางเลี่ยงเพื่อการสัญจร อย่างไรก็ตามท่านยังสามารถเดินทางมาที่โรงเรียนได้

การปิดเส้นทางการจราจรดังกล่าวจะไม่กระทบต่อการส่งบุตรหลานที่โรงเรียนในตอนเช้า แต่จะก่อให้เกิดความล่าช้าสำหรับท่านผู้ปกครองในการมารับบุตรหลานช่วงเลิกเรียนหลังจากการเรียนECAsเวลา 15.30 น กรุณาเผื่อเวลาการเดินทางเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างน้อย 30 นาทีในวันดังกล่าว

ดร. แดน มัวร์
ครูใหญ่ & หัวหน้าฝ่ายบริหาร


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On Wednesday 9 November,Theekawut Boonvijit, a well known practising Thai Artist; who teaches at Silpakorn University in Bangkok, visited us. He talked about his own work, a short history of Contemporary Thai Art and ran an Art Workshop with the Year 11, 12 and 13 Art classes where he encouraged the students to work from their imagination to create pieces of work with interesting imagery and meaning. They also explored different techniques to create textures using spray paint and marker pen and then experimented with collage and mixed media, based on the work of Surreal Artists such as Renee Magritte. The workshop was extremely interesting and successful and, after it had finished, the Year 13’s had the opportunity to interview the artist about his own work, practice and ideas.




1478434961260The BIST Golf Team were in action again last week, taking part in the Phoenix Golf Tournament at Suvanarbhumi Golf and Country club. This is a prestigious tournament attracting over 80 young golfers from Bangkok and the surrounding areas.

Once again our team, made up of Peng, Jump, Dream, Eng, Estelle, Anais, Marvin, Top and Heart, performed very well managing a very pleasing Runners-up place, in the overall teams event.

This success was mirrored by our students in their individual competitions, with fantastic results for Peng, Jump and Estelle.

Peng : Class A boys Winner score (-7) 65
Jump : Class B boys Winner score (-3) 69
Estelle : Class B girls Runner up score (-1) 71




This week we have had the BRIT ED fair come to visit BIST. It was an exciting hour with over 20 different universities from all over the UK, Scotland, Thailand and even Grenada, come to speak to our Year 11 and 12 students about their futures.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank some of our Year 13 students who gave up their time, and set up their own stall, to share their experiences and offer guidance to their younger peers about applying to university.






screen-shot-2559-11-07-at-16-16-38It is with great pride and honour that Bromsgrove International School Thailand welcomes Chelsea Football Club Foundation to work with our footballers as part of the school’s sports academy.

We are very excited to be able to offer our students the chance to be coached by members of one of the leading football clubs in world football. This a great opportunity for them to learn and develop the skills also taught to top level students and players at Chelsea.

The Academy will start coaching on Monday 14 November from 3:00pm-4:00pm with a view to running a second session from 4:00pm-5:00pm for secondary students as the numbers grow.



Richard Brookes, governor from BUK, visited Bromsgrove International School Thailand last week. He spent three busy and productive days in school. During this time he met with students, staff and governors both at our Windsor Park campus and Early Years and had the opportunity to see our outstanding facilities and experience our supportive and engaging learning environments.

We would like to thank him for his time and kind words throughout his visit, it was a great opportunity to see our school through fresh eyes and celebrate the fantastic contributions that our staff and students make to school life.

Click here to see more photos

What an incredible half term, old all new boarders are settling in well to the new academic year and starting to flourish in boarding life. Our Boarding Student Leadership is working hard in a number of roles and we are happy to announce that the Boarding Shop is now open twice a week. Participating in a number of sporting events boarders have developed more active lifestyles this half term. Many boarders have been involved in the TISAC Basketball League, played a range of sports during their free time and competed for House Points during Thursday’s Team Time activities. One spectacular evening was the Boarding Talent Show which gave us a preview of the incredible acts we can look forward to at the Bromgrove’s Got Talent event next. Our full boarders have had the opportunity to go on a wide range of trips at the weekends: Flow House last weekend was thoroughly enjoyed by all. This week Tudor House and Windsor House are both a little quieter as our oldest students are out on Challenge week- we hope they’ve had a magnificent time. For those heading out on Challenge week next half term please spend some time during the holiday to check that you have everything you need to take with you. We are already working together to plan a number of events next term. The first event we wish to invite you to is the Halloween Party on Thursday 27th October; please contact Ms Gemma or K Kai if you wish to join us.

This week has seen the first of our much anticipated trips head off. Three quarters of the Year 11-13 students attending the trips jetted off to Chiang Mai for a week of adventurous activities and community service tasks. The other quarter of the groups were bussed down to Pattaya to begin a week of snorkeling and learning to dive off the beautiful coastline around Sattahip and Rayong. The remainder of our trips take place after the half term break; please remember to complete all of the necessary paperwork!
The school basketball teams have continued to have success especially at U15 and senior levels where our boy’s teams are looking very strong. One of the highlights of the recent senior boy’s victory over KIS International School was the big 3-pointer from Dragon – well done!
The Bromsgrove Sports Academy groups have been a huge success during this first half term, with the swimming group full, the golf group similarly full and very good numbers in the basketball academy. We are now looking at introducing a football academy starting in November and look forward to being able to share more information about this in the coming days.