At BIST, we have an outstanding track record of securing places for our students at some of the best universities in the UK and, increasingly, around the world.

Sports Academy Term 2
We are delighted to inform you that the BIST Sports Academy will be restarting next week and will run for 10 weeks this term.

Academy Starting Time Cost
Football with Chelsea Football Club Monday 16 January 3.00 – 4.00pm THB 500 per session
Swimming Tuesday 17 January 3.30 – 4.30pm THB 250 per session
Golf* Wednesday 18 January 2.30 – 4.00pm THB 5600 For the Term
Basketball Thursday 19 January 3.30 – 4.30pm THB 250 per session


Please be aware that golf will be delivered by ‘Talents Golf Academy’ and will be held off site this term. The golfers will have 2 trays of range balls and coaching from the professionals at Talents Golf Academy. If you are interested in the golf, or have any further questions, please contact Mr Tak at

Please contact the school finance office to register your child for an academy or contact Mr Elliot Dye at for further details.

As representatives of the school, my fellow House Captains and I went to Camillian Home to donate some gifts to the children. Camillian Home is a place for disabled children to learn to lead a normal life once they are old enough to leave the place. Since the home is constantly in need of voluntary donations, we decided to run a fundraiser at our school where the students from Bromsgrove could donate their used shoe boxes which were used to make the boxes for the gifts, which were later wrapped in decorative wrapping papers.

Once the gifts were ready, we left for Camillian Home which is located in Lat Krabang. I had expected to see a bunch of children staring at us from a distance, wondering who we were, but instead we were greeted by just four children waiting and avoiding eye contact. Moreover, my first impression was that the home was very different to what I had expected, especially with most lights off in rooms and the lack of people in general.

However, once we got to see deeper into the Home wheremost children were, I noticed an obvious change of atmosphere. Some children were playing basketball, while others were doing listening to music or talking to each other and they had one thing in common: they all looked happy and joyful. I could sense that they all enjoyed being in Camillian Home and that they wouldn’t have been like this if donations like ours were not received as it seems that they keep the Home going. I was very proud of my actions and that we definitely were doing the right thing and helping to keep them happy.


Eventually the time for us to leave came, we took a last look at the Home and boarded the van back to school. We knew what we have done might not have been a grand gesture, but we all went back to school knowing that we had made a difference to those children.

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that Bromsgrove International School Thailand has been shortlisted for the British International School Awards 2017.

More than 600 people participated in Bromsgrove 5th Annual Charity Run held at Bromsgrove International School, Windsor Park Campus, on Dec 2, 2016 to raise funds for student charity work.

Over the Christmas holiday, the maintenance teams on both campuses have been working on several renovation projects. At the Ramkamhaeng campus, we have fitted a sink in many class rooms to encourage children and staff to wash their hands regularly to prevent the spread of germs which could cause illness, and have also undertaken a deep clean throughout the entire campus. Mosquito fogging will also take place before the new school term resumes in January. At the Windsor Park campus, we have renovated the 4th floor of the Boys’ boarding house including changing the bedroom furniture for the whole floor; prepared the new Year 2 classroom ready for Ms Bethel’s class, and we have also fixed and upgraded the canteen floor. The school continues to put in every effort to ensure that our school campus facilities are both in good condition and safe for our students and and staff at both campuses.



More than 600 people participated in Bromsgrove 5th Annual Charity Run held at Bromsgrove International School, Windsor Park Campus, on Dec 2, 2016 to raise funds for student charity work.

The idea of this charity run came about in 2012 because we believe running can be fun and meaningful not only to our lives but others. The idea was advanced into action by a number of teachers, students, school staff, parents and sponsors and became the school tradition.

The first part of the run had mostly members of Early Years participating a 700 meters run. The second had another 2.5 kilometer run followed by a five kilometer run participated by the rest of participants.

To participate in this run, participants had paid a THB 200 registration fee which came with a run t-shirt, specially designed by Tienhom, Year 5 student. The THB 123,977 donation was raised and it will become the fund for student charity works.

Thank you to our sponsors this year; Property Perfect, OSC, Novotel, Pan, PTA, Windsor Park and Golf Club, AMA Events, CPF and Seriruk Hospital.

To view the Bromsgrove 5th Annual Charity Run video click here

Click here to see more photos

Bromsgrove Intensive English Camp (IEC)

Monday 13th March 2017 to Friday 31st March 2017

In our continued efforts to make Bromsgrove, Thailand a true international school, Mr A Williams and Khun Howard joined the IQ International Boarding Schools Fair earlier this month. This tour takes in three major Russian cities – St Petersburg, Ufa and Moscow – and we were busy across the tour. We had a large number of families who were extremely interested in both our boarding and Summer schools and, due to the fact that this was our second year working with IQ, our reputation preceded us! As ever, it was great to work with Ms. Rachel Scanell from our sister school in the UK and we presented a strong Bromsgrove force in two of the cities. We look forward to welcoming some of the prospective families to our Windsor Park campus at the start of the new term as they come to look about the school to get a taste, first hand, of our excellent facilities and outstanding teachers.

This fortnight has been all about reflection in boarding. Students have been reflecting on their achievements and setting targets for the term ahead. They have also had the opportunity to complete an end of term survey to share their ideas with the boarding team. Our reflections culminated in our End of Term Meal and Awards Ceremony, in which we shared a delicious meal, recognised student success and remembered some of the highlights from the past few months. We are all extremely proud of all of the boarders this term: each and every one of them has met many of their own goals and targets.

Many boarders have been working hard to collate evidence for their Bromsgrove Award over the past two weeks and we hope that students continue to submit their projects to their Heads of House over the coming weeks. Students who do not feel that they are near to completing a section of their Bromsgrove Award, should spend some time during the break thinking about what they need to do next term.

We hope that all students have a safe journey home over the December break and enjoy spending time with their family and friends. Students in examination years should be reminded that their mocks are imminent and they should use their time wisely to balance relaxation with revision!

Looking to the term ahead, we are excited to welcome all new and returning students back after the break. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all parents that we expect students to return from 4pm on January 3rd unless your have made alternative arrangements with Ms Gemma and Ms Drew.