Open to Year 7 – 13 (24 places only)
Cost : THB 40,000
(All inclusive except personal spending money)
Places allocated on a first come first served basis

A big round of applause to Walters for taking home the trophy this year in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 Sports Day which took place on Friday 13th January 2017 at Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST), Windsor Park Campus.

It was a great opportunity to join the community together in order to support our youngest students at Bromsgrove with the aim to promote sportsmanship and participation. Many parents and grandparents came to cheer for the children while they raced through the 6 activity station carousel. It was lovely to see some parents also raced with their children!

The children had a set amount of time to complete as many runs for their house as possible, every completed runs earned 1 point for their house. Points were collected from each station and awarded to the 3 houses, Taylor, Edwards and Walters.

Station 1: the activity race, the children jump into 4 hoops then run a short distance, complete 3 star jumps and then either continue to a cone and back on a space hopper or for Pre-nursery driving a Little Tykes car.

Station 2: the ball slalom race, the children must run in and out of 10 cones, they then collect a ball and run as fast as possible back to their team to place the ball in their team basket, a point is given for each ball collected.

Station 3: the egg and spoon race, the children must try and balance an egg on a spoon and run a short distance to a cone and return to their team, passing the egg and spoon back to the next team mate.
Station 4: the water race, each team is given a cup, each child runs to a bowl filled with house coloured water (red/blue/green)they fill up their cup and return to their team to put the water into a bottle, the aim is to spill as little as possible and fill the bottle quickly.

Station 5: the tyre and sack race, the children push a tyre a short distance to a jumping sack, they then climb into the sack and jump to a cone and back, they climb out of the sac and return pushing the tyre back to their team.

Station 6: the obstacle race, the children climb through a hoop, then balance a bean bag on their head walking a short distance until they get to a crawling tunnel, they take the bean bag off their head and crawl through the tunnel, when out of the tunnel they run to a cone and back to the tunnel, crawling again through the tunnel, collecting their bean bag and running back to their team.

The Year 1 and Year 2 students also completed a one lap race, again to earn a point for their team, every child who took part in the race received 1 point, and the winner received an extra 6 points, 2nd place received 4 points, and 3rd place received 2 points.

This year Walters won first place for earning a total of 417 points, 2nd place Edwards, 371 points; and 3rd place Taylor, 364 points.

Towards the end of the event, we had an opportunity for parents to demonstrate their sporting prowess in a fun race, which was a mixture of what their children did in their race but with a touch of trickiness. And coincidently, Walters parents won. We finished the event with the presentation of the Sports Day Trophy for the winning house. Again, Bravo Walters!

This event could not have been successful if not for our youngest children’s determination and spirit, parents & grandparents’ support and participation, and all the staff members who put their effort into organizing every bit of details of the day. We are thankful for you all!

To watch Bromsgrove Early Years and KS1 Sports Day video, click here

For more photos  here

A big round of applause to Walters for taking home the trophy this year in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 Sports Day which took place on Friday 13th January 2017 at Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST), Windsor Park Campus.

We are very proud of Varinnicha Polnara (Nicha) and Bhumkit Pitchayasaowapak (Heart ) in Year 4 who have achieved the Outstanding Youth Award 2016. The Awards were received for exellence in Music and Sport. They both met the Prime Minister of Thailand and received the trophy on 11 January 2017. Congratulations Nicha and Heart !

A huge thanks to our group of students who took part in the annual ServICE Conference at Bangkok Patana over the weekend.
The conference allowed students to take part in a wide range of projects, all focused on giving back to the local community.

They also participated in a number of workshops about global issues and reflected on the United Nation global goals.
The students will now all document the work that they completed this weekendand so that they can earn the positivity element of the Bromsgrove Award.
The students involved will also be rewarded with a non-uniform day this coming Friday!
Special thanks to Miss Hardy for organising the event and also to both Miss Hardy and Mrs Tarrant for their time over the weekend at servICE.

It has been a very busy start to the term with the Term 2 ECA programme getting underway and football trials and training starting for our teams entered in the TISAC football leagues.The sports academy has also got underway this week and there are still space available in basketball, football and swimming.

The first of the TISAC football fixtures have taken place this week with the U13 boys, coached by Mr Duncan Reilly getting two wins and one loss in their opening round of fixtures. There were some very good performances all around with Yusang, Isaac, Patrick and Fram stand out performers on the day. The U13 girls team also have their opening round of fixtures this week and have been preparing well with Mr Richard Gater.

This week has also seen our primary athletes compete at the TISAC Primary Athletics event at St John’s International school. With some of our athletes changing age groups it was not going to be easy but it was great to come away from the event with more team medals than last year. Our secondary athletes will be in action on 19 January.

Finally, this week has seen the start of preparations for the FOBISIA U13 Games to be held at Garden International School, Rayong in March. The team are training hard on Wednesday’s between now and the event in the hope of setting new personal records and even winning some medals.

We have had a very busy start to the term in boarding with our eldest students preparing for and completing their mocks examinations. The students have learnt a lot through this experience and have developed their study skills for the next examination period. One highlight of the past few weeks has been the exciting range of exciting Thursday Team Time events including the House Lip Sync competition and Charades. Student had the opportunity to participate in a range of weekend trips including TITLE FROM MINH . Please visit out BIST Boarding facebook page to see which trips we would like to invite day students to this term. If you are interested in coming please contact us.

A large number of students have joined our new sports teams and we now have a Boarding Football Club and Boarding Basketball Team. Ms Jessica has also started a Zumba class which was popular with many students and we hope to see even more boarders there this week.

First of all, we would like to say a very Happy New Year to all of our Boarders and their families. It was wonderful to welcome most of the students back on Tuesday and to see the joy on their faces as they were reunited with their friends after a well deserved break. We have also had six new Boarders joining our family, who are beginning to settle in very well. During the break, we began the next stage in our renovation process, which saw the fourth floor of Windsor House being stripped, redecorated and completed with new furniture.

The next few weeks promise to be very busy for our Boarders including new Thursday Team Time activities, weekend trips, school events and mock exams. As always, we will endeavour to ensure the Facebook Page is updated regularly so please do make sure you like and follow

I was lucky to visit our sister school in England this week, Bromsgrove UK. It was a wonderful experience seeing the many similarities between our practice and theirs. I had the opportunity to meet teachers and students and discuss how we can work together as one global Bromsgrove family and I am looking forward to working even more closely with them in the future. School life has also been very busy with mock exams taking place for Years 11, 12 and 13. The Term 2 ECAs are underway and I am pleased to see students taking part in a huge range of activities from sporting to debating to gardening.

This week was Early Years sports day. The children had a huge amount of fun taking part in a range of challenging activities. Everyone worked as a team and I was impressed at how collaborative and supportive the children were, both to their teammates and those in different houses. A special mention should also go to our Student Exec and House Captains who supported the younger children throughout the day demonstrating real maturity and leadership. The final event at sports day was the teacher/parent race. A great chance for everyone to get involved with the fun and an insight into how competitive the adults can be! Well done Walters, who won the House cup.