At the Graduation ceremony on Friday 9 June, we formally bid farewell to Year 13 with the help of friends, family, students and old Bromsgrovians who were there to celebrate the achievements of our class of 2017. We were delighted to invite the guest of honour Mr Peter Malhotra, the owner and Managing Director of the Pattaya Mail Media Group to address the graduating students. His warm and inspirational words called on the graduating students to consider their future career paths wisely, and take up every opportunity granted to them as they journey towards adulthood. Good luck Year 13!

FOBISIA Primary Games 2017
31 May – 4 June
Thankyapura, Phuket.

Following months of training, the team finally set out early on Wednesday 31 May to travel to Phuket for the Primary FOBISIA Games.

The first day of competition was a big day for students, with the swimming competition during the morning and athletics during the late afternoon. It was a fantastic day with our students winning 41 medals in the pool and another 58 medals during the athletics. These efforts were rewarded as Bromsgrove picked up the overall champions trophy for the athletics and the runners-up trophy in the swimming.

Days two and three of the competition were the team sports days, with tee-ball on the Friday and football on Saturday. The Bromsgrove teams again performed exceptionally well, with the U11 team winning the champions trophy in tee-ball and the U10 team following that by winning the runners-up trophy.

Football on the final day was demanding following two full days of sporting activities, but again the BIST teams put on stellar performances. The U10 and U11 girls’ teams both won silver team medals and the U10 boys won bronze.

The games were a huge success for Bromsgrove with the students bringing home over 100 medals and trophies.

As a coaching team, we would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to all of the parents for their support and encouragement throughout the games and the run up to them. We would also like to thank our sponsors, Pan Sport and Gap, for their wonderful support of BIST.

At Bromsgrove, we are prototyping our new creation using our 3D printer, the S++ from BotNLife, giving a new twist on our beloved mascot, the Bromsgrove Bear. You may find him out and about around the Early Years and Windsor Park Campuses, so look out!

Welcome to Bromsgrove International Summer School

Bromsgrove Summer Camp in Bangkok, Thailand

博士高國際英語強化班和冒險夏令營。 專為8-15歲的國際學生而設計。 該課程不僅提供英語強化課程,而且還提供了體驗自然科學,電腦技術,藝術,音樂和戲劇等各種專業課程的機會。 伴隨學生從課堂上的英語教學進度,夏令營還將帶學生泰國曼谷各地的名勝古跡,參與各種室內、室外體育活動和遊覽。除了學習和遊玩,還將訓練團隊精神和國際視野列入課堂。讓來自不同國家的學生可以作歡快的文化交流。


非寄宿夏令營 (星期一至星期六,早上8點-下午4點30分)

兩周營: 2017年7月10日-21日 費用:3萬6千泰銖
三週營:2017年7月10日-28日 費用: 5萬4千泰銖

寄宿營 (24小時)

兩周營: 2017年7月10日-21日 費用:5萬6千泰銖
三週營:2017年7月10日-28日 費用: 7萬6千泰銖



Have any enquiries? Please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly.


    At Bromsgrove we are always looking to the future and considering how we can take a more innovative approach to teaching and learning. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that we have recently acquired a fantastic 3D printer, supplied to us by the local company BotNlife. 3D printers are shaping and changing our society with new and exciting developments, such as printing organs for transplant patients, being announced frequently.  By introducing students to this kind of technology, we are preparing them for the future of 3D-modelling and prototyping.

    Our secondary students are currently exploring 3D printing in a variety of different projects across the school curriculum. One example of these projects is our Geometric Shapes Challenge:  students have been designing and making 3D shapes in maths to help them better understand how to measure volume and surface area. What an exciting way to develop these skills! Our students have really enjoyed holding the shapes in their hands and approaching maths problems in a more tangible way.

    Our primary students have also been exploring 3D printing with a few projects of their own. During their MakerSpace ECA the students have been designing badges using Tinkercad software and printing their own creations. This has allowed the students to become involved in every stage of the production process, from the initial design to the final piece.

    We look forward to the up and coming academic year, eager to see what our students will achieve next!

    Congratulations to all the Bromsgrove winners in the International School Chinese Speech Competition 2017 at TCIS, a prestigious event with more then 70 competitors.
    Michael in Year 9 came second in the secondary group J.
    Ja Ja in year 10 also won second place for non-native Chinese secondary group S.
    Finally, Cathy in Year 10 won second place for native Chinese secondary group S.
    Overall, Bromsgrove was the best overall school with three second place trophy winners.

    The official ceremony celebrating the partnership between Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST) and the International School of Samui (ISS) was held on 21 April 2017 at BIST’s Windsor Park Campus. Thanks to this collaborative partnership, Year 11 students from the International School of Samui now have a clear pathway to a UK Sixth Form curriculum of A-Levels and/or the Diploma programme at Bromsgrove International School Thailand, one of the leading boarding British International Schools in Bangkok.

    (From left to right) Dr Daniel Moore, Headmaster & CEO, BIST, Mr Prasit Pawakranond, Chairman of BIST Board of Governors, Mr Jeremy Lees, Headmaster of International School of Samui, Mr Wicha Leeskul , BIST Board of Governors, at the signing ceremony.

    Bromsgrove Intensive English and Adventure Camp
    5-19 July 2019 (15 days)
    For children aged 8-15, All nationalities 

    • DAY CAMP (Mon-Fri from 08.30-16.30) THB 40,000

    • BOARDING CAMP (24 hrs) THB 69,000

    Download the camp brochure
    Download the application form

    Contact for registration: Natsanan (Ning) Byrne at
    Call: 02-989-4873

    Bromsgrove Intensive English and Adventure Camp takes place at Bromsgrove International School Thailand, situated in its own landscaped grounds, and adjacent to a 36-hole golf course in Bangkok. It is just a 20 minutes drive from Suvarnabhumi International Airport but the natural setting feels worlds away from the hectic bustle of the city.

    Our Summer Camp focuses on developing children’s English language capabilities alongside opportunities in skills enrichment, character building, and problem-solving throughout the 15 days program. Students will learn to lead an active lifestyle, work in teams, extend their personal limits as well as work to enhance social, emotional and fundamental life skills for a successful life. We also offer the chance for children to experience British boarding life firsthand in our prestigious and safe boarding facilities, with trustworthy staff.

    โอกาสที่ดีสำหรับเด็กๆอายุ 8 ถึง 15 ปีจากทั่วโลกในการเพิ่มพูนประสบการณ์และความรู้ภาษาอังกฤษ

    มาเรียนรู้อย่างสนุกสนาน พบปะเพื่อนใหม่จากทั่วโลก
    ที่ค่ายกิจกรรมสันทนาการและผจญภัยภาษาอังกฤษ Bromsgrove Intensive English and Adventure Camp ของโรงเรียนนานาชาติบรอมส์โกรฟ ประเทศไทย

     5-19 กรกฎาคม 2562 (15 วัน)

    สอบถามเพิ่มเติมหรือสมัครเข้าร่วมแคมป์ติดต่อ คุณหนิง อีเมล
    โทร 02-989-4873

    • แคมป์แบบไปกลับ 08.30-16.30 น. วันจันทร์ถึงศุกร์
      40,000 บาท รวมค่าเล่าเรียนและกิจกรรมภายในโรงเรียน อาหารกลางวัน ของว่าง เสื้อแคมป์
      ค่าเดินทางและทริปกิจกรรมนอกสถานที่ 1 ครั้ง ชั้นเรียนกอล์ฟ ชั้นเรียนทำอาหาร (ไม่รวมค่าใช้จ่ายส่วนตัวอื่นๆ เช่น ค่าตั๋วเครื่องบิน ค่าวีซ่า ค่าโทรศัพท์ ค่าชอปปิ้ง)
    • แคมป์แบบประจำ 24 ชั่วโมง
      69,000 บาท รวมค่าเล่าเรียนและกิจกรรมภายในโรงเรียน ค่าหอพัก บริการซักรีด อาหารทุกมื้อ ของว่าง เสื้อแคมป์ ค่าเดินทางและทริปกิจกรรมนอกสถานที่ 5 ครั้ง ชั้นเรียนกอล์ฟ ชั้นเรียนทำอาหาร (ไม่รวมค่าใช้จ่ายส่วนตัวอื่นๆ เช่น ค่าตั๋วเครื่องบิน ค่าวีซ่า ค่าโทรศัพท์ ค่าชอปปิ้ง)

    เราเชื่อว่าเด็กๆจะเรียนรู้ได้มากที่สุดเมื่อพวกเขาสนุก ค่ายของเราจึงออกแบบมาเพื่อให้เด็กๆเพลิดเพลินและเรียนรู้ผ่านกิจกรรมทั้งภายในห้องเรียนและกิจกรรมกลางแจ้ง เด็กๆจะได้เรียนและอยู่ภายใต้การดูแลของครูเจ้าของภาษาผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิของบรอมส์โกรฟ และมีโอกาสในการใช้ภาษาอังกฤษทั้งฟัง พูด อ่านและเขียน นอกจากนั้น ยังได้เรียนรู้ทักษะการเป็นผู้นำ การทำงานเป็นทีม ตลอดจนได้พัฒนาทักษะการเข้าสังคม การจัดการกับอารมณ์เชิงบวก และทักษะอื่นๆ ร่วมกับเพื่อนในระดับอายุเดียวกันจากหลากหลายประเทศ เพื่อเป็นพื้นฐานการดำรงชีวิตที่ประสบความสำเร็จและมีความสุขต่อไปในอนาคต

    ค่ายกิจกรรมสันทนาการและผจญภัยภาษาอังกฤษ Bromsgrove Intensive English and Adventure Camp ดำเนินการโดยโรงเรียนนานาชาติบรอมส์โกรฟ ประเทศไทย บนพื้นที่โรงเรียนกว่า 20 ไร่ ในสนามกอล์ฟ 36 หลุมในกรุงเทพฯ ใช้เวลาเดินทางจากสนามบินนานาชาติสุวรรณภูมิเพียง 20 นาที เด็กๆจะได้มีโอกาสสัมผัสกับชีวิตภายในโรงเรียนประจำระบบอังกฤษที่พร้อมสรรพไปด้วยสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวก สภาพแวดล้อมที่ปลอดภัยและเป็นมิตร


    — 强化英语和冒险夏令营

    时间:2019年 7月 5 – 19日(15天)


    非寄宿生费用(7月 5 – 19日,周一至周五08.30-16.30): 40,000泰铢

    寄宿生(7月 5 – 19日,24小时住校)费用:69,000泰铢

    强化英语和探险夏令营由英國布羅姆斯格羅夫學校泰國分校(Bromsgrove International School) 举办,位于曼谷市郊拥有36洞的温莎高尔夫球场。距素万那普国际机场仅20分钟车程,环境优美远离繁忙的城市喧嚣。





    브롬스그로브 국제학교는 태국 방콕 소재의 영국식 기숙사 학교로, 450년 영국 명문 보딩스쿨인 Bromsgrove School UK의 전통과 가치를 이은 해외 분교입니다.  학교 캠퍼스 및 기숙사는 방콕 수완나품 공항에서 30분정도 거리의 36홀 명문 윈저파크 골프장내에 위치하여, 전원적이고 안전한 교육환경에서 세계 각국의 학생들과 함께 세계적으로 명망 높은 영국식커리큐럼을 바탕으로 명문 국제학교 답게 수준 높은 다양한 예술활동과 스포츠 활동, 브롬스그로브 리어쉽 어워드등을 통하여 학생들이   글로벌 인재로 성장하도록 교육하고 있습니다.

    브롬스그로그 국제학교의 집중 영어 & 어드벤처 여름 캠프는 8-15세 학생들 대상으로 7월 2주간에 걸쳐 단기간 집중적인 영어 수업 외에도 다양한 엑티비티와 방과 후 활동 및 주말 필드트립등을 통하여 여러 나라에서 참여하는 다국적 친구들과 함께 전통 영국 명문 기숙사 학교 생활을 체험할 수 있습니다. 캠프 기간 동안 학생들은 토론, 팀프로젝트등 체험형 수업을 통한 영어실력 향상 외에도 여러 엑티비티를 통하여 커뮤니케이션, 문제해결 및 팀워크, 서로간에 대한 배려 및 다른 문화에 대한 존중, 리더쉽등 글로벌 인재로서의 소양을 기를수있습니다.

    캠프 프로그램

    신청서 다운로드

    Cancellation Policy for Bromsgrove Intensive English and Adventure Camp 2019

    • Any cancellations that are made before 31 May 2019 will receive 50% of payment refunded.

    • There will be no refund for cancellations that are made on or after 31 May 2019.

    Bromsgrove Early Years Summer Camp

    Our Bromsgrove Early Years Summer Camp provides an enquiry based learning provision that is dedicated to early childhood development. A daily schedule of carefully designed activities that will encourage a love for learning and fuel a young child’s imagination. There will be holistic approach to all areas of learning that will be embedded through a weekly theme.

    3 Weeks : 34,500 THB (3-19 July 2019)
    4 Weeks : 39,000 THB (3-26 July 2019)

    Download the camp brochure
    Download the registration form

    For more information, please contact K. Bow 02-540-7122-3, 02-917-7030 or email:

    Term 2 has been one of the busiest experienced at Bromsgrove within Sport and Enrichment, with trips, sports fixtures, school sporting events, sports training sessions, the sports academy and of course 2 separate FOBISIA tournaments. With such a busy term I would like to start by thanking the students, parents and staff for their help and support of so many of these events.

    TISAC football finished this term with the BIST U15 Boys winning their league. The same age group of boys were also involved in a Volleyball league for the first time and came a commendable 5th place.

    The TISAC swimming and athletics both saw Bromsgrove teams perform very well and with TISAC swimming finals coming up in May, we are in a good position to bring home some medals.

    The undoubted highlight of the term was the middle week of March which saw us send a golf team to Phuket to compete in the very prestigious FOBISIA Golf tournament and a U13 team to the FOBISIA U13 Games in Rayong.

    Our golfers once again performed brilliantly and underlined our position as one of the powerhouses of international schools golf. Some outstanding individual displays at all age groups helped our team achieve 2nd place overall.

    We took a young team to the U13 Games, almost all of whom will still be young enough to compete at that age again next year. All of the students performed very well, collecting a total of 23 medals and setting a number of new school records.

    It has been a very exciting term in boarding. The students have been working hard to complete their studies, with some of the older students even dedicating their free time to ensuring their coursework and revision is up to date.

    During the weekends, we have had a range of trips including: bowling, Escape Hunt, Mangrove planting and more recently, Cartoon Network. Students have also been working collaboratively through different Thursday Team Time activities and it has been wonderful seeing more and more students being actively involved in these events. A big thank you goes to Nina, Pond, Nic S, Tawfiq, Miss Jessica and Mr Chai for running these events!

    In the final three weeks of term, we were lucky to have an extra fourteen Primary students joining our boarders for the IEC. The Boarding team were extremely proud of how much the students developed in confidence and independence and how kind our current primary boarders were. We hope that the students come back and visit again soon as they will be missed!

    Finally, on Thursday 30 March 2017, we celebrated Songkran with water games and a wonderful meal outside on the field. The students were complimented on by Dr Moore, Mrs Young, Mr Young, Ms Bennett and Mr Barnes for their team work, involvement and the real sense of community that the boarders have with each other.

    Miss Gemma and Ms Drew wish everyone a fantastic break and we look forward to welcoming students back after 16:00 on Monday 17 April 2017.