Bromsgrove Music Academy 2017-18

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the Bromsgrove Music Academy: the new instrumental lesson programme available at Windsor Park campus for all students in Years 2 to 13. This exciting new programme is supported by the UK’s Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM).

The lessons are taught by full time Bromsgrove staff and visiting teachers from 2 Learn Music. Details of the new tuition options available can be found in the Bromsgrove Music Academy 2017-18 booklet, available in English, Thai, Korean and Chinese as in links below.


Jeremy Meddows-Taylor
Head of Music (Whole School)

We are delighted to confirm the university destinations of our Class of 2017! They received exceptional offers from top Higher Education institutions around the world, and, so far, 8 students have chosen the following outstanding universities and courses.

Congratulations to:

Ply – University of Cambridge – Architecture
Jason – London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) – Government and Economics
Henry – University of Bath – Natural Sciences
Meetu – University of Birmingham – Economics
Satang – University of Sydney – Psychology
Seyi – Hong Kong University Science and Technology – Mathematics and Economics
Tristan – California State University Northridge – Computer Science
Surabhi – University College London – Law

We wish them all the best in the future and look forward to further news soon from the rest of Class of 2017.


Congratulations to our Year 12 and Year 13 for their exceptional results in their AS and A Level examinations! Their hard work and dedication means that the results have set a new high standard for future Bromsgrove students.

Thanks must be given to their outstanding teachers who have inspired, guided and supported each and every student to realise their potential.

The personalised learning approach at Bromsgrove has clearly proved its merit and I look forward to sharing the success stories of individual students in the very near future, once they have confirmed their university destinations.

Year 12

44% of Year 12 students achieved 3 or more A grades at AS Level

67% of Year 12 students achieved 3 or more A and B grades at AS Level

89% of Year 12 students achieved 3 or more A, B and C grades at AS Level

49% of all grades awarded to our Year 12 cohort were A grades.

Year 13

55% of Year 13 students achieved 3 or more A* or A grades at A Level

64% of Year 13 students achieved 3 or more A*, A or B grades at A Level

40% of all grades awarded to our Year 13 cohort were A* grades.

25% of all grades awarded to our Year 13 cohort were A grades.

Bromsgrove International School Thailand supports the sport of golf in every way and has often been called the ‘Home of Young Golfers’.
In June 2017, we were priviledged to be one of the sponsors of the MercedesTrophy 2017. In the Country Final round, our students Eng, Top and Heart, along with their coach Mr. Tak, had a good time participating in the VIP round at Alpine Golf Club, Patumthani. They had a chance to meet with Mercedes-Benz Thailand management team at the Country Final round gala evening. Dr Dan Moore, Headmaster & CEO, and Mrs Ruth Young, Secondary Principal, Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST) were also there to congratulate our students and presented prizes to MercedesTrophy 2017 winners.

With only the last few days of the term ahead of us, we have been able to reflect on what an incredible year it has been. Each and every student has developed in independence and have adapted well to the changes that have been made this year. A big highlight for students and staff alike, has been the implementation of Thursday Team Time which has enabled our older students to take on new leadership roles, whilst our younger students develop their teamwork skills through a variety of creative, sporting and performance events. We have also enjoyed seeing how committed the students have become towards their studies, with many of our older students using the study room after dinner to prepare for their external examinations. As well as development of students, there has been some cosmetic work to our houses including the renovation of the 4th floor in Windsor House and the new open plan living area. Over the summer, we are excited to be making even more renovations which should provide our students with up to date and welcoming facilities and areas for them to enjoy with their friends. Finally, we would like to thank all students, parents and guardians for providing us with their valuable feedback in our recent surveys, which we will share with our new boarding team in August. We hope that you all have a wonderful summer break and we look forward to welcoming your child(ren) back with us in August.

This academic year has been packed full of academic, sporting and arts based enrichment for the students. Term 3 has been another busy term with students again taking part in a wide range of activities and trips. Without doubt two of the highlights have been the Primary production, Shrek, and the FOBISIA Primary Games.

Shrek was a fantastic production in which all primary students were involved. It was great to see the delight on the secondary students faces as they watched the performance.

The other major highlight of this term has been the FOBISIA Primary Games, hosted at Thanyapura Sports Resort in Phuket. Following more than two months of training, BIST took a team of 25 students to compete in swimming, athletics, teeball and football and had our most successful FOBISIA Games ever. The team managed to win over 100 medals and trophies across the sports, with every student winning at least one medal and a number of the students coming home with more than ten medals.

It was a fantastic event, very well supported by families and we are already looking forward to next year and getting our FOBISIA teams ready for competition.

Looking back on this academic year 2016/7, we have continued to grow and develop as a school in all that we do. Both the academic and pastoral provision for all our students has continued to go from strength to strength and the administration team have worked hard to support the academic teams this year. As a school we have continued to invest in our wonderful facilities across both campuses and during the summer break we will undertake a number of campus development projects. I look forward to welcoming our parents and students back to school at our Parent Induction and Information events on Sunday 27th August 2017.

The academic year of 2016-17 is now drawing to a close at Bromsgrove and what a year it has been! It has been a fun filled and exciting year in the Secondary section of the school with numerous events, some being now true Bromsgrove traditions as well as some new additions to the school. The Trashion Show and Lip Sync once again proved very popular with students and staff alike and a recent survey showed that the majority of students and staff want to see these items again next year as part of the House Competition Calendar. Our new House Drama competition which was to produce a ‘songologue’, a song performed as a spoken monologue, was fantastic and really showcased our students’ dramatic talents. There have been excellent achievements in the academic enrichment sphere as well with a group of senior students leading our first ever servICE week at school as well as some outstanding mathematicians taking part in events both in school and overseas. I also would like to wish a final good luck to the students who took external exams this year; we are eagerly anticipating your results in August!  I cannot possibly name all the events that took place this year as this is a short update, but thank you to each and every teacher, administrator and student who made this year such a vibrant and positive one at school. I wish everyone a restful and relaxing summer break and look forward to seeing you all in August.

Another wonderful year draws to a close in Bromsgrove Primary and Early Years. This term I have continued to be amazed at how talented our students are. The Primary production of Shrek was a spectacular success with many parents who saw our morning performance choosing to return and watch it again in the afternoon! Thank you for all the kind words, both about the acting and singing but also about the fantastic set and costumes that was created by our artistic Teaching Assistants and students. Primary FOBISIA was equally successful, with Bromsgrove bringing home 104 awards! An amazing achievement and a credit to the hard work, determination and resilience of our teachers, TAs and students. My final update would not be complete without a mention of our Early Years Campus. Our youngest students have had a busy and productive term, taking part in swimming galas, trips and their amazing end of term show. The annual Early Years end of term show waves goodbye to the Year 1 students who will step up to our Windsor Park campus. Although we will miss them at Early Years,  we know that these students are ready for the new academic, sporting and social opportunities of Year 2 and our Windsor Park campus. Finally, I would like to thank the parents, staff and students that have made Bromsgrove Primary such a welcoming and exciting place to work. Next year, I will be returning to the UK and leaving BIST Primary in the capable hands of Charlotte Ridley (EY Principal) and Christine Armstrong (Primary Principal). I know that BIST will continue to go from strength to strength and will always be a learning community that I am proud to have been a part of.


Gala Dinner and Concert: The Taste of Music

Hosted by Bromsgrove International School Thailand in conjunction with the Italian Embassy. You are invited to an evening of world class entertainment and fine dining on Wednesday 15 November 2017 at the Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit to a unique gala dinner: Italian Tenor David Sotgiu, top Thai Pianist Nat Yontararak together with Soprano Barbara Zion and the Bromsgrove International School Choir will be performing songs by Rossini, Verdi, Puccini, Donizetti, Bellini and Neapolitan Composers.

The audience will taste on the table what is performed on stage. A brilliant recipe of great music, magnificent food by Rossini Restaurant, sparkling location and Italian Flair, created by Camillo Pellegatta and Alice Law. Part of the proceeds will go to Home For The Aged Ratchasima. Tickets now available which include entertainment, free flow wine and a splendid full course dinner.

Ticket Price

  • 1 ticket for 3,500 THB
  • Package of 2 tickets for 6,500 THB
  • Package of the whole table of 8 seats get 10% discount – every seat for the first 6 tables will get pendent made of silver covered with gold, specially designed by CASATO Italy for this occasion.

***Special price for Bromsgrovians and parents with 500 THB discount from original price for every seat***

Please contact khun Kai to reserve your seat at 02-989-4873


เนื่องในโอกาสพิเศษครบรอบ 15 ปี ของโรงเรียน โรงเรียนนานาชาติบรอมส์โกรฟ ร่วมกับสถานทูตอิตาลี ขอเชิญท่านเข้าร่วมงาน Gala Dinner and Concert: The Taste of Music การแสดงดนตรีโดยศิลปินชื่อดังชาวอิตาลี David Sotgiu นักเปียโนชั้นนำของเมืองไทย Nat Yontararak ร่วมกับนักร้องโซปราโน Barbara Zion และวงขับร้องประสานเสียงจากโรงเรียนนานาชาติบรอมส์โกรฟ ในบทเพลงโดย Rossini, Verdi, Puccini, Donizetti, Bellini และ Neapolitan Composers พร้อมมื้อค่ำสุดพิเศษแบบ full course จากร้านอาหารอิตาเลียนชื่อดัง

ทั้งหมดนี้พร้อมให้คุณเปิดประสบการณ์ได้ในวันที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน 2560 ณ โรงเรม The Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit เวลา 18:30 น.เป็นต้นไป

ราคาบัตรเข้าร่วมงาน รวมการแสดง อาหาร และเครื่องดื่ม

  • 1 ที่นั่ง ราคา 3,500 บาท
  • ซื้อบัตร 2 ใบ ในราคา 6,500 บาท
  • ราคาบัตรต่อโต๊ะ จำนวน 8 ที่นั่ง ลดจากราคาเต็ม 10% – สำหรับผู้ที่ซื้อบัตรทั้งโต๊ะ 6 โต๊ะแรก ทุกที่นั่งจะได้รับจี้เงินหุ้มทอง ดีไซน์โดย CASATO Italy ซึ่งดีไซน์พิเศษสำหรับงานนี้โดยเฉพาะ

***ผู้ปกครองและนักเรียนโรงเรียนนานาชาติบรอมส์โกรฟ รับส่วนลดบัตรเข้าร่วมงาน 500 บาทจากราคาเต็มทุกที่นั่ง***

สำรองที่นั่ง ติดต่อคุณไก่ โทร. 02-989-4873


Please sign up below to reserve your seat

    *We will contact you back within 24 hours or during school office hours