Term 1 – half term update from Heads of Boarding

We can’t quite believe that we have already finished the first half term and what a fantastic term it has been! This half term has welcomed many new staff and students to our Boarding houses and everyone has settled in brilliantly and are definitely feeling at home.


Our Academic Provision, Tutoring Programme and Chinese Student Support Programme are now fully established and the students are definitely showing dedication to their studies. Each student is spending fifteen minutes reading then taking ownership over the ELOs and ILTs they are completing. Many of our students are also taking full advantage of having Ms Meacham support them with their academic studies, especially with essay planning and English Language learning. Mr Barnes has been working with students each week on our new STEM Programme and this has been an exciting addition to our evening activities. It has been fantastic to see all students working hard this term in their Academic Development time and we would like to thank all of the Day Teachers for supporting students during this important part of our day.


As part of our ongoing commitment to offer a range of engaging and exciting enrichment opportunities and to encourage children to lead healthy lifestyles, we have recently published our “What’s on in Boarding” programme offering a wide range of activities from Monday to Thursday for students to participate in. These activities and opportunities help to educate students on the importance of looking after their wellbeing, both physically and mentally, whilst also developing the BIST Learner Profile aspects in each child so that they can become life-long learners and global citizens. For more information please visit our Facebook Page or see the posters in our houses.


We have had a large number of Boarding Trips this term that have been thoroughly enjoyed by students and staff. Some highlights include Bounce, Ocean World, Bowling at Mega Bang Na and numerous shopping trips. Mr Thee has been busy building links with a number of community and charity projects in Bangkok and arranging our Community Service Trips: we are excited to announce the details of these next half term. Many of our boarders ask us if they can invite their friends on Boarding Trips at the weekend. In order to allow their friends from school to attend these events we have recently sent a letter home inviting day students in Years 4 to 13 to the following trips:


Saturday 18 November 2017 – Community Service Trip to Paper Ranger (http://paperranger.org/en/home/) – this will take place after the SEAMO competition

Saturday 25 November 2017 – Laser Tag

Saturday 2 December 2017 – Snow Town


There are two pricing options for these trips: 1000 Thai Baht for trip only, or 1500 Thai Baht to include the trip and an overnight stay in Boarding. For more information or to secure your child’s place please email Miss Gemma (ggwilliam@bromsgrove.ac.th)


This half term Mr Cluver has been working hard with the Boarding Assistants to interview for the Boarding Student Leadership Team. We are currently working to finalise the successful candidates for the roles and will announce them all shortly. Our Thursday Team Time Sports Leaders and Boarding Shop teams are already busy fulfilling their duties each week and we have already seen them develop their leadership and communication skills in the short time they have been in position.


We are excited to announce that we have purchased a number of new things for the boarding houses for all students to use. Highlights include: a table tennis table, a large number of balls and sports equipment, and new kitchen resources to support our students in becoming independent and cooking for themselves.


Heads of Boarding

Miss Gemma Gwilliam and Miss Georgina Drew

Term 1 – half term update from Secondary Principal

The first half term of this year has flown by and it is hard to believe that it was eight weeks ago that all the students returned to school after the summer holidays!


In Secondary, there has been an immense amount of learning and enrichment taking place, both in and outside the classrooms; with students demonstrating their academic knowledge with their creative and innovative independent home learning projects: ELOs and ILTs. Showcases of this type of work are in the process of being planned so that we can share the wonderful work produced by students with parents and guardians. Our enrichment activities through our comprehensive ECA programme are proving a huge success once again. Students are working on developing a range of skills and it has been thrilling to see students engaged in activities such as building their own guitars, cooking different types of food, developing their football skills and producing self-devised performance poetry to name but 4 of the 40 plus ECAs on offer.


The first half term has also seen the Bromsgrove basketball teams compete in 23 different fixtures and 2 tournaments in TISAC competitions. As in previous years our senior boys team has started very well but possibly our biggest success has been the introduction of primary basketball teams.


In a season that still has another 5 weeks to run, there are always a number of highlights and first half term has already had many. The highlight of the U13 girls’ season to date has to be the thrilling away win at Charter International School. Important intercepts and points by Sang Sang were vitally important to the team as has the emerging talent of Selina in Year 7 who made a number of important rebounds. The U13 boys’ team are a fast and athletic team who are improving with every game. The highlight of their season to date is definitely the 23-12 win away at Regents International School Bangkok. Both of the U13 teams are looking forward to their respective tournaments that take place on Saturday 11 November.


For the U15 boys, it has been a tough start to the season as they have had to compete against some of the bigger schools involved in TISAC. Their highlight was a nail-biting victory away at St Stephens’ International School, which had PE staff consulting TISAC rules and regulations. For the first time at TISAC U15 level, after a tie in normal time, the game had to go into overtime which BIST won thanks to two successful free-throws from Kong.


Our Senior Girls’ team has become a competitive force to be reckoned within TISAC this year. The highlight to date is definitely the final quarter performance against St Andrews 107. After a very even first 3 quarters, BIST took control in the final stanza with a dominant defensive display and counter attacking basketball. All 9 of the involved girls played a huge part in that victory with Estelle and Issa really shining.


Our Senior Boys are once again a strong team with a mix of boys from Years 11, 12 and 13 in the team. Having come a very impressive 3rd at the tournament, the team are yet to lose in the league. Their high point was a 99-39 victory over Singapore International School – one of the biggest ever seen in TISAC.


Our Student Leadership Team has also been finalised in the first half term and we are delighted with their work so far and their plans for future projects. Congratulations go to the following students:


Head Boy – Peter Park

Head Girl – Michelle Langner

Deputy Head Boy – Kevin Schurch

Deputy Head Girl Anaïs Verny



House Captains – Nicholas Stanig and Eunseol Seo

Deputy House Captain – Xindy Phumimuang


House Captains – Karn Nuket and Farsai Sittichoksuwan

Deputy House Captain – Ben Park


House Captains – Kai Fred Tarrant and Nina Thomle

Deputy House Captain – Joon Ho Byun


House Spirit has been captured and maximised this half term and our first formal House Event took place on Friday 29th September, when the secondary school enjoyed the annual Trashion show in The Oriental Siam Performing Arts Centre. It was decided that this year, the event would have more meaning and each House would focus on the SDG’s. Each House had to make sure that their costumes and set pieces were made out of trash, rather than buying recyclable materials. Each house also had to produce an informative video which highlighted the SDG that they were campaigning about. The resulting shows were wonderful: informative and educational but, as ever with our students – ingenious and creative with the right amount of comedy! Congratulations to Walters House who were victorious on the day, with Taylor coming second and Edwards in third place.


In response to our SERVICE work last year, the students have been inspired more than ever to give back to Charity and we decided that each House would select a charity to raise money for throughout this academic year. In each House, form reps were invited to make a presentation in a recent House Assembly and the rest of the House voted. A wide range of charities were presented for the students’ consideration; both local to Bangkok and wider afield in Thailand.


Edwards House have selected The Mercy Centre, presented by Thomas in Year 12, which is a charity that supports members of the slum community in Klong Toei. Part of their operation is a shelter for children left without responsible adults to care for them. Their role within The Mercy Centre is to organise English language education for the children in its care through a network of volunteers.


Taylor House have voted for The Soi Dog Foundation, after a passionate presentation by Pom Pam in Year 10. The Soi Dog Foundation provide care, treatment and rescue for Soi Dogs across the Kingdom through a vast programme of veterinary and outreach works. They are also working towards ending the dog meat trade across South East Asia and look at rehoming dogs both nationally and globally.


Our highly contested House Point Competition is also well underway and I am pleased to report the standings at the end of this first half term:

  • Walters 721
  • Edwards 686
  • Taylor 548


Many of our students have also been able to take part in Thai Cultural Trips this half term, with Years 8, 9 and 10 all taking part in day trips to various sites within the local vicinity. Students who study Chinese were also lucky to visit Chinatown for the Chinese Autumn Festival and learn about its associated traditions as well as the architecture of the area and taste some of the delicious food. There was also an opportunity for students to experience traditional games and activities linked to Korean Thanksgiving and it was superb to see so many students taking part in the lunchtime activities coordinated by our Korean Department. Our musicians were given a chance to shine on the local stage when they performed at the Living in Bangkok Fair hosted at Bumrungrad hospital; sharing their talents and skills with our Bangkok community.


I am looking forward with enthusiasm to the second half of the term which is filled with vital learning opportunities, celebrations of success and cultural events.

Ruth Young
Secondary Principal

Term 1 – half term update from Primary Principal

It is hard to know where the time goes! We have had a wonderful first half of term in Primary. There have been many successes so far and we hope to keep building on these throughout the year. I would like to share just a few of the highlights of this half-term, although there are far too many to share them all in this update.


Certificates for Academic Achievement

We have introduced Certificates for Academic Achievement (CAA) in Primary. These are given to students who achieve a certain number of house points in a term.

Bronze – 25 house points

Silver – 50 house points

Gold – 100 house points

Platinum – 150 house points

Students are recognised for their academic achievement in class and in our Monday morning assemblies. I am thrilled that we have a number of students already reaching Bronze, and even a few that have achieved Silver. I am sure that as the term continues and the hard work continues, we will see many more certificates being celebrated in assembly and at home.

In collecting house points for academic achievement the children are working together as a house to collect the most house points each week. Every week in assembly we reveal which house has collected the most house points per person and share in their success. Primary even have a house chant for each house! Talk to your child and see if he/she can remember the chant for their house yet.


ECA (Extra Curricular Activities)

Our ECA programme this half term has been a resounding success. The ECA choices have been magnificent. There are too many to mention them all but we have had everything from swimming, running, basketball and athletics to cooking, pioneering, animal awareness and debating, to art, junk modelling, calligraphy and comic drawing to hip hop, Thai dancing, ukulele and Rock Band, to French, German, storytelling and debating. And that is just some of the incredible ECA choices available to students this term!

Current ECA choices end at half-term for students and following the half-term holiday they will get to experience new choices, ensuring that students are exposed to a wealth of opportunity beyond the classroom.


Leadership Appointments

As we continue to grow and develop as a Primary school there is a need to expand middle leadership roles within the school, to ensure our curriculum and educational offer is the best that it can be. I am very pleased to share some newly appointed leadership roles in Primary and I am sure you will join me in congratulating staff in their success.

Miss Myrille Teaching Assistant Leader

Miss Emily Hartshorne Humanities/Theme Leader

Mr Dan White IT & Computing Leader

Mrs Victoria Amison PSHCE (personal, social, health, citizenship education) Leader

Miss Palna Davda Art & DT Leader

It is not just the staff that have been displaying their leadership skills and enthusiasm in school. Congratulations to our student Heads of House and Captains from Year 6 as well.

Jessica Chandra & Jacob Moore Walters

Sophie Armstrong & Ray Martin Edwards

Victoria Sosakul & Kasit Rojwattanawong Taylor

Aaliyah Dye & Philip Lee Sports Captains

Name Klay-Udom & Putter Tunchatchawal Music Captains


I am sure that all of these appointments, both staff and students, will play a key part in the success of Primary this year.


In addition to these leadership roles we now have a newly appointed Student Council to help the Primary school further develop and grow. These students are:

Year 2 Kwan Kwan & Ethan

Year 3 Jamie & Elana

Year 4 Shreya & Nile

Year 5 Netia & Charlie

Year 6 House Captains

As we continue into the second half of the term I am in no doubt that the Primary phase of school will continue to thrive. I am very excited for all of the events, performances, residentials, and celebrations ahead, as well as continuing to see all of the excellent learning and teaching around the Primary phase of school.


I hope to see many parents at all of our upcoming events.

Best wishes,
Christine Armstrong
Primary Principal

Term 1 – half term update from Early Years Principal

It has been a great first half term. I am pleased to see how well all our students have settled in and are already beginning to make some strong friendships. We continue to have many new families joining us at Bromsgrove and I’m sure you all join me in welcoming them into our community.

Our mini House events every Friday have been a great success. I have been particularly impressed with how supportive all the children have been of each other, demonstrating real team spirit. I have also been delighted to see so many children receive their Star of the Week award for displaying two of our learner attributes; determination & kindness.

A big thank you to all our PTA members, especially to Khun Kasin Wairatpanij (Chairman), Khun Rattikarn Sungayuth (Vice-Chairman), Khun Peangfah Pimmadee (Treasurer) and all our class representatives. We really appreciate your continued commitment to the Early Years campus.

I look forward to seeing you all at our Early Years Loy Krathong celebration on Thursday 2 November 2017. The event will begin with Thai performances from each class at 09:00 in our main hall and then finish with Krathong floating at 11:00. Next half term we will also begin our rehearsal for our first Early Years Nativity show, which will happen on Wednesday 13 December at Windsor Park Campus. More details regarding upcoming Christmas events will come out shortly.

I hope you all have a wonderful half term holiday and enjoy some quality family time.


Charlotte Ridley

Early Years Principal

Term 1 – half term update from School Director

In a school the cooperation between parents and teachers is very important to create a school environment that supports all students’ development and growth.

The Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) committee at both the Early Years campus and the Windsor Park campus for academic year 2017/8 have been elected together with the parent representatives from each year group. We are now in the process of asking parents from both campuses to give money to the voluntary PTA contribution fund of THB 500 per child, to a maximum of THB 1,000 per family per year. This fund will be used to support the PTA activities across both campuses this academic year. The school would like to take this opportunity to welcome all parents to support the PTA by contributing this money and participating in PTA activities throughout the year. This small contribution from each and every parent will have a positive impact on our students through the work of the PTA.  In addition, the PTA enables parents to widen their social and business networks as our parents come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds.


Duenpen Pawakranond (Mint)
School Director

Year 3 Parrots have loved learning all about dinosaurs in their topic work. This week, they used their Geography skills to locate where different dinosaur fossils have been found.  The children were fascinated to discover that when dinosaurs were alive all of the continents were joined together.

They began recapping their knowledge of the continents by matching the names to the different areas. The children wowed me by singing a continent song that they had learned last year! Then they looked at the countries that different dinosaur fossils have been found in and used maps to work out which continent these countries belong to.

The children really enjoyed discovering where different dinosaur bones have been found: they felt like real palaeontologists!

Miss Hartshorne

Over the course of this half-term, Magpie class have been learning all about different forces during our Science lessons. Having already learnt what force is and investigated how friction works on different surfaces, the children wanted to explore air and water resistance.

After looking at air resistance in real life situations (by watching parachuting videos), the children were curious to test out their prediction that a bigger surface area would equate to a slower falling time. We agreed that by keeping all variables, other than surface area, constant and testing each parachute three times, we could be sure that our results were fair and accurate.

Following this lesson, one group wondered whether the same theories would apply to water resistance. Using blue-tac, we sculpted a shape with a large surface area and a shape, of equal weight, with a small surface area, predicting that the time they took to sink would greatly differ.

Overall, the children and I have thoroughly enjoyed thinking scientifically; making predictions, devising plans to test them out and evaluating our scientific work and, even thought we made a mess, at least we worked together to clean it up!

Mr. White
Year 5 Magpie Class

In Science, Kingfishers have been using classification keys to group animals such as mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles and fish. We then used them to identify and name animals we didn’t know. In order to do this, we have been learning and using lots of key science vocabulary.
Our big challenge this week was to create our own keys! We started with animal picture cards and had to look at them carefully to notice similarities and differences. We also had to think about anything else we knew such as which habitat the animal lives in or whether it is a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore.
We used lots of teamwork and shared ideas to complete the keys.


The Coffee Morning on Thursday 5 October was an exceptionally enjoyable event and well attended by parents from both the Primary and Secondary school. It was an opportunity for parents to meet the Primary Principal, Christine Armstrong and the Secondary Principal, Ruth Young as well as to make connections with other families in the school. Thank you to all parents who came to the event and we look forward to inviting you all to future Coffee Mornings over this year!