On Wednesday 17 January our newly-formed SMILE Club, leading the Arts and Crafts ECA this term, successfully produced a handful of bookmarks – one of the many crafts – that will be sold on the upcoming Valentine’s sale to raise money for Operation Smile.

On Wednesday 17 January we hosted 27 UK university representatives and iGet Consultancy at our Higher Education Fair. Senior students had the opportunity to speak with the representatives about courses, applications and requirements.

SEAMO is the Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad competition involving students from as far away as Australia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the USA.

Mathematical Olympiad competitions are popular among many top prestigious schools. At Bromsgrove we aim to identify and discover mathematical talents through creative challenges, we try to inspire and to embrace enthusiastic young minds to take part in and enjoy Mathematical competitions through extended learning opportunities.

SEAMO provided a resource for students of various levels to hone their problem-solving skills and to prepare for more challenging mathematical competitions. It proved to be a very challenging competition for all our students.

We had entries from both primary and secondary and are pleased to announce that all participates received a certificate with the winners receiving a winning certificate and a medal.

Across the various categories we had 5 bronze winners, 3 silver winners and 1 gold winner.

Gold: Si Young Choi – Thomas (Year 12).

Silver: Jihyun Jeon – Heather (Year 11), JunYoung Ko (Year 12), Chang Lee – Abraham (Year 12).

Bronze: Sirin Vivattanaprasert – Muk (Year 7), Bhuminan Chotichaicharin – Toya (Year 6), Jack Armstrong (Year 5), Mark Vinnikov (Year 4),Nick Park (year 12).

A special congratulations must go to Si Young Choi – Thomas who came 1st in Thailand (and 47th in the global ranking) in his age group, a marvelous achievement, I’m sure you will agree!

More details are available at www.seamo-official.org

And please remember to keep a watchful eye on the Maths weebly page for the latest Mathematical BIST updates


On 23rd November, Bromsgrove International School Thailand had the honour of hosting TISAC SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE 2017.
There were 11 dance teams from 6 International schools participating in the competition. All the participants had fun dancing and demonstrating their outstanding dance skills and techniques. In addition they were lucky enough to have constructive comment and feedback from our professional dancer judges who were invited to judge the competition.
For more pictures from the event, please visit our website at http://www.bromsgrove.ac.th/gallery/tisac-sytycd/


Term 1 – end of term update from Heads of Boarding


Boarding at Bromsgrove has been bustling with end of term excitement this week and students across all year groups have been taking part in a range of activities to celebrate the end of term. We are all frantically packing and preparing to head home for some well deserved rest and to spend time with our families and friends. We hope that the boarding students embrace all of the opportunities the holidays bring them and try something new. During some of the relaxation time in their holiday we hope that each boarder spends a little time reflecting on their personal achievements this term and thinks about what they want to achieve in Term 2. Each student has made excellent progress this term in both the academic and social aspects of their lives and we would like them to come back to school in January well rested and prepared for the challenges that next term might entail.


Throughout this term we have made lots of efforts to update the facilities and resources in the Boarding houses. During the Christmas break, this will continue with some decorating and general upkeep of both houses, as well as the installation of windows in Tudor House to help increase the amount of light on each floor. We can’t wait to see what a difference these small improvements will make!


This last week of term has been incredibly busy with students packing, baking Christmas snacks, decorating the houses and preparing for a range of activities at school. We have also enjoyed a few Christmas movies to get us ready for the holidays, whilst improving our English! On Wednesday night, we had our Christmas Awards ceremony and a wonderful meal from Epicure: well done to everyone who was nominated or won an award!


The weekends at Bromsgrove are never quiet and we have offered a range of trips for students to attend this term. We have seen students supporting local charities at Paper Ranger, shopping in our favourite malls and enjoying laser tag with their friends in the city- just to name a few highlight. We have loved welcoming a number of day students to these trips this term and hope that even more day students can join us one Saturday in Term 2. Please check our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BISTBoarding2017to2018/) regularly for updates.


Our fun filled weeks are only possible with the support of our incredible Boarding Staff Team and the support from Day School Teachers who all work together to assist the students in the evenings. We would like to thank each and everyone of them for the support they offer from: helping students with their Academic Development; playing sports with them in the Sports Hall; waking sleepy students up in the morning; taking students to hospital; translating messages for parents; or ironing hundreds of shirts! Alongside the support students receive from the staff at Bromsgrove, we would like to thank all of the parents and carers for encouraging the boarding students to embrace the different aspects of Boarding life.


We wish you a wonderful holiday and all the best for 2018,

Ms Drew and Miss Gemma


Term 1 – end of term update from School Director


This academic year is a special year as the school celebrates its 15th year anniversary. Several events had been organized in line with this special occasion. For term 1, we organized several memorable events such as Loy Kratong, Fun Run, Christmas Assembly & Christmas Fayre. Besides we have improved the look and feel of the school to reflect the core values, school history, and the accomplishment of our students. In terms of health & safety,  we have paid attention especially at the Early Years campus to keep a good care for our small children. With a good cooperation from every party, we can put things under control.  It is also the first time that parents from both campuses  contributed money to support the PTA committee fund. This will allow PTA committee to be able to support school’s activities smoothly.  The synergy between the management team, academic staff, administrative staff, and  parents in Term 1 is very important to build a fantastic environment for our students to develop  academically, morally,  socially with good manners. This is what we are very proud of.  Every party then have to continue working as one team  in Term 2 and Term 3.

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Duenpen Pawakranond (Mint)
School Director

Term 1 – end of term update from Secondary Principal

The Secondary phase at Bromsgrove has gone from strength to strength this academic year and has been packed full of inspirational learning opportunities and innovative and holistic opportunities for students to embrace the wider enrichment of education.


We started our final week of term with the Big House Christmas Quiz which is now an annual event and it was wonderful to see all students taking part in a fun and fact-filled general knowledge Kahoot quiz in the auditorium. There were different quizzes for different year groups and even one for the staff; leading to a friendly, competitive and somewhat festive atmosphere to start our week. We have also had the Christmas assembly where students from Key Stage 3 showcased the music that they have been learning this term with a mixture of Christmas favourites and also popular songs. The Christmas Fayre organised and ran by our Secondary tutor groups allowed everyone to get into the Winter Spirit with games and delicious treats, with all profits going to our chosen House Charities. We have also recently enjoyed our inaugural House Debate competition, with the final taking place on the stage and Junior and Senior teams competing with two different motions. The quality of argument and rebuttal was superb and the rest of the school got behind the participants to support them. Students are already asking for more opportunities for debate so House Debate is here to stay!


I have also been so impressed with our students’ commitment this term. Not only have they shown themselves to be dedicated to their studies but also they have shown a keen awareness of their role as Global Citizens and developed and carried out a number of fundraising activities for their House Charities as well as, in the case of Year 13, for their Challenge Week project. Their enthusiasm for Service Learning seems to know no bounds, and I look forward to seeing this continue in Term 2.


None of the above could be possible without the hard work and enthusiasm of teachers and support staff, so I invite you to join me in wishing them a restful Christmas holiday which, I am sure you agree, they fully deserve! Also, thank you to you, the parents, for your support and I look forward to seeing you in January 2018.


Wishing you a happy holiday,


Ruth Young

Secondary Principal


Term 1 – end of term update from Primary Principal


What an incredible first term of academic year 2017-18 we have had here in BIST Primary. The term has been fun-filled and bursting with learning, both in the classroom and beyond. In this final week of term we have had Year 5 parents in school to visit the Year 5 Ancient Greece museum, and make some mosaic plates; Y3 parents in school to learn all about dinosaurs and make their very own jewellery from prehistoric bones; a school visit to Dinosaur Planet; a performance of the Christmas Nativity by our Year 1 children and Early Years; our House Christmas & News Quiz, as well as a House dodgeball tournament; Christmas parties in Primary; a Primary Christmas assembly to our parents and a very exciting Christmas Fayre ran by our Secondary pupils. If that is all in one week I am sure you can only imagine all of the experiences we have had this term and what we have achieved in Primary! It has been an outstanding term.


Our Primary school can only be this dynamic with the unwavering hard work of our Primary team of teachers and teaching assistants and I am sure you all join me in thanking them very much for all their hard work. Likewise, we couldn’t do all this without the support of our parents and the huge enthusiasm of our students to join in, participate, take risks and enjoy their learning journey. So to all involved in helping to make Primary a rich experience for our students we thank you very much indeed.


Term 2 is already looking very busy and we are excited to get started! Primary wish our community a very happy holiday and a prosperous new year, and we look forward to seeing everyone in January 2018.


Best wishes,

Christine Armstrong

Primary Principal

Term 1 – end of term update from Early Years Principal

As always, it has been an extremely busy half term. The last couple of weeks have been filled with a range of Christmas and family activities! For the second year running we did the shoe box appeal to donate to Baan Nok Khmin. A huge thank you to all of those who took part in this activity, supporting those who are less fortunate than us, is such an important value to teach our children. We had our second stay and play event; Christmas lunch; Fun run; Christmas Fayre; and a Christmas Performance by our Primary students. But most importantly this term, we had our first Christmas Nativity! I cannot express how proud I am of all our Early Years students, they performed with such confidence and maturity, they were a credit to all those rehearsals! They have set a very high standard and we very much look forward to doing another one.


All of these events wouldn’t have been possible without the help from the Teachers, TA, Administration and back office staff. We are extremely lucky to have such a supportive hard working team on Early Years and I cannot express enough my gratitude for all their hard work. Also a massive thank you to our PTA. You have been so supportive and I really appreciate all your efforts with making our Early Years Christmas Fayre a memorable one for the children.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I Look forward to seeing everyone in 2018 and welcoming more families to our caring and supportive community.


Charlotte Ridley

Early Years Principal

The Art Department took Year 12 and 13 Art students to visit Attic Studios on Wednesday 6 December to take a Life Drawing Workshop. The students developed their observational skills and their understanding of the structures and muscles that make up the human body. They were taught by 2 different instructors who had them experimenting with different styles of drawing, using different media, tools and techniques and focusing on line, gestures, proportion, shape and scale.
It was a fantastic opportunity for the students to develop their coursework portfolio, but also, for some, to produce interesting and diverse work for their university portfolios. Drawing the human figure is one of the hardest things to master, but the students did brilliantly!