We are exceptionally proud of Sene (Year 8) who has been selected to take part in the CISV International Interchange Programme this year. She applied last April and has completed 3 days of adventurous camping and also interview sessions before she was selected from over 400 other candidates in Thailand to be one of 6 students to join the programme. She will be going to Brazil in July for 3 weeks to stay with her host family before her partner returns to stay with her in Bangkok in December. Whilst in Brazil, she will be taking part in activities with the organisation and learning and experiencing a completely different culture.  It is a fantastic opportunity for her and we look forward to hearing all about her adventures in Brazil when she returns. Congratulations Sene!


On Friday 27 April, children from Toucans and Parrots took part in the Year 3 sleepover. Instead of going home, they stayed at school to take part in lots of fun activities and spend a night sleeping in the boarding houses. They played lots of exciting games including a water melon eating competition, hula hoop challenge and hide and seek in the dark! A highlight was playing different games in the boys boarding house as the children got to see how much fun boarding life can be.



At Bromsgrove International School Thailand, we are proud of our track record of students being offered a range of places at the world’s top universities on some of the most competitive courses.

This year, three of our Year 13 cohort have secured places on Medicine courses to fulfil their dreams of becoming doctors : two of the students will study at Thammasat University, whilst the third will follow the joint programme at Srinakharinwirot University and the University of Nottingham, UK.

The range of offers is also extremely diverse and reflects the personalisation of the Sixth Form curriculum that every student benefits from at Bromsgrove. The pathways on offer here allow students access a wide variety of undergraduate courses around the globe which truly fit their passions and aspirations. This year, offers have been received from Glion Institute of Higher Education in Switzerland, one of the world’s leading Hospitality schools, Maastricht University, The University of Hawaii and Syracuse University, USA. Students have also received offers from top ranking UK universities, including Manchester, Sheffield, UCL, Kings, Queen Mary and Westfield and Bath. The courses chosen include Architecture, Pharmacy and Sport Management to name but three.

We wish all of our students all the very best as they sit their final examinations ahead of accepting these prestigious places and taking the next steps in their academic journey.


โรงเรียนนานาชาติบรอมส์โกรฟ ประเทศไทย ได้ติดตามผลการตอบรับเข้าเรียนจากมหาวิทยาลัยชั้นนำต่างๆทั่วโลกที่นักเรียนของเราได้รับในปีนี้ โดยในกลุ่มนักเรียนชั้นปีที่ 13 (Year 13) มีนักเรียน 3 คน ได้ตัดสินใจเข้าศึกษาต่อในคณะแพทยศาสตร์ ทั้งที่มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ และที่มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ ซึ่งมีโครงการรับนักศึกษาแพทย์ร่วมกันกับมหาวิทยาลัยนอตติงแฮมในสหราชอาณาจักร

นอกจากนั้น นักเรียนของเรายังได้รับการตอบรับจากมหาวิทยาลัยชั้นนำอื่นๆในสาขาวิชาที่หลากหลายและโดดเด่น สะท้อนให้เห็นถึงหลักสูตรในระดับ Sixth Form (Year 12 -13) ของบรอมส์โกรฟที่มีตัวเลือกที่หลากหลายและให้นักเรียนทุกคนสามารถเข้าถึงหลักสูตรระดับปริญญาตรีที่มีอยู่ทั่วโลกได้ตามความถนัดและความต้องการของนักเรียน
การตอบรับจากมหาวิทยาลัยในปีนี้ ล้วนมาจากมหาวิทยาลัยที่มีชื่อเสียงและทรงเกียรติ ไม่ว่าจะเป็น Glion Institute of Higher Education ประเทศสวิสเซอร์แลนด์ ซึ่งเป็นหนึ่งในสถาบันด้านการโรงแรมอันดับต้นๆของโลก Maastricht University, University of Hawai และ Syracuse University ในประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา นอกจากนี้ ยังมีนักเรียนที่ได้รับการตอบรับจากมหาวิทยาลัยชั้นนำในสหราชอาณาจักร เช่น University of Manchester, The university of Sheffield, UCL, King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London, Westfield และ Bath ซึ่งสาขาวิชาที่นักเรียนได้รับการตอบรับเข้าเรียนมีตั้งแต่วิชาสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ เภสัชกรรม จนไปถึงวิชาการบริหารจัดการด้านกีฬา

ทางโรงเรียนขออวยพรให้นักเรียนทุกคนประสบความสำเร็จในการสอบครั้งสุดท้ายที่กำลังเกิดขึ้น ก่อนที่จะตอบรับข้อเสนอที่ได้จากมหาวิทยาลัยอันทรงเกียรติเหล่านี้และก้าวต่อไปในอนาคตที่พวกเขามุ่งหวังไว้

Chanittha Vajrasthira (Nuna)

Meet Chanittha Vajrasthira (Nuna), a BIST alumni. Not only she was a part of BIST family but she also moved to pursuit her Sixth Form at Bromsgrove School UK to experience the life in our sister school as well. Nuna is currently a Year 13 A-Level student of Bromsgrove School, UK in subjects of Economics, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths. Getting offer in Bsc in Economics, LSE. Here is part of her interview and advice that she gave to current BIST students.

What did you enjoy the most about your BIST experience?

I would say that the advantage of BIST over other schools is the small, warm and friendly environment that it provides for the students. I took it for granted while I was at BIST but now I realized it is a very unique experience that BIST offers and is rarely seen elsewhere! From this environment came along with the ‘stress-free’ and ‘chill’ life that I miss very much.

Please tell us in what year that you move to BUK and why you have chosen to go to study at UK?

I moved to BUK for Sixth Form, so I left BIST at the end of Year 11 after completing my IGCSE.

I wanted a more dynamic and challenging environment for the last few years of high school and BUK has a large proportion of international students that makes up their Sixth form. I knew that this would allow me to gain experience in a new type of environment that I have never encountered while also ensuring I would excel in my academic career from their excellent facilities and academic support.

Can you tell us about the life that you have in BUK?

​The number of students in Sixth Form here is already over a few hundreds so it is very different to BIST. As the Sixth form itself is really large, it is unlikely that you’ll get to know and make friends with everyone (which is a rare scenario in BIST) and the student here are relatively independent both in terms of studying and socialising, which in my opinion is a good practice for life outside school. But from time to time I still do miss the warm environment that BIST provides and most importantly, the sunshine! (it rains 24/7 here in the UK).

How you prepare for iGCSE and A Level exam?

IGCSE – just do lots of past papers

A-Levels – If you’re doing humanities subject e.g. Economics and History, then read lots of outside materials because it’ll help increase your understanding and consolidate the basic materials covered in the syllabus. But for science subjects, it may be more difficult to find outside materials that fits the A-level course so I suggest just make sure you know the syllabus really well and do lots and lots of past papers.

Please give some advice to current BIST students relating to academics or life at BIST in general?

Academics: IGCSE grades (and A-Levels of course!) do matter a lot for university application, both in the UK and Thailand so make the best out of it.

Life at BIST: Try to participate in school events and sporting activities because it will improve you as a person (even if you don’t realise it, others will) and it’ll also make a huge impact on your university application.


Parent Workshops Schedule for Term 3 Academic Year 2017/18


It was wonderful to see all of you at our Songkran celebration on Wednesday 4th April. The children had such a great time when performing on stage and taking part in lots of activities. We would like to say well done to all of the children for their wonderful performance, and a big thank you to all of those who joined us during the celebrations.

For pictures, please click http://www.bromsgrove.ac.th/gallery/bromsgrove-early-years-songkran-festival-2018/


Bromsgrove International School Thailand has updated our Sixth Form Handbook. For parents, guardians, or Sixth Form students who wish to download the handbook. Please click link below.

Download Sixth Form Handbook

This week, children in Year 6 visited Art in Paradise, Bangkok. The purpose of the trip was to help them understand how artists create 3D artwork and understand how the angle of the photo can determine the outcome of the 3D picture. This is in preparation for a 3D art project in term 3, where our new topic will be ‘The History of Magic’. Children enjoyed figuring out the best way to angle their cameras, as well as have fun with their friends in an out of school setting. We are very much looking forward to the new topic in term 3.
The Year 6 Team.

On Thursday 22nd March 2018, 4 of our talented Year 6 students: Bei Bei, Hip Hop, Toya and Victoria, along with Miss Sultan and Mr Flegg, set off to The  Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam for the FOBISIA Primary Maths Competition. This was the first time that we as a school have taken part in this event and so we were all very excited to see what it was like and how we would fare.

We had been preparing for the event for many weeks; honing our puzzle and problem solving skills, as well as our understanding of calculation methods and processes through a series of practice challenges similar to those that we thought we might have to tackle at the event.

The Thursday evening was spent settling into our hotel and resting for the next day’s activities.

On Friday, we began the event with a Maths trail, which called upon our map reading skills as we navigated a local park to find labelled bases with a question; the answer to which would lead us on to the next location. After that, we proceeded back to the host, The ABC International School’s campus to take part in a countdown round, group problem solving, a relay round and finally a house event. It was a long and tiring day, but we had lots of fun.

Saturday morning it all started again. We headed straight to the school campus this time and kicked off the day with an individual round and a challenging team puzzles round. After a break, we jumped into a music round; working out problems to discover a musical root, then compiling them together to create well-known melodies. Then was the construction round. Teams were given a set of materials to create a ramp that would propel a ball the correct distance to land in a target. We did very well at this!

It was then time to travel to the awards dinner at the school’s Early Years campus for a celebratory dinner and awards ceremony to conclude the event. We were very proud of our efforts and the spirit in which we took part in the competition. The results were called and we later found out that out of 30 schools participating from all over Asia, we came in 15th place; an amazing outcome for our first ever entry to this event.

Our team this year represented Bromsgrove impeccably well and we are all very proud of them. They have set the bar high, so we are enthusiastic now to see what can be achieved when we enter again next year.


We are delighted to share our ECA programme for Term 3 with you. We continue to have a varied and inspiring range of ECAs on offer and we hope your child will continue to enjoy extending their learning through this programme. We are offering a breadth of opportunities across sport, academics, the arts and life skills.

Our programme in Term 3 in Secondary continues with three strands:

  • Engage

  • Create

  • Activate


Please see the links below for details of the activities on offer each day:


We expect students to choose ECAs from the three strands across the week to broaden and enhance their extracurricular time. Many of the popular ECAs from Terms 1 and 2 will run this term as well but we also have a number of new ECAs and we strongly encourage students to sign up and try these!


We ask for your support to guide your child in their ECA choices and if an ECA has an additional cost, separate parental/guardian consent will be sought before a student is enrolled in the ECA. Please note that your Activities and Sundries Deposit balance will be used in the first instance to pay for this activity and by giving consent you authorise the Finance Office to debit your balance accordingly.


We cannot wait for our Term 3 ECA programme to begin!