The Annual BIST Art Exhibition will feature work from Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 and showcase a variety of work created throughout the academic year. Exhibits will include drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and installation. Please come and celebrate our students’ amazing talents, starting after the Primary Production ‘Go For Gold.’

Words of wisdom from our English language teachers in Primary:

As we get to the end of the term, students, parents, carers and for certain, teachers are ready for the summer holidays. This upcoming break is important to allow all those connected with Bromsgrove to reflect and recharge after a long, but highly successful year.


It is important that we rest so we all return ready to make 2018 – 2019 school year the best year ever at Bromsgrove. To help this happen it is important that we arrive back on the 27th August, having given ourselves the best possible start for the year.


One of the key things that we can all do over the summer to both relax and to prepare for next year is to READ. Read in English, read in Thai, read in Chinese, read in Korean, read in German, French, Spanish, Martian, or indeed any language we can. High-level research studies have consistently found that reading, even non-English texts, improve English learning in the classroom.


Whilst the benefits of reading are clearly seen across our school with the fantastic and ever improving levels of English at Bromsgrove, there are some further and surprising benefits beyond education. A study by Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston found that participants who read physical books, rather than using e-readers, phones or tablets before bed took less time to fall asleep, had better, deeper (REM) sleep and were far more alert in the morning. The cumulative effects of sleep deprivation on our physical and mental health is universally accepted, and reading is a good way to help our children get the sleep they need.


So be it on the beach, on the plane, in the hotel or relaxing at home – make reading a key part of your upcoming holiday.

We are so proud of Victoria in Year 6 who has won 1st place in the Neilson Hays Young Writers Awards in her age category. Victoria wrote and illustrated an amazing story called The Potion of Wonder, about a potion-maker who has 3 drops of wonder to bestow on the world. How will he use it? Will he use it wisely? Is there a lesson to be learnt from his choices? To answer these questions you will need to read the book which will be showcased in the school library.


Our Primary Korean students were working on their understanding of how words that we use affect others in our daily life, as well as thinking about how good we are at listening when we have a conversation with others. Students had to represent what they were thinking by expressing it in pictures, for example using hearts and flowers to represent positive expression. They went on to make acrostic poems by using positive words. By doing these two activities, students better understood the importance of using positive language and polite words and the affect this can have on others.

In Music, Year 4 have recently been developing instrumental skills on the ukulele, looking at strumming patterns, chord shapes and chord progressions!

The children started playing the ukulele as a whole class, beginning with easy chords, such as Am, F and C, and working up to Em, G and D. Activities included call and response, which helps to develop rhythm and listening skills, as well as chord jams, to build confidence and familiarity with each new chord. They also learnt and performed some specially composed songs, to help them start putting the chords together. These included The Bullfrog Blues, The Funky Fish and The Reggae Rhinoceros.

Following these performances, the children then started to work independently in pairs and small groups, using their new knowledge of chords and strumming patterns, to compose and perform their own pieces of music. They showed fantastic teamwork, reflection and determination and had great fun sharing their music with the rest of the class!

Grand Prize for Melody
Melody in Year 6 has been named a First Prize Winner in the Junior Woodwind category of the ‘Salzburg’ Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition 2018. As a winner, she has been invited to perform at the Wiener Saal, Mozarteum in Salzburg on Sunday, July 8, 2018.  We are all very proud of Melody here at Bromsgrove and would like to congratulate her on this fantastic achievement!


Please click below to watch her winning performance.

Jeremy Meddows-Taylor
Head of Music (Whole School)

On 22 May, Pat and Poom (our golfing twins in Year 6) won The Charity Golf Tournament hosted by the Parents and Teachers Association of Srinakharin Wirot University Prasarnmit Demonstration School (Primary). They received their trophies from General Prayut Chan-O-Cha, our current Prime Minister of Thailand. We are all very proud of them here at Bromsgrove; their hard work and determination has led to great success.

Year 2 Ancient Egyptian Open Morning – Tuesday 22nd May 2018

On Tuesday, the Year 2 ‘Ancient Egyptian Open Morning’ took place. It was amazing to see so many parents there to support the event and an exciting and fun time was had by all!

Both parents and their children were split into three groups (Taylor, Edwards and Walters) and rotated around the following activities:

  • Egyptian Make-up / Face painting
  • Making a ‘cartouche’
  • Ancient Egyptian Dancing

In the first rotation, the children were challenged to use face paints to make-up their parents, giving them an Ancient Egyptian style look. Likewise, parents did the same for their children. In the second rotation, the children made a cartouche out of salt dough to form a tablet, and used hieroglyphics to inscribe their names. In the third rotation, the children taught their parents the dance moves for three Ancient Egyptian popular songs. At the end, the parents danced themselves and challenged each other to a ‘dance-off’!

Finally, the children had the opportunity to use toilet paper to ‘wrap their mummies like a mummy’! There was so much fun and laughter and in the end, it was really difficult to recognise anybody and choose a winner!

Everyone agreed that it was a wonderful experience for both students and parents to come together and share in the learning. A big ‘THANK YOU!’ to all parents who attended and supported the event!

Kindest Regards,

The Year 2 Team

On Monday 21 May, Bromsgrove International School Thailand hosted our annual BIST Family Golf Day 2018!  There were 25 teams who participated in the event and, despite the heavy rainfall, the students, parents and staff who participated in this event enjoyed themselves thoroughly. A special thanks to everyone who took part and helped to make this such a successful event. We are already looking forward to the event next year!

For more pictures, please visit

During his recent visit to the UK Dr Moore, Headmaster, dropped in on Minkyu (Martin) Han and Je t’aime Bhumsukorak, our Term 3 Year 9 BUK scholars to see how they were enjoying life at our sister school. Dr Moore confirmed they were settling into their boarding houses well and were getting fully involved in school life, but were missing BIST and our somewhat warmer climate!