On the last day of term we had a very fun assembly to say thank you to all of our students and staff, and say goodbye to our leaving students and staff. Our leaving House Leader, Mr Ross, was covered in silly string and all of our leaving teachers had to survive the ‘watergun challenge’ from our House Captains. It is always sad to say goodbye by to colleagues, students and friends so we like to make sure we celebrate their time here at BIST, and make sure they leave us laughing, with great memories of their time here.

Boarding at Bromsgrove has been bustling with end of term excitement this week and students across all year groups have been taking part in a range of activities to celebrate the end of the academic year. We are all looking forward to a well deserved rest and spend time with our families and friends. We hope that the boarding students embrace all of the opportunities the holidays bring them and try something new. We hope that everyone comes back refreshed for the new academic year ready for new challenges and opportunities.

We are excited for a number of renovations that will be taking place over the summer break. We are planning to renovate a number of bedrooms in Windsor House to make more spaces for students, especially Sixth Formers. There will also be some renovations to Tudor House including the installation of some windows to help increase the amount of light on each floor. We can’t wait to see what a difference all of the improvements will make!

This last week of term has been incredibly busy with students packing, celebrating with a range of end of school events, packing up and attending the Boarding Awards Evening. On Wednesday night, we had our Boarding Awards Ceremony and enjoyed an incredible wonderful meal together: well done to everyone who was nominated or won an award!

We have had over 42 incredible boarding trips this year and have thoroughly enjoyed spending time off site together. Our trips have included learning more about Thai culture, taking part in community service trips, going to water parks and of course shopping! We have loved welcoming a number of day students to these trips this term and hope that even more day students can join us one Saturday next year. Please check our Facebook page regularly for updates (https://www.facebook.com/BISTBoarding2017to2018/).

Our fun filled weeks are only possible with the support of our incredible Boarding Staff Team and the support from Day School Teachers who all work together to assist the students in the evenings. We would like to thank each and everyone of them for the help and encouragement they offer: helping students with their Academic Development; playing sports with them in the Sports Hall; waking sleepy students up in the morning; taking students to hospital; translating messages for parents; or ironing hundreds of shirts! Alongside the support students receive from the staff at Bromsgrove, we would like to thank all of the parents and carers for encouraging the boarding students to embrace the different aspects of Boarding life.

We wish you a wonderful holiday and look forward to welcoming you back in August.

Ms Drew and Ms Gwilliam
Heads of Boarding

This year is a special year as we celebrated the 15th year anniversary by organizing a series of events throughout the year.  Over the academic year 2017/8, the administration team worked very hard to ensure that our students are healthy, the environment is save & clean, all school events and productions ran smoothly and all the school facilities function well.  Several building improvements and refurbishment projects were implemented at the Early Years Campus, Windsor Park campus, and our Boarding houses. We have also strengthened the relationship between the PTA and school. Our PTA members are very active and provide support in all school events with the commitment to raise funds for some future school projects. It is important that the PTA and the school work closely together to create an inspiring environment for our children to grow.  In addition, the school Finance Department has initiated several payment channels by introducing the Payment Card with Barcode. Parents in Thailand can now settle payment via Mobile Banking application, ATM, and Bill Payment at the counter by using the barcode.


Moving forward, there will be several building improvements, refurbishment  and construction projects during the summer break at both campuses. I look forward to welcoming you back in August 2018.


Duenpen Pawakranond (Mint)
School Director

I can hardly believe that the academic year 2017/18 is drawing to a close!


The Secondary phase at Bromsgrove has gone from strength to strength this academic year and has been packed full of inspirational learning opportunities and also holistic opportunities for students to embrace the wider enrichment of education.Our academic programmes allow students to personalise their learning journeys and we wish all our students well for the iGCSE, AS and A Level results in August. Congratulations to our Year 13 Business, Sport and Travel and Tourism BTEC students who all succeeded in being awarded their Level 3 Subsidiary Diplomas this year!


Students have also had many opportunities to enrich their academic curriculum through not only our ECA programme, but also a number of trips and visits, both within and outside of Thailand. The breadth of ECAs and trips on offer for secondary students has been wonderful this year and teachers are already planning more opportunities for next academic year.  


The introduction of House Charities this year has been exceptionally positive and it has been very pleasing to see the students contributing in different ways to both our school and local communities. I am very proud of the students who have received different segments of their Bromsgrove Award as they each showed true dedication in the pursuit of their individual goals over an extended period of time. Well done!


Finally, I would just like to thank every member of the Bromsgrove community who has made the Secondary phase such a positive and warm learning environment.  Wishing everyone a restful and well-deserved summer holiday.


Ruth Young
Secondary Principal

As we reach the end of the academic year I feel very proud to be part of the Bromsgrove family, and very proud of your children. It has been a busy year packed with learning, fun, creativity and adventure for our Primary learners and I have no doubt that they will go from strength to strength on their continued learning journey. We are saying goodbye to some of our lovely teaching staff here at Bromsgrove. We wish them all well in their next teaching adventure and thank them all very much for their hard work and dedication to the school and your children.


Hooks for Bags at Windsor Park (Y2 – 6)

After the summer break students will have their own hook in Primary to keep their school bag, swimwear/PE bag and hat on. This replaces the current shelves in the Atrium. Please ensure that your child brings a small backpack to school in term 1 that can fit an A4 size folder/books inside. There is no need to send bags on wheels or suitcase style bags to school – such bags/suitcases will no longer be allowed. Please help your child choose an appropriate school bag for next year.

Welcome New Year 2

We look forward to having the current year 1 students join us here at Windsor Park after the holidays. We are sure that all of the transition sessions up to Windsor Park has helped them to prepare for year 2 and we welcome both students and parents to Windsor Park.


Welcome Event in August

On Sunday 26 August we will be welcoming our families and students into school to meet their teacher and find out more about the year ahead. It is an opportunity to find out more about the routines, timetables, themes and learning that will take place in their new class.


Goodbye to Year 6

Our year 6 students have been an integral part of the Primary school and they have been fantastic role models for the rest of Primary. We hope they continue to shine in Secondary school and we wish them well in moving on to their next phase of learning.


Leaving Families

For any of our students and families that will be leaving us this term I would like to wish you all the best and hope you keep in touch with us here at Bromsgrove. It has been a pleasure having you as part of the family and I am in no doubt that your child will be successful in their next school.


Final Words

It has been a wonderful year here at Bromsgrove and all of our students have been successful in so many different ways throughout the year. I hope that everyone has an opportunity to relax and recharge energy levels ready for academic year 2018 – 2019. We look forward to seeing you in August: the first day of school for students is 27 August 2018.


Christine Armstrong
Primary Principal

As we draw to the end of the academic year. I just wanted to say how very proud I am of all the students on our Early Years Campus. Each and every student on has made fantastic progress in their own individual way. It always amazes me how quickly another school year goes by. It seems like only yesterday we were welcoming new families to our campus and welcoming returning families back after the summer holidays! It has been a truly wonderful year on Early Years campus, we have celebrated our Star of the Week and housepoint dojos, watched the children perform in our annual talent show, ran in the Fun Run, competed in Sports Day, collected presents for the shoe box appeal, and taken part in many school trips. However, my proudest moment, has to be our Christmas Nativity. We got to see all the Early Years students perform on stage with such confidence and enthusiasm. I was blown away by those who had a speaking part and remembered their lines perfectly.  


The joy of working on the Early Years campus is that we get to see those first developmental steps, we see the first tears in Pre-Nursery turn into growing friendships, scribbles turn into sentences, and play turn into learning. I am extremely thankful to all of the staff that work on Early Years campus. We have a wonderfully supportive team, where everyone is dedicated to developing our school and always providing the best opportunities for your children. I want to thank you, the parents, for your continued support of Bromsgrove. You have watched our school grow and develop into the nurturing campus that it is today. This, in turn, has created a truly family community in the hub of Ramkhamhaeng 164.


I very much look forward to welcoming in the new academic year and watching our school continue to grow. I wish all our families on EY a wonderful summer holidays and hope you enjoy some well deserved family time.


Charlotte Ridley
Early Years Principal

Our annual Year 9 Mathematical enrichment trip to The Ancient City at Muang Boran was a great success, the students thoroughly enjoyed cycling, map reading & solving Mathematical puzzles in & around Thai cultural buildings & heritage.

The best solutions to the functional questions were completed by Pin, Amy, Shutin, Nano & Mike.

Please check out the photos & video clip of the day below:

We are very proud of Sudrak in Year 2 who participated in the Young Artist Music Contest in association with the College of Music Mahidol University. Sudrak has worked incredibly hard and was rewarded for his hard work by achieving Second Prize in the Junior Class competition. Well done Sudrak; we are very proud!
On Friday 22nd June, K. Duenpen Pawakranond, School Director of Bromsgrove International School Thailand, joined a BCCT Multi-Chambers Lunch with Minister of Education at Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok hosted by British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT) to discussed on revolutionising “Education in Thailand”.
Pictured from left: BeLuThai Executive Director Philip Coates, AustCham President Brenton Maureillo, BCCT Chairman Chris Thatcher, Minister of Education, AMCHAM Vice-President Herman Ehrlich, Bumrungrad International Hospital Senior Manager of Expatriate MKT Udo Kim, Bromsgrove International School Director Duenpen Pawakranond and NTCC Executive Director Hans van den Born.

The Primary Swim Gala was a fantastic morning of competitive swimming for our older students, and an opportunity for our youngest swimmers to show just how water confidant they have become. Parents were hugely supportive of the event and it was a wonderful opportunity for them to see just how much their children had progressed in swimming. The swim programme goes from strength to strength and we are incredibly proud of all our Primary swimmers. Well done.

For more pictures, please visit our website at http://www.bromsgrove.ac.th/gal…/primary-swimming-gala-2018/