We are delighted to share our ECA programme for Term 1 with you. We have a varied and inspiring range of ECAs on offer and we hope your child will enjoy extending their learning through this programme. We are offering a breadth of opportunities across sport, academics, the arts and life skills.


Our programme in Secondary is divided into three strands:

  • Engage

  • Create

  • Activate


Please see the links below for details of the activities on offer each day:


We expect students to choose ECAs from the three strands across the week to broaden and enhance their extracurricular time. Many of the ECAs will run each term so students will have the opportunity to experience them across the academic year.


Students will be guided and supported in their ECA choices by their tutors and if an ECA has an additional cost, separate parental/guardian consent will be sought before a student is enrolled in the ECA. Please note that your Activities and Sundries Deposit balance will be used in the first instance to pay for this activity and by giving consent you authorise the Finance Office to debit your balance accordingly.


We cannot wait for the ECAs to begin next week on Tuesday 4 September!


SPECIAL OFFER – Get 100THB ‘Welcome Back To School’ Cash Coupon!

Get 100 THB Cash Coupon for every 2,000THB spent at BIST School Shops to be used for your next purchase.
In order to be eligible, you will need to take a photo with ‘Welcome Back To School’ backdrop next to our school shops and post on your Facebook or Instagram with hashtag #BISTBACKTOSCHOOL

This promotion has been extended to 31 August 2018 and the coupon can be used until 28 September 2018.

For more information, please contact our School Shops or call 02-9894873.


รับบัตรส่วนลด มูลค่า 100 บาท ทันที! เมื่อซื้อสินค้าจากร้านค้าโรงเรียนครบ 2,000 บาท
และถ่ายรูปกับป้าย ‘Welcome Back To School’ และโพสต์ลงเฟซบุคหรืออินสตาแกรม พร้อมใส่แฮชแท็ก #BISTBACKTOSCHOOL

ขยายช่วงเวลาโปรโมชั่นถึงวันที่ 31 สิงหาคม 2561 และผู้ปกครองสามารถใช้คูปองสำหรับซื้อสินค้าที่ร้านค้าโรงเรียนได้จนถึงวันที่ 28 กันยายน 2561

สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม กรุณาสอบถามได้ที่ร้านค้าโรงเรียน หรือติดต่อที่เบอร์ 02-9894873

Pre-Nursery – Register today!

The Best British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum for children aged 2-6 (Pre-Nursery – Year 1) in Eastern Bangkok

At Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST) Early Years campus, we follow The British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum; focusing on the 7 key areas of learning, through a play based approach.  We believe in providing a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment, where all children flourish and reach their own individual potential.

A place where children develop their social skills, emotional well-being and a love for learning, in an environment where both play and learning are combined and the importance of the outdoor learning is valued.

For school visit and Admission, please contact 02-5407123 (Thai and English speaking) on Mon-Fri 07.30-16.30.


หลักสูตรอนุบาลระบบอังกฤษที่ดีที่สุดในย่านกรุงเทพฯฝั่งตะวันออก (รามคำแหงรามอินทรามีนบุรีสุขาภิบาล 1 2 และ 3)

โรงเรียนนานาชาติบรอมส์โกรฟ แผนกอนุบาล เปิดสอนนักเรียนตั้งแต่ระดับชั้นเตรียมอนุบาลถึงชั้นปีที่ อายุระหว่าง 2-6 ปี ด้วยหลักสูตรแห่งชาติของประเทศอังกฤษ Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) – Development Matters เน้นการเรียนรู้ผ่านการเล่นและพัฒนาทักษะ ด้านที่สำคัญ เพื่อให้เด็กๆได้พัฒนาศักยภาพ เรียนรู้การมีปฏิสัมพันธ์กับผู้อื่นและต่อสิ่งแวดล้อมรอบๆตัว ในบรรยากาศที่เอื้อต่อการเรียนรู้ ปลอดภัย และเป็นมิตร

ติดต่อ 02-5407122  ในวันจันทร์-ศุกร์ ตั้งแต่เวลา 07.30-16.30 น.

From 20th-23rd July, Name, from Year 7, took part in the Asia Pacific Arts Festival 2018 in Singapore which had over 250 participants from China, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia. Name was one of the representatives from Thailand to compete in singing contest and won the gold trophy for her performance to the song Once Upon a December.


Mew, our music scholar in Year 11, has achieved the Gold Award in the Senior B Category of the Singapore Asia Youth Piano Competition 2018. We are all very proud of Mew here at Bromsgrove and would like to congratulate her on this fantastic achievement!

New parents and existing parents, please be invited to our annual New Parent Induction/Welcome Back Parent event on Sunday 26 August 2018 at Windsor Park campus from 14:00 -16:00. For more information, please visit http://bit.ly/InductionEN or contact us at 02-989-4873.

ขอเรียนเชิญผู้ปกครองใหม่และปัจจุบันระดับชั้นประถมและมัธยมศึกษาทุกท่านเข้าร่วมกิจกรรมปฐมนิเทศ ซึ่งจะจัดขึ้นในวันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 สิงหาคมนี้ ที่หอประชุม Oriental Siam วิทยาเขตวินด์เซอร์ปาร์ค ตั้งแต่เวลา 14.00 – 16.00 น. ดูรายละเอียดกิจกรรมได้ที่ http://bit.ly/InductionTH หรือโทร 02-989-4873

On Thursday 26 July, our trip was to Mini Murrah Farm and the children enjoyed seeing the different animals, feeding them, and making their very own ice-cream and pizza.

The children had such a blast Friday as well. They had the opportunity to take part in making an even bigger pizza than the one from the day before at Delizia before returning to school for the Summer School Messy Party.

Although Summer Camp has now come to an end, We are sure that the children will continue to learn and discover with the same enthusiasm and positivity that they have displayed throughout the 4 week period. It has been really rewarding seeing them grow and watching them overcoming various challenges; they should be really proud of themselves and what they have achieved.
We hope to see you all again for Summer School 2019!

Today was an exciting day for our summer camp students, full of individual and group challenges! Together, our student teams built various mechanisms and contraptions to protect their raw egg in a classic “egg-drop challenge”. It was lovely to see the different creative ideas employed by our students as well as hear them practice vocabulary that they have learned through the camp whilst building their contraptions. In the end, some eggs survived the drop while others made quite a mess, but it was a fun event for all.

After our egg-drop, the students enjoyed a group English quiz in our lovely theater which focused on the various things that they have learned so far and the experiences they have had during our summer camp. There was much laughter and cheering, as the students revisited the memories they have made over the past two weeks.

Later in the afternoon, we teamed up together to take each other on in a relay race that involved the teams working together to overcome challenges.

In today’s daily update we have also attached some of the photos from Thursday’s Trashion show. We are very proud of how much our summer camp students were able to achieve in such a short time and with very few resources. It was great to see just how creative they could all be!


In Mr. James’ class, our students practiced their verbal English by talking about synonyms and antonyms. Later they practiced a variety of vocabulary to describe the ideas and things that are the same and different. We finished by imagining how things would be different on “Opposite Day,” and students created storyboards to express their creative visions.

In Ms. Rae’s class, our students practiced all sorts of number vocabulary through the context of pirate stories. This involved conversations about money and plenty of games and storytelling.

In Mr. Barker’s class, our students attempted a variety of activities. Some students prepared a presentations related to their favorite books and movies, whilst others took part in a role-play activity. Others students were given an opportunity to create and perform their own rap songs!

Later in Mr. Tak’s P.E. lesson, our students took each other head-on in a tug-of-war competition! In the evening they will highlight their creativity by participating in Bromsgrove’s famous “Trashion Show.” As part of the Trashion show, they will have to create a series of clothing outfits using nothing but recyclable trash. Later tonight, they will go on stage in our performing arts centre to model these outfits on the catwalk.