We are delighted to share our ECA programme for Term 2 with you. We have a varied and inspiring range of ECAs on offer and we hope your child will enjoy extending their learning through this programme. We are offering a breadth of opportunities across sport, academics, the arts and life skills.

Our programme in Secondary is divided into three strands:

  • Engage

  • Create

  • Activate

Please see the links below for details of the activities on offer each day:

We expect students to choose ECAs from the three strands across the week to broaden and enhance their extracurricular time. Many of the ECAs will run each term so students will have the opportunity to experience them across the academic year.

Students will be guided and supported in their ECA choices by their tutors and if an ECA has an additional cost, separate parental/guardian consent will be sought before a student is enrolled in the ECA. Please note that your Activities and Sundries Deposit balance will be used in the first instance to pay for this activity and by giving consent you authorise the Finance Office to debit your balance accordingly.

We cannot wait for the ECAs to begin on Tuesday 15th January!

Last week, Angie in Year 5 participated in the 2018/19 SEA Figure Skating Open Challenge: Advance Pre-novice Girls. She showed great determination and we are very proud of her. Well done Angie!

Congratulations to Angel in Year 7 for her achievement in the 2018/19 Sea Figure Skating Open Challenge where she was placed 1st in the Basic Novice Girls category!

Last Tuesday, Year 2 were visited by a team from PAWS, who came to collect the fantastic donations of pet supplies for the homeless cats and kittens at the PAWS Rescue Centre. They also brought along with them ‘Train Kitty’, a cat that suffered horrendous loss of limbs, when as a kitten he was run over by a train. The children were so happy to meet him and find out about such a brave cat. They were truly inspired by his story of determination and resilience!

The team from PAWS also talked to the children, and gave them an insight into looking after cats as pets. Hopefully this will make them more aware of how much time and effort goes into looking after cats and what their needs are. They also talked to the children about the problems that Soi cats and dogs face in Thailand and the importance of animal welfare.

The children felt very proud of themselves for collecting so much to help the cats and kittens at PAWS. We must also thank you as parents for your generosity, kindness and good will.

Congratulations to Pro in Year 5 who won second place (U10 Class) in the Thailand Kids Golf Championship 2018, at Royal Hill Golf Resort, this week. We are incredibly proud of his achievement – well done.

Our Senior Girls basketball team played in a tournament this weekend at St Stephens International school and did very well, finishing in 4th place overall. Congratulations the girls: Nina T, Issa, Ice Cream, Nelly, Pray and Krissy!

We are incredibly proud of Sudrak, Year 3, who entered the ABRSM Churairat Piano Competition last weekend and was awarded 3rd place in the A Category. His piano playing goes from strength to strength and he, like us, should feel very proud of his accomplishment. Well done!

Last week at BIST we celebrated Loy Krathong festival on the 22nd November, to say thank you to the Thai goddess of water and remind us how beautiful and important Thai culture is in today’s world. We started the day with shows from Early Years and Year 1 students in the morning, followed by shows from Primary and Secondary students in the afternoon. All of our students got to make and float their own Krathong with their families at our Loy Krathong celebrations. We would like to thank our students and BIST staff, in particular our Thai team and events team, for a wonderful day. In addition we would like to thank our parents and community for their wonderful support in making this a truly amazing event. Stay tuned for our Loy Krathong video coming soon.

Over the weekend our junior golfers have been busy. Pro in year 5 participated in the  ISF Junior Golf Open 2018 (stage 4) at Prime City Golf Country Club. He showed great resilience and finished in 3rd place in the class D boys (U11). We are extremely proud of his achievements. Also, Bun Bun in year.6 participated in a Par 3 Golf tournament at Par3 Srinakarin Golf club. Bun Bun showed great determination and came 1st, as the winner, in the class D girls (U11) tournament. Well done Bun Bun – what a fantastic win!

On the 14th of October, Sunday, WISMUN (Wells International School Model United Nations) opened with an assembly led by the chairs and secretary of their 4th annual MUN at Wells International School with an astounding keynote speaker called Marco Roncarati. He presented a wonderful presentation on human development. The committees present in this conference were ECOSOC, HRC, SC, DISEC, and a new committee called the African Union. After the assembly, the chairs, the delegates and pages headed to their committees. The committees were filled with long debates about the topics at hand and creating resolutions for said topics. The debates were filled with interesting characters and with even more interesting speeches and resolutions created by all of the delegates present. Throughout, there were interesting debates,powerful resolutions and guest speakers.

The conference started off slow and uneasy with all of the delegates and chairs settling in, but started to pick up after the first break as everyone started to feel much more comfortable and confident in their positions. Nearing the end, almost every single one of the delegates got up to speak during the conference and by the end everyone had walked out feeling much more confident than when they came in.

Students in attendance in order of the photograph from top left to bottom right: Teerakan (I-tim) Churat, (Liana) Eunyul Choi, Tara Weili Koh, (Jenny) Yunseo Lee, Minjae Lee, Tawfiq Morshed, (Amy) Wen-Yu Tung, (Pump) Thanadon Teeravisut, Mrs Nagle (Advisor) and (Cathy) Yujia Zhou.

Here are some quotes from Bromsgrove students that went to the WISMUN conference:

Minjae“MUN has been a truly eye-opening experience for me. While initially being petrified at the thought of speaking publicly to a group of strangers, I soon came to enjoy the thrill and passion involved in debating on behalf of your allocated country, whether or not you agreed with its stance. The experience taught me that my knowledge of current affairs was previously embarrassingly shallow and lacking, urging me to take further interest in the constantly shifting dynamics of political, economic and social reforms around the world. I greatly enjoyed watching more experienced speakers ferociously defending the self interest of their nations in regards to the topic, often going on tangents from espionage to dictatorship, which was fascinating to listen to.”

Liana – “The scale of the WISMUN was much bigger than what I thought. I was scared actually, because it was my first time there. However, it wasn’t as hard or as formal as I thought it would be. It was really great in the way that all the delegate were enemies at certain points and then best allies the next. However, the things we talked about were all really intelligent and realistic. Though there were some delegates who had more experience and better speaking skills, we all had fun and it was a great experience overall. Also, great if you wish to make a lot of friends!”


Written by Teerakan (I-tim) Churat and Tara Weili Koh