The UKMT INTERMEDIATE 2019 awards are in!


The winners are listed below in Year group, please remember the intermediate award is primarily aimed at students from Years 9, 10 and 11.

We achieved a pleasing 7 Gold, 8 Silver and 11 Bronze awards this year.

Year 11
Best in Year, best in school & GOLD:
Tonfon Tippairote

Jun Ko
Joon Choi



Year 10
Jake (Best in Year)

Jenny – Yunseo


Year 9
Best in Year & SILVER:
Cho JungWoo


Year 8
Best in Year & GOLD:



Well done to all who took part and congratulations to the winners, in what is always a challenging competition : )

We have some students who have qualified for the next round – congratulations to them all!


  • Tonfon in Year 11 is through to the MacLurin round.
  • Jake in Year 10 is through to the Hamilton round.
  • Mike in Year 10 has qualified for the Pink Kangaroo.
  • Muk & I-Tim in Year 8 are through to the Grey Kangaroo.

All the next rounds are this Thursday 21st March 2019.

The next Mathematical competition for our students is the Junior UKMT for Years 7 & 8 on Tuesday 30th April 2019.
We wish them all luck!

The FOBISIA Maths trip are all checked in and on their way to their competition in Kuala Lumpur!

Our Year 13 students have some really exciting offers from Universities across the world with a range of subjects that show just how diverse our Sixth Form students are. Some students have been offered all five of their places and now have the difficult task of deciding which they will confirm as their final destinations.

The range of universities and subjects are shown below:

Subject University
Aeronautical Engineering
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Leeds
  • Sheffield University
  • Southampton University
  • Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Imperial College, London
Biomedical Engineering
  • City University, Hong Kong
Biomedical Sciences
  • University of Manchester
Biomedical Sciences and Neuroscience
  • University of Glasgow
  • Queen Mary University London
  • University of Manchester
  • Westminster University
Business and Management
  • Durham University
  • University College London (UCL)
  • City University, Hong Kong
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • University of Hong Kong
  • University of Westminster
  • Pace University NY State, USA
Chemical Engineering
  • Imperial College, London
  • University College London (UCL)
Childhood Studies
  • Leeds Beckett University
  • University of Plymouth
  • University of Portsmouth
  • Teesside University
Civil Engineering
  • University of Bristol
  • University College London (UCL)
  • University of Bath
  • University of Manchester
  • Sheffield University
Computer Science
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Bath
Computer Science and Engineering
  • Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Korea University
Creative Media
  • Stamford International University
  • Chulalongkorn University
  • University of Warwick
  • King’s College London
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Durham
  • London School of Economics, University of London (LSE)
Economics and Management
  • London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London (LSE)
  • King’s College London
  • University of Warwick
  • University of Manchester
Electrical Engineering
  • Korea University
  • University of Bristol
  • Lancaster University
  • University of Essex
  • Surrey University
  • Sheffield University
Film Studies
  • King’s College London
  • Queen Mary University London
  • University of Essex
  • South Bank, London
  • Birbeck, University of London
Fine Arts
  • Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Minerva Art Academy
Global Study and Social Entrepreneur
  • Thammasat University
  • Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School
  • Dusit Thani College – Hotel and Resort Management (Certified by Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne)
Marketing and Management
  • Durham University
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Birmingham
  • King’s College London
Mechanical Engineering
  • Sheffield University
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Essex
  • Loughborough University
  • Trinity College, Dublin
  • Thammasat University
Nano Science Engineering
  • Yonsei University, Korea
  • Monash University, Australia
  • Pace university, USA
Screen Acting
  • International School Of Screen Acting, London

We participated in the FOBISIA Golf Tournament at Black Mountain Golf and Resort, joining over 130 students who participated in the tournament from all over Asia. Our students showed great determination and we had some fantastic results. The team of Secondary and Primary students included Pro, Bun Bun, Kaowhom, Pat, Poom, Prin, Top, Marvin, Wit, Pray,Phoom, and Estelle. We were the runners up in the team event, and also had some individual success too. Please see the results as follows:

Class A Girls : Estelle : Runner up
Class A Girls : Pray : Net score Winner
Class B Boys : Wit = Winner (Score -7)
Class C Girls : Kaow Hom = Runner up
Team Overall : Team Runners up
Longest Drive : Wit
Nearest the pin : Pin

Well done to everyone!

12 of our Gifted and Talented Mathematicians in Years 7 and 8 competed in a Mathematics day hosted by Shrewsbury International School and their Sixth Form Mathematicians. We entered three teams of four students and competed against other international schools from Bangkok including NIST, Harrow, Patana, Bangkok Prep & Shrewsbury.
Well done to Kon, I-tim, Muk, Yujin and Minjoon from Year 8; Victoria, Yarra, Minseo, Toya, Bei Bei, Pine and Name from Year 7 who all demonstrated Bromsgrove Award attributes of teamwork, determination and curiosity.
Thank you to Shrewsbury International School Bangkok for hosting this enrichment day.

Jenny, Je t’aime, Eva, Alerce and Hannah took part in the Regent’s STEM Challenge where they had to design a sustainable community where they focused on an eco-friendly school and sustainable agriculture. Once they had researched their designs, they had to present them to a panel of 3 specialist judges. A big well done to the whole team!

The U15 tournament was a challenging one and the team pulled together to perform admirably this weekend! The first game was particularly tough as our team worked hard on their communication which improved in every game. During the tournament, Mai Mai saved a number of amazing goals, our defence, led by Teya, was strong, our midfield players and strikers were always running and challenging their opponents and Ice Cream and Sang Sang scored some fantastic goals. All players were not afraid of the opponents, no matter how good they were. In the end, the tournament was very close as we lost on penalties in the final and came second! I have been a student coach of the U15 this year and it has been a privilege to play this role with Nick Stanig and with the support of the teachers. Well done to U15 Girls’ team on their wonderful result!

Eunseol Seo – Student Football Coach.

What a fantastic Book Week we have had in Year 2! The theme throughout the Primary School was ‘Pirates’ and in Year 2 we focussed on two stories in particular by Mr. Beale’s favourite author, Colin McNaughton. First of all we read ‘Jolly Roger and the Pirates of Captain Abdul the Skinhead’. The children loved finding out about the silly, clumsy pirates and the adventures of Roger, the main character and hero. We then read ‘Captain Abdul’s Pirate School’. Here the pirates become teachers and set up their own school for aspiring young pirates on their own pirate ship, ‘The Golden Behind’. The young pirates are taught pirate ways and pirate school rules, which are completely the opposite of school rules here at Bromsgrove. Finally, the young pirate students take matters into their own hands and teach those wicked pirate teachers a lesson!

The children took part in many activities over the course of the week based on these stories. They wrote character descriptions for Captain Abdul the Skinhead, drew and wrote WANTED posters for Captain Abdul and his crew, as well as their own ‘Pirate Classroom Rules’ which they read out in the Friday Book Week Assembly. The children also designed their very own pirate flags and were very creative in their ideas.

The children also took part in a workshop on Tuesday morning with our Book week guest, Ms Ati, who showed the children lots of examples of pop-up books. They really enjoyed making pirate hats and pirate ships before thanking Ms Ati for all her hard work and time in preparing such wonderful activities.

We were also joined by Year 4 Kingfishers who were our ‘Book Buddies’ for the week. The children took it in turns to read to one another, experiencing new and familiar books. They asked each other questions and it was pleasing to see just how well our students prediction and inference skills have developed.

Year 2 had a lot of fun reading the two Captain Abdul stories and finding out about pirates. They are already looking forward to the next Book Week, and can’t wait to find out what the theme will be next year?

Mr Andy Beale
Year 2 Teacher

As part of Bromsgrove International School’s annual Book Week, we usually invite authors and illustrators from around the world to visit and speak to the students, however this year we decided to do something a little different. We focused on how reading can bring happiness, joy and positive changes to our lives and we wanted to be able to share our love of reading with the wider community. To put that into action, we worked alongside The Foundation for Slum Child Care to develop a meaningful day for the BIST students and the children at Ban Srinakarin. Students from BIST built bookshelves and donated books to create a mini library for Ban Srinakarin. They also read Thai and English books to the attentive children and joined in with some of the dances the children were learning! It was both a valuable and enjoyable day for all of us and we hope to continue our links with Ban Srinakarin in the future.

On Friday 1 March, a group of students from Years 3 and 4 took part in the 2019 TISAC Primary Arts Day. Joining with students from seven other Bangkok schools, the students enjoyed a selection of workshops including Thai Music, Art, Dance and Drama activities. Come the awards ceremony, we were delighted to hear that Ruangkhao had won a special award for her achievement in Thai Music. Well done to April, Rin Rin, Myles, Ruangkhao, Mudmook and Punn Punn for showing great determination, creativity and teamwork throughout the day!