On Wednesday Dr Ashworth from the University of East Anglia (UK) came to visit the Year 10’s and show off some amazing experiments that help to explain the Chemistry that is all around us.

The Junior UKMT 2019 results are in!

We achieved 7 Gold awards, 7 Silver awards and 10 Bronze awards which represents a significant improvement on last year!

Please remember that the competition is primarily aimed at students studying Mathematics in KS3 but KS2 can also be invited to take part. Therefore, a very special mention must go to Jack Armstrong and Syrus in Year 6 who both achieved a Bronze award.

The winners are as follows:

Year 8:
Gold, Best in Year and Best in School: Muk.
Gold – I-Tim.
Silver – Minjoon, Harry, Joanna, Yujin and Kon .
Bronze – Sunsun, Tin, Gunn Gunn and Sam.

Year 7:
Gold and Best in Year -Toya
Gold – Victoria, Andy, Minseo and Ichi
Silver -Philips and Wha-Wha.
Bronze – Justin, Philip Lee, Bei Bei and Name.

Year 6:
Bronze – Jack Armstrong and Syrus.

Well done to the winners and thank you to all the students who were brave enough to take part in this exciting, yet challenging, gifted and talented opportunity : )

If you would like your individual score, please speak to your teacher!

Winners’ certificates and badges can be collected from Mr. England or your Maths teacher before the end of term 3.

Year 1 had a super day up at Windsor Park as part of their transition programme. Not only did they get to watch the Year 2 and 3 Dress Rehearsal for their show, they had Music Madness in the Performing Arts Centre and Water Fun in the big Windsor Park swimming pool. Our young students showed great independence having lunch with all of the Primary and Secondary students, and enjoyed playing with the older Primary children during break times. We loved welcoming Year 1, and their parents to Windsor Park.

Earlier in Term 3 our Year 12 students applied for the prestigious roles of Head Boy and Head Girl for 2019/2020. We received some incredible applications that reflected the determined and committed nature of our senior students at Bromgrove.  The final applicants were interviewed by Dr Moore, Mrs Owens and Mr Williams who were blown away with by the individuals who presented themselves with maturity. In addition each candidate gave a two minute presentation to the secondary school in which they articulated their qualities and skills. This was followed by a secret ballot for secondary staff and students.
This rigorous and challenging process left us in no doubt that we have a fantastic team of young people ready to serve the secondary community.
We are proud to announce the following appointments:
Head Boy – Rapee Limweshasin
Deputy Head Boy – Nicholas Stanig
Head Girl – Gaia Franceshini
Deputy Head Girl – Cathy -Yujia Zhou
The decision making process was truly difficult, and as a result all of the outstanding applicants were given roles as Senior Prefects. This group will form the Student Leadership Team, and collectively they will be responsible for a number of projects and events across the academic year.
Student Leadership Team
Rapee Limweshasin
Nicholas Stanig
Gaia Franceshini
Cathy-Yujia Zhou
Nelly Zachova
Wonwoo Lee
Kai Tarrant
Minjae Lee
Tawfiq Morshed
Ben Park
Jeana Lee

Primary children had the chance to explore the basic elements of flight in our first BIST Primary STEAM Week.

STEAM means the combination of: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths.

Although we teach these subjects individually and throughout our theme- based curriculum, STEAM week really promotes the idea of child-led exploration and investigation. It is a research and development model used by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and many of the STEAM activities used are based on this model.

The children were given a task to create a paper aeroplane and record distances of flight in a fair test situation. They then assigned themselves to groups which were chosen on a basis of skills and capability in: communication, creativity, maths, ICT and English. The children put themselves forward as leaders and decided what their own strengths and the strengths of their peers are in each area.

To begin with, some of the groups were a little dysfunctional but after some guidance they worked fluently to challenge themselves and choose the best combination of designs. They then tested their new creations and recorded results, comparing them with previous attempts.

The STEAM week was very successful! The children got to think and design freely, without fear of failure and learned that failure can often lead to new learning and improvement. I look forward to our next STEAM activity!

We had a wonderful time celebrating the world that we live in during our Primary International Day. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about being part of a global community.

This week, we started our annual Service Week with a visit from each of our House Charities to our assembly. During their presentations they told us about all the wonderful work they do in Thaiand helping both the young people and the stray cats and dogs. Our House Captains were able to present them with an updated cheque showing the total amount of money raised by each House and they thanked us for our continued support. We look forward to raising more money for them from our Service events this week.


GOLD for BIST T-Ball A and SILVER for BIST T-ball B teams at the Primary FOBISIA Games. We are incredibly proud of our students and coaches. Go Bromsgrove!


What an amazing day of swimming and athletics at the Primary FOBISIA Games. Every student made us very proud showing excellent sportsmanship and teamwork. BIST tallied close to 100 medals across the day. Well done!

On Tuesday 23 April, we had our Secondary Sports Day at Windsor Park! Students competed in both track and field events in the morning and there were some simply superb perfomances across all disciplines. Congratulations to all the medal winners and also to all the students who took part!
For more pictures, please visit our website at https://www.bromsgrove.ac.th/gallery/secondary-sports-day-2019/