It has been a busy and exciting year for Primary Music at BIST. Since the wonderful Gala Concert, Christmas Assembly and Nativity in Term 1, children in Years 1 to 6 have been working hard and having fun in and out of the classroom to build their musical skills and prepare for many different performances!

In Term 2, a group of students from Years 3 and 4 took part in the TISAC Primary Arts Day. Joining with students from seven other Bangkok schools, the students enjoyed a selection of workshops including Thai Music, Art, Dance and Drama activities. Come the awards ceremony, we were delighted to hear that Ruangkhao had won a special award for her achievement in Thai Music. A week later, our new Primary Rock Band “Scarlet” took to the stage at the TISAC Battle of the Bands, performing Stitches and This Is Me to a packed auditorium. Featuring Alex F on guitar, Nama on bass, Pra-Chan and Opal on vocals, Jaeho on piano and Melanie on drums, they impressed the audience with their confidence and ensemble skills.

Term 3 started with the TISAC Primary Choral Day, where a group of children in Years 5 and 6 spent the day in a large choir, made up of several Bangkok schools, learning a range of songs in two and three parts! Following a great day of rehearsals, they performed in a short concert to parents and friends. The final TISAC Music event of the year gave our Primary Orchestra students the opportunity to play in an 80-strong orchestra from across the city. Again, following a day of sectionals and rehearsals, they took to the stage to perform the music they had learnt.

We have also been very lucky to see three fantastic shows in our auditorium this term! Year 1 were the first to be featured in the Early Years Production There’s a Sunflower in my Supper”. It was then the turn of Years 2 and 3, who showed off their impressive singing and acting skills in Hats Off! This week Years 4, 5 and 6 took to the stage for their performance of the musical Pirates of the Curry Bean. They also impressed their parents, teachers and friends with fantastic comical timing, dancing and singing!

With the end of term fast approaching, our Primary students are looking forward to sharing even more of their musical talent in the Awards Assembly and Year 6 Graduation on Wednesday 26 June!

On Friday 14 June, we formally said goodbye to the class of 2019 in our Graduation Ceremony. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our largest graduating class to date with their families, their friends and also their teachers.
We were delighted to welcome our guest of honour, Mr Jeremy Lees, Headmaster of International School of Samui (ISS) to address the graduating students amongst whom were some ex-ISS students. His speech was both motivating and inspiring for our students and we thank him wholeheartedly for his contribution to the event.
We wish our Year 13 well for their exam results which will be released in August and for their chosen future pathways! Good luck Class of 2019!


Daewon International Middle School
Summer International Sports and Cultural Programme at
Bromsgrove International School Thailand
Student and Parent Consent Form 


대원국제중학교 자매학교
국제교류 및 어학연수 • 스포츠 문화체험 프로그램
참가 학생 • 학부모 동의서

On Thursday 6th June, a delegation of students from both the Primary and Secondary leadership teams represented Bromsgrove at the D-Day 75 Remembrance Service at Christ Church Bangkok. The service marked the 75th anniversary of the Normandy Landings on 6 June 1944 and commemorated veterans who served in this battle. The students listened to a service from the officiating minister, took part in an act of remembrance, sang hymns and said prayers.

On Monday 10th June the newly formed Sixth Form Council gave an assembly outlining their plans for the next academic year. The Sixth Form Council consists of Head Boy and Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl and seven Senior Prefects who will work closely with Mr Williams throughout the next academic year. The students spoke confidently and passionately about all of their plans and we are sure that they are going to be a real inspiration to the Secondary students in the months to come.

Congratulations to Bromsgrove Drama students for winning 5 trophies including best overall KS3 performance in TISAC Drama Competition 2019! Well done!

Primary Year 3 – 6 had a fantastic Primary Swimming Gala on Wednesday 5 June. The houses competed against each other and individuals aimed for their personal best. Congratulations to all of our swimmers, and to Edwards House – the overall winners for this event.

For more pictures, please visit our website at



English as an Additional Language

Success at Bromsgrove International School Thailand

During this academic year, the EAL Department have thoroughly enjoyed working with our students. From Year 2 to Year 6, engaging and dynamic lessons have been planned, prepared and delivered as curriculum support to extend and develop the knowledge and skills our students need to further close the academic language gap, thereby allowing all our students to progress in their classrooms.

The Year 2 and Year 3 EAL students have covered a variety of concepts across the four strands of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Through play-based learning, they have made huge strides across all the necessary areas. From prepositions of place scavenger hunts to story retell comic books, creating books of their own using the innovative technology of iPads to include their own narrations and pictures of their choice; also making use of, and developing, their IT skills. During book week, the children had loads of fun putting together our classroom book week display, in tandem with their older peers: designing pirate flags, pirate ships and everything they could think of to support our pirate theme. With all of their fun and hard work, we are very excited to see how they continue to progress as they move to their next year groups.

Besides experiencing a year of progressive grammar and reading skills, the Year 4 EAL students have really enjoyed researching and learning more about Instructional writing. Initially, they completed a series of activities looking at language and structural features of Instructional writing. Thereafter, it was time to put their knowledge into practice: from delicious to disgusting recipes, concocting a delicious, healthy smoothie by using a variety of delicious ingredients, cooking a scrumptious mug cake, crafting a delightful pop-up card, and more! These students have worked extremely hard, all the while having lots of fun through design and craft, demonstrating their knowledge of the features of instructional writing, and, perhaps most importantly of all, putting those instructions into practice!

The Year 5 EAL students have been developing their writing skills during this year, by incorporating their extended grammar skills. Their final, written task was an opportunity for our students to demonstrate the amazing progress they have made over the course of the year, and, as such, the students have been extraordinarily enthusiastic to show-off what they know and what they have learnt. From speech mark station races, homophone catchers, pronoun foldable books, treasure island articles and survival lists, the students have undertaken a series of innovative activities in order for them to consolidate the grammatical features that they needed to include in their end-of-year written piece. They are fabulous reads, no doubt!

The Year 6 EAL students, on the cusp of exiting Primary school and on their transition journey to Secondary, have been working towards their end-of-year written pieces, the culmination of their time in Primary, by many counts. We have been consolidating areas that the students have previously learned during EAL, but in the depth needed to equip them with the tools they require to approach their academics when they reach the heights of Secondary. As such, the Year 6 students have been undertaking activities specifically designed to increase their confidence and deepen their understanding surrounding different areas of grammatical knowledge.

We are about to culminate an extraordinary year in the EAL department, and I can say, without a doubt, that all our students have had a fantastic year of learning. I invite you to join me on applauding them and our awesome success this year! We are looking forward to another great year ahead!

Here, you will be able to view some of the fabulous moments that we have captured throughout this year.


Best regards,

Sunitha Issari, Ben Hlavaty and Debbie O’ Boyle


On 5 June, Year 2 had their Swimming Celebration – it was an opportunity for their family to join them poolside and see what fantastic progress they have made this year in swimming and water safety.

For more pictures, please click HERE


Our Primary FOBISIA Games Pool Party was AWESOME! A great way to congratulate our students on an excellent games.

For more photos, please click HERE