On Thursday 7 November, the Under 9 Boys football team travelled to Brighton for a friendly match. It was a good chance to get the new team together, especially as for several of the team, this was their first ever competitive game. It was an invaluable learning experience and good fun for our youngest sport team. Well done!

On 2 November, Kaow Hom Year 8 won the Girls 13 Class in the Thailand Kids Golf Championships 2019-2010 hosted at Suvarnabhumi Golf and Country Club. Congratulations on your fantastic achievement!

Year 2 have been having an amazing time in their English and Topic lessons over the past two weeks. Last week, we had a very special visitor called Guy Fawkes, who told us all about his plan to sneak past the sleeping guards and put gunpowder in the Houses of Parliament! We crawled through the tunnel to the basement but we were caught by the guards!!

The children have been studying the Gunpowder Plot as part of their ‘London’ topic. We have learnt about historical events, created some wonderful firework art, and produced some incredible independent writing. Well done!

On Friday 15 November, Bromsgrove students headed to ICS for a weekend of inspirational events at the annual ServICE conference. Today the group split up for various ‘Burst your Bubble’ trips where everyone works throughout the day helping various charities and NGO’s across Bangkok.


On Friday 1 November, Year 6 assembly was a celebration of all the wonderful learning that has taken place so far this term. With the theme of Mexico, we were educated on Mexican culture, traditions and people, and Y6 ‘wowed’ us all with their singing and Mexican dancing. Parents and students thoroughly enjoyed the assembly. Well done Year 6!

In the week of Halloween, we celebrated Halloween and our students were dressed in some amazing costumes. We had a ‘spooky door’ competition in Primary, and Secondary students took part in a Halloween costume competition. We played Halloween games like apple bobbing and wrap the mummy, and to finish off the day students received ‘trick or treat’ bags filled with lots of delicious things! Thank you to our community for making our event so special.

On Saturday 19 October, Bun Bun Year 7, won the Thailand Kids Golf Tour 2019-2020 in class C-Girl Division 2. The event was held at the Uniland Golf and Resort. Congratulations!


On Tuesday 29 October, The Performance Exchange visited us to provide theatre workshops and performances in EY, Primary and Secondary School. EY and Primary delighted in the performance of the Grumpy Baron’ and Secondary enjoyed a Shakespeare themed performance.

On Wednesday 30 October, The U11 boys played a highly competitive game of basketball today against SISB. Led by our Sports Captain, Alex, the boys worked as a team, showed great determination and excellent sportsmanship. Well done boys!

On Tuesday 29 October we hosted our annual British Education Fair in the Sports Hall. This is an exciting event where students and parents from Years 11, 12 and 13 can meet representatives from a range of top universities from the UK and Ireland. This year there were 35 university representatives who attended the event and they were unanimously impressed with the thoughtful and mature questions that our students had for them.