Education Development Trust (EDT) inspection report November 2019

I am delighted to share with our school community the Education Development Trust (EDT) inspection report from our inspection visit that took place across both campuses in November 2019. I am sure you will agree after reading the report, that we have made incredible progress as a school over the past few years and we have much to celebrate and be proud of as a school community. To be awarded an overall Silver grading, with many elements of Gold grading being noted by the inspectors, is very pleasing. I look forward to working with our students, staff and parents over the next three years, as we prepare for the next EDT inspection. We certainly have become the ‘international school of choice’ in Eastern Bangkok, with students continuing to join BIST from other international schools in our area, due to our reputation for academic excellence, outstanding range of learning pathways and our broad and engaging curriculum that prepares all our Bromsgrove students for an ever changing world.

Dr Moore
Headmaster & CEO

Download EDT Inspection Report Here


The school health policy and information announcement
to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease
(Updated 1 November 2021)


The School continues to implement procedures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission on both our campuses.

1.) We undertake regular deep cleaning of both school campuses before any school reopening and will continue to do so for all areas of the school campuses on an ongoing regular basis during this time.

2.) All students, parents, teachers and staff will continue to be temperature checked upon entry to the school on both campuses with sanitizing gel distributed. This procedure will continue for the foreseeable future.

3.) All members of the school community must continue to wear face coverings at all times they are on campus.

4.) We will continue to closely monitor the temperatures and health of all the boarding community by doing regular temperature checks, as well as the day students arrive at school.

5.) In addition, we use lateral flow COVID-19 testing kits for our boarding students and staff on a regular basis when they are on site in the boarding houses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What measures has the school taken to protect my child against COVID-19?

The school continues to implement a number of preventative measures to try and ensure the safety and well-being of all our students. Please see above for further details of our COVID-19 ongoing preventative measures.
The school continues to follow the official advice regarding COVID-19 from the MOE, ISAT and the MOPH and the Headmaster will provide updates to parents and guardians on a regular basis as and when needed.

Can I request that my child does not participate in school activities?

All children will attend classes as normal and are expected to take part in all scheduled school activities. This includes break time, PE, Swimming, and specialist classes.

Is it safe for my child to use the swimming pool?

Both our swimming pools are maintained to international standards and are chlorinated regularly. They are cleaned and maintained on a regular basis. The use of chlorine as a disinfectant is an internationally recognised practice to ensure that pools are safe to use.

Is it mandatory to wear masks during this time?

YES – all students, staff, parents and visitors must wear a mask at all times when on both EY and WP campus.

What do I tell my child about COVID-19 as they are worried?

  • Study the facts of the virus before speaking to your child. We highly recommend you visit the WHO site and become fully informed.
  • Speak calmly and answer questions in a reassuring manner.
  • Remind them to be vigilant about hand washing regularly, use hand gels, cover their mouth and nose with their arm when they sneeze or cough.
  • Discuss with them why they may see children wearing masks, gently correct any misinformation they may have.
  • Allow them to express their feelings  and remind them that all students treat each other with respect and to not jump to any conclusions on another child’s health.

On Monday 10 February we had our annual Lip Sync Battle. The performances from the three houses were highly entertaining.
The winning house this year was Taylor, but as always it was wonderful to see so many students take a risk and perform on stage in front of their peers.

Year 6 Eagles are having a fantastic term. It started with the residential to iCamp, Kanchanaburi where our focus was Sink, Swim, Survive. Pupils gained knowledge about river systems, survival skills, conservation and the environment. We were so pleased all pupils attended as it was key to the topics we have been studying.
The children have since written and performed brilliant Slam poems with a tough message about ‘Globals Goals’ for a sustainable future and studied the water cycle and river systems in topic and science. Finally in English, we are completing our persuasive letters, which again have a strong message about the causes and effects of climate change.

The children researched these topics with talk partners using a variety of resources including iPads. This was very successful and they accumulated much relevant information. The power of using talk partners in learning is not to be underestimated. The students are more confident and at ease with their peers; they also have less fear of being wrong and more willing to take risks. These factors have contributed to a positive learning environment and some very credible learning outcomes from the students.

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the largest of the German Nazi concentration camps and extermination centres, Bromsgrove students have been working on a number of cross curricular projects. In the spirit of standing together the Secondary team have been working collaboratively to deliver a range of Holocaust themed lessons to Year 9, supported also by the expertisie of our Year 10 and Year 13 History and Politics students. This has culminated into a Holocaust Exhibition proudly presenting students art work, poetry, timelines and research projects in the Hadley Hub building. The Holocaust Memorial Day was marked through an assembly sharing the students hard work and linking these events to subsequent examples of genocide in order to share the important message of remembering these atrocities so that we can learn from the past. As the philosopher George Santayana said of the Holocaust: “He who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it.”

The provision for music is continuously growing at Bromsgrove. This year we have launched A Level Music Technology in the Sixth Form and continue to build the use of technology into our music curriculum across the Primary and Secondary schools. Our new Music Production Suite, complete with MacBooks, MIDI keyboards and state-of-the-art recording software and equipment, is  ensuring we can continue to provide exciting  new opportunities for our students!

Highlight of our Secondary Challenge Week Trips 2020
Bromsgrove Secondary Challenge Week trips enabled students to develop the attributes of the Bromsgrove Learner Profile, in a practical setting, as they also grow their environment, social and English Language skills.

Highlight of our Primary Residential trips in January 2020.
Bromsgrove residential trip enabled students to learn outside the classrooms. Our Primary students made us proud on their small adventures in wide range activities from learning about wildlife to learning pioneering skills.

How to Apply

A-Level Scholarships (for entering Year 12 in academic year 2024/25)

A-Level Scholarships are awarded to students progressing to, or entering, the Sixth Form (Years 12 & 13). Recipients will need to demonstrate an outstanding record of external examination performance (usually in GCSE/IGCSE). Bromsgrove School Thailand has a number of A-Level Scholarships available for external students joining our Sixth Form for the start of Year 12. Our Sixth Form Academic Scholars receive additional mentoring from both their personal tutors and our academic team. The Sixth Form Scholars mentoring programme has been structured to ensure that these students are developing leadership skills and qualities while also preparing their university applications. In addition our Sixth Form scholars are also invited to take advantage of bespoke support to complete the IPQ qualification. The A-Level scholarship interview day will be on Saturday 3 February 2024.

A-Level Scholars are awarded a discount up to 75% off tuition fees only
For more information, please visit

Music & Performing Arts Scholarships (Years 5-13)

Bromsgrove Music and Performing Arts Scholars are passionate about music and drama, demonstrating a strong desire to perform, and to contribute to the growth of performing arts at the school. Our scholars not only strive to improve themselves, but also support and encourage other students to develop their skills and passion for the performing arts.  To apply for one of these scholarships candidates are required to sit the standard entrance tests for their age group and additionally are asked to:

  • Provide a portfolio or record of achievement showcasing their successes to date, including examples of performances in the form of YouTube or Google Drive links.
  • Attend the Performing Arts Scholarships audition day on Saturday 3 February 2024 for an interview and to demonstrate their competencies in an audition under timed conditions.

Music Auditions (Saturday 3 February 2024)

  • You will be asked to play two contrasting pieces on your main instrument. The total playing time should be between 5 and 10 minutes. It will not be necessary to play from memory.
  • We will be looking for musical performances of an appropriate level, but at least ABRSM Grade 4 (or equivalent). Please bring two copies of your music with you. Accompaniment will not be available.
  • You will be asked to sight-read, play scales in a range suitable for your instrument in major and minor keys up to 4 flats and 4 sharps and take aural tests.
  • You will be interviewed by the Head of Performing and Creative Arts regarding your experience and interests.

Performing Arts Auditions (Saturday 3 February 2024)

  • You will be asked to perform two pieces of your choice. These can take the form of a monologue, song or dance. The total time should be between 5 and 10 minutes.
  • You will need to be prepared to talk about the context and content of your chosen pieces, and the character you are playing. You will be asked to refer to the decisions you made as a performer.
  • You will be interviewed by the Head of Performing and Creative Arts regarding your experience and interests.

Scholarship Conditions

Music and Performing Arts Scholars are expected to commit to a range of enrichment opportunities and performances under the direction of the Head of Performing and Creative Arts, including:

  • Bromsgrove Youth Music Theatre (YMT)
  • Orchestras, music ensembles, and choirs
  • Solo, duet and chamber performances
  • Drama and theatre performances
  • Leadership roles in musicals and concerts
  • External performances (TISAC, FOBISIA, competitions)
  • Music or Drama study at GCSE (Key Stage 4)
  • Maintaining the rest of your academic work alongside your performing arts commitments.

Music & Performing Arts Scholars are awarded a discount off tuition fees only, ranging from 25% to 75%
For more information, please visit

On Thursday 16th January, members of the School Leadership Team from Bromsgrove visited Mahidol University. We visited the Faculty of Dentistry at their campus near Ramathibodi Hospital in the morning. Followed by a visit to the Faculty of Engineering at the Salaya campus. The two visits were allowed us to find out more about the programmes on offer and the requirements that our students will need to meet.