We are very proud to be able to share with you some of the exciting offers from Universities that our Year 13 students have received. You can see just how diverse our Sixth Form is as they have secured offers from all around the world and for a whole range of courses. Over the coming weeks we will be supporting them to review their options and make careful choices about their next steps.

The range of universities and subjects are shown below:


Subject University
Aqualitive Social Analysis
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Biomedical Sciences
  • King’s College, London
  • Mahidol University
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Sussex
Business Administration
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
Business Administration : Information System
  • The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Chemical Engineering
  • Imperial College, London
  • University College London (UCL)
  • University of Bath
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Nottingham

Data Science
Electrical Engineering

  • City University of Hong Kong
International Hospitality Business
  •  Glion Institute of Higher Education
Liberal Arts (Psychology Major)
  • Delaware State University
  • Bournemouth University
  • City University of Hong Kong
  • University of Brighton
  • University of Hull
  • University of Kent
  • London School of Economics (LSE)
  • University College London (UCL)
  • University of Warwick
  • University College, Cork
Social Sciences
  • Hong Kong University
Software Engineering
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Surrey
  • University of York
Sport Management
  • Coventry University 
  • University of Brighton
  • University of Kent
  • University of Stirling
Robotics and Mechatronic Engineering
  • Loughborough University
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • University of Essex
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Kent
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Sheffield

During 2-6 March at Bromsgrove International School Thailand we have been celebrating “Book Week”. Lots of fun events have been arranged throughout the week to engage both children and parents in activities to develop their ‘love of books’.

Stay and Learn on Tuesday 3 March 2020, we were delighted to invite our parents into class to show how we develop the children’s language, literacy and writing skills. Thank you to all of the parents that were able to join this event.

On Wednesday 4 March 2020, the children have been busy creating both individual and collaborative art work in preparation for our Early Years Art exhibition on Friday 6 March 2020. The children have shown great imagination, amazing creativity, superb teamwork and incredible independence in all that they have done today. Well done EY students, I eagerly await a viewing of the finished pieces!

As part of our busy Book Week celebration, on Thursday 5 March 2020, we invited our children to an Early Years pajama party. The focus of this activity was to enjoy and celebrate the love of bedtime stories. The children snuggled up and enjoyed a mug of hot chocolate whilst they listened to stories. Thank you to all the staff that read their favourite children’s storybook.

In celebration of a very successful ‘Book Week’, on Friday 6 March 2020, we invited all our students and staff to dress up as a character from their favourite book and to bring the book to school to share with their friends. What an amazing array of characters in our Friday morning lineup! From ‘Paddington Bear’, ‘Snail on the whale’, ‘Rapunzel’, ‘Handa’, ‘Matilda’ and many many more, our playground was like a rainbow of colour. Thank you to everyone for taking their time to engage in a week of exciting activities based around “ The Love of Books”.

On Tuesday 3 March, Primary were visited by the professional paper engineer, Athi Prem. The children of Year 4 and 5 took part in a workshop led by her during which we learnt how pop-up books are made and had a go at creating our own pop-up cards. We first designed monsters on card and thought carefully about the characteristics that we had given them and how we could portray these in our designs. We then created the background with the pop-up mechanism and attached our monsters. Finally, we wrote some information about our monsters in the card to tell others more about them.

On Wednesday, Year 1 joined us at Windsor Park for some Book Week activities. They arrived to an urgent email from Police Officer Perdu who asked for their help, along with Year 2 and Year 3, to find something that had gone missing in Min Buri. The children rushed over to the PAC to look for evidence about who or what this missing thing could be. Using their investigation skills, the children found lots of clues: melting snowflakes, claw-like footprints, upside down umbrellas, police hats and lots of tins of fish. The children showed such independence and were real risk takers!

Officer Perdu then set us some more tasks to help him in his investigation. Some children made models of the missing thing using play dough, some drew missing posters to put up and some wrote an email to Officer Perdu with the evidence they had found. After this, they discussed who could have left these clues behind and came to the conclusion it might have been a penguin because they live in very cold places and like to eat fish. The penguin must have travelled on his umbrella along a river to get to BIST. Finally, we had solved the mystery of the missing thing!

We finished by watching the film ‘Lost and Found’ based on the book by Oliver Jeffers where a little penguin gets lost. We loved the story so much and were so happy that the little penguin found a best friend.

On Thursday 5 March, Primary celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as their favourite fictional characters. We had fairytale princesses, magical Harry Potters and cartoon Dog Men! The children in Primary have been looking at ‘Curious Creatures’ this Book Week and have been reading about aliens, jungle animals and creatures that live under the sea. Book Week is an important part of our reading curriculum as it provides many opportunities to read for pleasure and dive deeper into a range of texts. We love reading!

As part of their Book Week activities, each Primary class got the chance to read with a Secondary English class. The children were paired up and the younger children shared the books they have been reading in class. The children loved reading to familiar, older faces and recapping the stories they have enjoyed. It was fantastic to see our older students supporting younger learners. We hope to see them in the library again soon.

Bromsgrove International School Early Years campus is a truly unique and special place for young children to learn. Khun Chanunchida, one of our Pre-Nursery parents explains why…

At Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST), we aim to produce happy, moral and creative citizens through an enlightened, disciplined and broad education. With strong relationships within our community of students, teachers and parents, we achieve our mission of ‘Achieving Excellence Together’. Hear what one of our families has to say about BIST.


On Friday 14 February, the Year 11 students took part in a ‘Stepping up Day’ where they got a taste of the courses that they may choose for their Sixth Form studies. The students had an exciting day and engaged in 30 minute lessons, choosing from the wide range of BTEC and A Level courses that we offer in Years 12 and 13. Students commented that they loved the experience of being able to use the Common Room, being able to wear their own clothes and experiencing what life was like in Sixth Form. We really look forward to them becoming fully fledged Sixth Form students in August!

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students

Welcome to our new Online Home Learning Page. Here you will find resources and guidance to help you better understand how our Remote Online Home Learning works during any period of enforced school closure. Please do look at the tutorial videos if you get stuck on how to use any of the Google Suite apps that BIST uses for its online home learning. Please also remember that if you get stuck or need more assistance, please email your class/form teacher for help!
I hope your Online Home Learning is productive!


Dr Moore

The Bromsgrovian February 2020 issue is now available!

Please click to read.

As many parents know, as Headmaster I have always passionately believe that music is beneficial to all our learners and that learning to play a musical instrument helps a child’s brain develop. Learning to play an instrument whilst at school has now been scientifically proven by the University of Cambridge, UK to increase cognitive performance in examinations at college. I learnt to play both the piano and clarinet as a child whilst at school and it taught me the importance of focus and resilience.

In order to increase the opportunities to learn a musical instrument in Years 2-6, we will be launching a new Primary Music Programme for all students from August 2020. I am very excited by this new programme and I truly believe it will transform our music provision in our Primary years. The financial investment into this programme is significant and I am confident it will be money well spent as our music continues to flourish.

Please look at the Programme overview for more details of this exciting programme.

Primary Music Programme for Academic Year 2020/2021

หลักสูตรสถาบันดนตรีสำหรับชั้นประถมศึกษา ปีการศึกษา 2020/2021


Dr Dan Moore

Headmaster & CEO