A welcome message
I extend a very warm welcome to you and your child from everyone at our Bromsgrove Early Years campus. Bromsgrove Early Years, established in 2002, is a fun, happy and vibrant campus for young children aged 2-6 years old. Our highly experienced teaching staff, qualified TA’s and accomplished nannies provide an outstanding child-to-adult ratio to support and enhance your child’s school experience. I look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful campus to come and meet the team.
At Bromsgrove Early Years we believe all children should be captivated by their learning from a young age, so that an exciting journey to a lifelong love of learning will evolve. We strive to provide a rich and positive start to a child’s education which lays a solid, happy and memorable foundation for their future progress through the school. We nurture and support each learning experience helping your child to explore, investigate, discover and create.
Through a combination of ‘environment’ and our ‘play based learning’ we aim to develop the potential in each and every one of our students. We understand that a child’s right and left brain develops at different stages and we therefore strive to capture the learning potential of each. We ensure that we develop a child’s right brain with empathy, intuition, imagination and creativity as well as developing the more the logical left brain, with the development of language, literacy and mathematics. We believe by laying these educational foundations your child will thrive and be able to follow their dreams!
Young children are the future and at Bromsgrove Early Years School we endeavour to make each child feel like an individual who has the same opportunities and experiences that they would receive in a traditional British independent school, whilst at the same time learning about the local Thai culture of our host country. We celebrate being located in an international setting and as such provide the opportunity for children to develop an awareness of the international world in which they live, through festivals and cultural celebrations.
In our Early Years classes each learning experience is carefully planned and organised to challenge our children’s imagination, skills and thinking. The teachers are flexible and sensitive in their teaching so that each learning experience is given at the right stage of each child’s development.
Your child will be given a choice of activities to stimulate and feed enquiring minds. Through purposeful play, your child will learn independence and self-awareness and will grow emotionally, socially, physically and cognitively.
Your child will have time to concentrate; to pursue an idea, whether making a model, enjoying a book or painting. There will be quiet times and times for laughter!
Your child will learn to listen and find that there is always someone ready to answer questions, to encourage and extend their language acquisition. They will learn respect for themselves and for each other. Your child will have fun and form friendships with their peers. Through all these experiences, your child will learn to form the correct attitudes to school and to life.
Throughout the school year we provide a stimulating and rich learning experience, both inside and outside of the classroom. We understand that the more experiences your child is exposed to, the greater potential for their individual growth. Therefore, we provide a varied and engaging Extra Curricular Programme (ECA) for our 4 – 6 year olds everyday after school. Other enrichment experiences also include school trips, school shows, sports days, swimming galas, talent shows as well as special learning weeks to celebrate, STEAM, Book Week and Nursery Rhymes.
Our school mission statement underlines the fact that we aim to develop the potential in each and every one of our students. We achieve this by providing a wholly child-centred education which places the students firmly in the centre of all our decision-making and planning. Indeed Bromsgrove is a place where learning begins and never ends! At Bromsgrove Early Years Campus, we certainly do ‘Achieve Excellence Together’.