Matthew Savage, our Deputy Head of School, writes: “I feel like a new man, and my vocation is stronger now than it ever has been. As I explained to parents in the fantastic parent induction events at the start of term, I have a skip in my step, a buzz in my brain, and a warm feeling in my heart, as I look forward excitedly to the new school year in a learning community which has every ingredient necessary quickly to make us one of the very best schools in the world. It was a privilege to share with parents the ‘Mona Lisa Effect’, our pioneering and globally-renowned approach to personalising learning, and also our trailblazing ‘Learner Profile’, a blueprint for effective global citizenship, which we reward with Polio Points. I cannot wait for 14 and 15 September – Polio Points Week at BIST – when every member of the community can find out about this unique programme, through which, when our students do amazing things in school, they save a child’s life. In the meantime, I am especially enjoying walking around the campus, and spending time in lessons, to witness first hand a Learning and Teaching environment which is not only unrecognisably better than anything the school has had before, but also places us at the forefront of education worldwide. Here’s to a great year at BIST!”