All posts from the School News

Visit of Mr Peter Clague, Bromsgrove UK Headmaster

September 26, 2016

The Headmaster of Bromsgrove UK, Mr Peter Clague; Assistant Head, Ms Rachel Scannell and Bursar, Mrs Lesley Brookes visited BIST on Thursday 22 September. During their visit they toured the WP campus, visited lessons in both the Primary and Secondary phase of the school and met with Dr Moore, Headmaster, to discuss opportunities to further […]

MakerSpace at Bromsgrove

September 26, 2016

At Bromsgrove, we are always looking to the future and considering how we can take a more innovative approach to teaching and learning. As a result of this we would like to announce the launch of our brand new Makerspace, located above the newly refurbished library. Our Makerspace is an area where students can learn […]

HE/Careers Advisor update

September 21, 2016

It has been an exciting few weeks for our 2017 Bromsgrove university applicants. The Year 13s are working hard to complete their personal statements. We have had visits from representatives from Japan, Australia and the USA to give our students advice on how best to meet the requirements from different universities. I am also pleased […]

Living in Bangkok 2016

September 13, 2016

On Saturday 10 September the Music Department performed to a very appreciative audience at Living in Bangkok 2016 at Bumrungrad International Hospital. The short concert featured the Bromsgrove Vocal Ensemble and the school’s talent Music scholarship students. The programme opened with Bohemian Rhapsody, performed by the Vocal Ensemble which was led by our Choir Director […]

Destinations of the Bromsgrove Graduating Class of 2016

September 7, 2016

Name Country University Course Vijja Wichitwechkarn (Pat) UK University of Cambridge Natural Sciences Napat Matchaseth (Tae) UK London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) Economics Hyejeong  Lee UK The University of Manchester Management (Accounting and Finance) Hojun Lee UK Cardiff University Computer Science Jaejae  Kim UK UCL (University College London) Information Management […]

FOBISIA Primary Games

June 16, 2016

It was a huge privilege to be able to host the FOBISIA Primary Games at the end of May. Eleven schools travelled from all across Asia, bringing over 270 student athletes to compete, and 40 staff, as well as numerous parent supporters, to support them at the Games. Having arrived on either the Wednesday or […]

Pipe band

June 15, 2016

As part of our topic on the UK, Year 1 and Year 2 got the chance to meet a piper and snare drummer from the Bangkok British Club Pipe band today. We were told all about the history of the instruments and the uniform and realised that our own school skirts are started, just like […]

Bromsgrove and the Klong Toey Community

June 15, 2016

  The year 10 and 11 Geography students visited the Klong Toey Community last Thursday. Students worked with the Duang Prateep Foundation’s early years students. We took along loads of colorful modeling clay and had fun creating with the children. We then spent time walking around the community. This gave us the opportunity to find […]

FOBISIA Primary Games 27th-29th May 2016

June 8, 2016

  Friday 27th to Sunday 29th May 2016, Bromgsrove International School Thailand hosted the FOBISIA Primary Games. Eleven international schools* from across Asia visited the Windsor Park campus for the first of a three day event, followed by two days at the Chalerm Phrakiat 72nd Anniversary Stadium and concluding on the Sunday evening with an […]

Introducing our new HE/Careers Advisor for August 2016.

June 3, 2016

HE Advisor Introduction Dear Parents, I am excited to introduce myself as the new HE advisor, a role that is key in supporting students towards the next stage of their lives. As Year 12 are now coming to the end of their first year of A Level study, they will be starting to think about […]