All posts from the School News

Bromsgrove Music Academy 2017-18

December 4, 2017

  We are delighted to share the new online registration procedure for the Bromsgrove Music Academy. All tuition and registration details can now be found on our school website at Please note that registration can now take place at any point during the term and will be valid for the remainder of the 2017-18 academic […]

Secondary ECAs Term 2 – 2017/18

December 1, 2017

We are delighted to share our ECA programme for Term 2 with you. We have a varied and inspiring range of ECAs on offer and we hope your child will continue to enjoy extending their learning through this programme. We are offering a breadth of opportunities across sport, academics, the arts and life skills. Our […]

Eng wins a Full Scholarship for Women’s Golf from the University of Hawaii!

November 21, 2017

We are very proud that Nicha Vorrasanpisut (Eng) Year 12 has won a full scholarship for Women’s Golf from the University of Hawaii. At Bromsgrove, we are all extremely excited for her future studies and it shows that her outstanding work ethic both in academics and golf have come to fruition. Well done Eng!   […]

BIST congratulates K.Thada with his new role in the Education Council

November 20, 2017

Mr Prasit Pawakranond, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Bromsgrove International School Thailand, gave a bouquet to Mr Thada Savetsila, one of our Board of Governors members, to congratulate him for the appointment by the Prime Minister, to be the committee member of the Office of the Education Council who has to serve the […]

Medical pathway advice to BIST students

November 9, 2017

We were honored today to welcome Professor Chris Baldwin from Newcastle University Medical School, UK (Malaysia campus) to meet with our Secondary students aspiring to read medicine once they graduate from BIST. Professor Baldwin, gave our students expert advice on the medical course content, application procedures and interview techniques. Professor Baldwin will return later in […]

Bromsgrove Year 3 Geography Learn about Dinosaurs

October 20, 2017

Year 3 Parrots have loved learning all about dinosaurs in their topic work. This week, they used their Geography skills to locate where different dinosaur fossils have been found.  The children were fascinated to discover that when dinosaurs were alive all of the continents were joined together. They began recapping their knowledge of the continents […]

Year 5 Magpie learning about different forces

October 19, 2017

Over the course of this half-term, Magpie class have been learning all about different forces during our Science lessons. Having already learnt what force is and investigated how friction works on different surfaces, the children wanted to explore air and water resistance. After looking at air resistance in real life situations (by watching parachuting videos), […]

Year 4 Kingfisher investigates animal lives

October 19, 2017

In Science, Kingfishers have been using classification keys to group animals such as mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles and fish. We then used them to identify and name animals we didn’t know. In order to do this, we have been learning and using lots of key science vocabulary. Our big challenge this week was to create […]

Meet the Principals Coffee Morning – Windsor Park campus

October 9, 2017

The Coffee Morning on Thursday 5 October was an exceptionally enjoyable event and well attended by parents from both the Primary and Secondary school. It was an opportunity for parents to meet the Primary Principal, Christine Armstrong and the Secondary Principal, Ruth Young as well as to make connections with other families in the school. […]