All posts from the School News

The Litter Muncher Y2&3 Production Show

July 16, 2018

On Thursday 14 June, Year 2 and 3 gave an excellent performance of The Litter Muncher to Early Years, Primary and their parents. It is a story with an important message about our collective responsibility to look after our environment and our planet. The singing was beautiful and the acting was very dramatic. Parents, students […]

Early Years End of Year Assembly 2018

July 16, 2018

We have had a wonderful year together and we know the children will have amazing times as they move on next year. On Wednesday 27th June 2018 the children showed great confidence to perform their songs to their families and primary children. We are so proud of the children and all of the hard work […]

Bromsgrove Class of 2018 Graduation

July 16, 2018

On Friday 15 June, we formally said farewell to the Class of 2018 in our Graduation Ceremony. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our Year 13 students and to look ahead to their bright futures, with their family, friends and teachers. We were delighted to welcome our guest of honour, Mr […]

Secondary Awards Ceremony 2018

July 9, 2018

On Thursday 28 June, Bromsgrove International School celebrated the achievement of our Secondary students in Secondary Awards Ceremony events. These are the results for all hard work and dedication throughout the year. Congratulation to all the winners and every student in Secondary School. For pictures, please see below. OVERALL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Award Winner Highly Commended […]

Primary Leaver Assembly

July 5, 2018

On the last day of term we had a very fun assembly to say thank you to all of our students and staff, and say goodbye to our leaving students and staff. Our leaving House Leader, Mr Ross, was covered in silly string and all of our leaving teachers had to survive the ‘watergun challenge’ […]

Bromsgrove Year 9 Mathematical enrichment trip

June 29, 2018

Our annual Year 9 Mathematical enrichment trip to The Ancient City at Muang Boran was a great success, the students thoroughly enjoyed cycling, map reading & solving Mathematical puzzles in & around Thai cultural buildings & heritage. The best solutions to the functional questions were completed by Pin, Amy, Shutin, Nano & Mike. Please check out […]

Bromsgrove Year 2 Student, Sudrak, won 2nd in the Young Artist Music Contest

June 26, 2018

We are very proud of Sudrak in Year 2 who participated in the Young Artist Music Contest in association with the College of Music Mahidol University. Sudrak has worked incredibly hard and was rewarded for his hard work by achieving Second Prize in the Junior Class competition. Well done Sudrak; we are very proud!

Bromsgrove School Director Joined BCCT Multi-Chambers Lunch with Thai Minister of Education

June 26, 2018

On Friday 22nd June, K. Duenpen Pawakranond, School Director of Bromsgrove International School Thailand, joined a BCCT Multi-Chambers Lunch with Minister of Education at Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok hosted by British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT) to discussed on revolutionising “Education in Thailand”. Pictured from left: BeLuThai Executive Director Philip Coates, AustCham President Brenton Maureillo, […]

Primary Swimming Gala 2018

June 25, 2018

The Primary Swim Gala was a fantastic morning of competitive swimming for our older students, and an opportunity for our youngest swimmers to show just how water confidant they have become. Parents were hugely supportive of the event and it was a wonderful opportunity for them to see just how much their children had progressed […]

Bromsgrove Art Exhibition 2018

June 15, 2018

The Annual BIST Art Exhibition will feature work from Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 and showcase a variety of work created throughout the academic year. Exhibits will include drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and installation. Please come and celebrate our students’ amazing talents, starting after the Primary Production ‘Go For Gold.’