Nama in Year 5 has been very busy over the summer holidays, and has been awarded not 1…..not 2…..not 3……but 7 medals for sharing her talents in a number of different arenas. Nama has been competing in gymnastics, ice-skating and wushu achieving a number of gold and silver medals. Well done to Nama! We are […]
We are delighted to share our ECA programme for Term 1 with you. We have a varied and inspiring range of ECAs on offer again and we hope your child will enjoy extending their learning through this programme. We are offering a breadth of opportunities across sport, academics, the arts and life skills. As Term […]
We are delighted to share our ECA programme for Term 1 with you. We have a varied and inspiring range of ECAs on offer and we hope your child will enjoy extending their learning through this programme. We are offering a breadth of opportunities across sport, academics, the arts and life skills. Our programme […]
From 20th-23rd July, Name, from Year 7, took part in the Asia Pacific Arts Festival 2018 in Singapore which had over 250 participants from China, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia. Name was one of the representatives from Thailand to compete in singing contest and won the gold trophy for her performance to the […]
Mew, our music scholar in Year 11, has achieved the Gold Award in the Senior B Category of the Singapore Asia Youth Piano Competition 2018. We are all very proud of Mew here at Bromsgrove and would like to congratulate her on this fantastic achievement!
New parents and existing parents, please be invited to our annual New Parent Induction/Welcome Back Parent event on Sunday 26 August 2018 at Windsor Park campus from 14:00 -16:00. For more information, please visit or contact us at 02-989-4873. ขอเรียนเชิญผู้ปกครองใหม่และปัจจุบันระดับชั้นประถมและมัธยมศึกษาทุกท่านเข้าร่วมกิจกรรมปฐมนิเทศ ซึ่งจะจัดขึ้นในวันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 สิงหาคมนี้ ที่หอประชุม Oriental Siam วิทยาเขตวินด์เซอร์ปาร์ค ตั้งแต่เวลา 14.00 – 16.00 น. ดูรายละเอียดกิจกรรมได้ที่ หรือโทร 02-989-4873
This year, we moved to our new Graduation system, where our Reception class Graduate from the Early Years Curriculum, ready to move into the Year 1 Primary Curriculum next academic year. The children also showed all the amazing work they have achieved throughout the year, it was a very proud moment for both students, parents […]
Our End of Year Assembly was packed with parents from Year 1 to Year 6 who had come to help celebrate the wonderful year we have had in Primary. We shared highlights of the year, recognised our departing Year 6 class of graduates and every child performed in the assembly. The calibre of the performances […]
Our Year 6 Graduation was an opportunity to reflect and celebrate all that our oldest students in Primary have achieved over the last 6 years of school. Our students showed us all just how much they have matured and developed, and their performances during the ceremony were outstanding. We are incredibly proud of this yeargroup […]