All posts from the School News

Year 5 Residential Trip to Sattahip

January 17, 2019

On 15 January, Year 5 headed out on their residential today. An afternoon by the sea seeing who can make the best raft, before heading out for a beach side BBQ.

Year 6 Residential Trip to Kanchanaburi

January 17, 2019

On 14 January, Year 6 have arrived on their Year 6 residential and are already working in teams and having lots of fun. We are sure this is going to be the best year 6 residential yet!

Angel Year 7 Received National Outstanding Youth Award 2019

January 11, 2019

On Wednesday the 9th of January, Angel, Year 7 was selected by Ministry of Education to receive the National Outstanding Youth Award 2019 in Sports category for her figure skating talent. The trophy and certificated were presented by General Prayuth Chan-o-cha, Prime minister, in Government House. We are very proud of her. Well done, Angel!  

Bromsgrove Year 9 Songwriting Learning

January 10, 2019

Year 9 started the new term in Music learning about songwriting! This week, we focused on how to write lyrics. In groups, they took well-known pop songs and re-wrote the lyrics so that they changed to be about either selling a red bike, a day at BIST or their morning routine. This challenge allowed the […]

Bromsgrove supports well-being

January 9, 2019

At Bromsgrove International School Thailand, we are committed to supporting our students to do their best academically, but also to support our students to become happy, creative and moral citizens. As we begin our new term, we are highlighting student well-being as a part of our wider ‘Personal, Social, Health Education’ which we would like […]

BIST Shoebox Appeal for Baan Nokkamin Foundation

January 8, 2019

During the season of giving, Bromsgrove International School Thailand has continued its Christmas Tradition with its “Shoebox Appeal”, where students, parents, teachers and staff were invited to bring a box filled with gifts for a child less fortunate. This year, we gave more than 50 gift boxes to Baan Nokkamin Foundation. A big thank you […]

Bromsgrove Charity Fun Run 2018

December 12, 2018

On Friday the 7th of December, we hosted the “Bromsgrove Charity Fun Run 2018” at Windsor Park campus. Students from Pre-Nursery to Year 13, as well as parents, staff and friends of the community participated in the event which was incredible. Some ran for fun, some ran for community spirit and some ran competitively, pushing […]

Secondary ECA Term 2 – 2018/2019

December 11, 2018

We are delighted to share our ECA programme for Term 2 with you. We have a varied and inspiring range of ECAs on offer and we hope your child will enjoy extending their learning through this programme. We are offering a breadth of opportunities across sport, academics, the arts and life skills. Our programme in […]