Primary Year 3 – 6 had a fantastic Primary Swimming Gala on Wednesday 5 June. The houses competed against each other and individuals aimed for their personal best. Congratulations to all of our swimmers, and to Edwards House – the overall winners for this event. For more pictures, please visit our website at
English as an Additional Language Success at Bromsgrove International School Thailand During this academic year, the EAL Department have thoroughly enjoyed working with our students. From Year 2 to Year 6, engaging and dynamic lessons have been planned, prepared and delivered as curriculum support to extend and develop the knowledge and skills our students need […]
On 5 June, Year 2 had their Swimming Celebration – it was an opportunity for their family to join them poolside and see what fantastic progress they have made this year in swimming and water safety. For more pictures, please click HERE
On Wednesday Dr Ashworth from the University of East Anglia (UK) came to visit the Year 10’s and show off some amazing experiments that help to explain the Chemistry that is all around us.
The Junior UKMT 2019 results are in! We achieved 7 Gold awards, 7 Silver awards and 10 Bronze awards which represents a significant improvement on last year! Please remember that the competition is primarily aimed at students studying Mathematics in KS3 but KS2 can also be invited to take part. Therefore, a very special mention […]
Year 1 had a super day up at Windsor Park as part of their transition programme. Not only did they get to watch the Year 2 and 3 Dress Rehearsal for their show, they had Music Madness in the Performing Arts Centre and Water Fun in the big Windsor Park swimming pool. Our young students […]
Earlier in Term 3 our Year 12 students applied for the prestigious roles of Head Boy and Head Girl for 2019/2020. We received some incredible applications that reflected the determined and committed nature of our senior students at Bromgrove. The final applicants were interviewed by Dr Moore, Mrs Owens and Mr Williams who were blown […]
Primary children had the chance to explore the basic elements of flight in our first BIST Primary STEAM Week. STEAM means the combination of: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. Although we teach these subjects individually and throughout our theme- based curriculum, STEAM week really promotes the idea of child-led exploration and investigation. It is […]
We had a wonderful time celebrating the world that we live in during our Primary International Day. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about being part of a global community.