This year we celebrated our Annual Prom night at The So Sofitel in Lumphnini on Saturday 15th June 2019. The theme was ‘Starry Night’ and, as ever, the students exceeded all expectations and looked extremely glamorous and sophisticated with Best and Joon Ho in Year 13 being announced Prom Queen and Prom King, Gaia and […]
On Friday 21 June, James Goddard, the Common Wealth Gold Medalist, came to Bromsgrove and led some sessions in the water and on land. It was a fantastic experience, that taught our students the values of perseverance, resilience and teamwork.
Congratulations to (from left to right) Jun Hyoung Ko, Hongjoon Choi (Joon), Kevalin Cheung (Grace), and Pimsupa Rukchonlatee (Pim), who have successfully completed their Bronze Level Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. Very well done all!
Bromsgrove’s annual End of Year Art Exhibition is currently showing on the ground floor of the Hadley Hub until the end of term. The exhibition showcases a range of work from Year 7 to Year 13 to celebrate the effort, creativity and imagination of our BIST students. Congratulations to all the amazing young artists for […]
Angel, Year 7, has been selected to join the Figure Skating Athlete National Team B of the Figure and Speed Skating Association of Thailand. In addition to this, she will be participating in the Figure Skating Training Camp in Dallas, Texas (USA) during June, July and August this summer. Congratulations Angel!
It has been a busy and exciting year for Primary Music at BIST. Since the wonderful Gala Concert, Christmas Assembly and Nativity in Term 1, children in Years 1 to 6 have been working hard and having fun in and out of the classroom to build their musical skills and prepare for many different performances! […]
On Friday 14 June, we formally said goodbye to the class of 2019 in our Graduation Ceremony. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our largest graduating class to date with their families, their friends and also their teachers.
We wish our Year 13 well for their exam results which will be released in August and for their chosen future pathways! Good luck Class of 2019!
On Thursday 6th June, a delegation of students from both the Primary and Secondary leadership teams represented Bromsgrove at the D-Day 75 Remembrance Service at Christ Church Bangkok. The service marked the 75th anniversary of the Normandy Landings on 6 June 1944 and commemorated veterans who served in this battle. The students listened to a […]
On Monday 10th June the newly formed Sixth Form Council gave an assembly outlining their plans for the next academic year. The Sixth Form Council consists of Head Boy and Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl and seven Senior Prefects who will work closely with Mr Williams throughout the next academic year. […]