Several of our gifted and talented students were proud to share their summer academic achievements with their Mathematics teachers: I-tim competed over the summer break to keep her Mathematics skills sharp: she took part in a mental arithmetic mathematics competition with hundreds of other competing students. The competition was the “19th International Championship 2019” and […]
At Bromsgrove, we value and celebrate the “Bromsgrove Learner Profile” attributes in our mission to develop outstanding learners and successful global citizens. At our Early Years campus, this week’s focused attribute is “Positivity”. Our Bromsgrove students are being positive in all areas of their learning and school environment. In mathematics the children are using different […]
In August, Yudo (Year 7) and Shokun (Year 5) participated in Thailand STEM Festival 2019 and competed against 20 other teams to design delivery bots using equipment provided. They performed incredibly well and demonstrated many of the Bromsgrove Learner Traits throughout the competition. We are very proud of their achievement. Well done!
In our Science lessons, Year 5 Pelicans have been learning about forces. On Tuesday, we carried out an interesting experiment into air resistance by designing and making our own parachutes out of old plastic bags, wool and gluesticks. We dropped our ‘skydivers’ from the third floor and timed how long it took for the parachutes […]
Primary had their first Thai cultural event of academic year 2019-20: Wai Kru Day, where students show their appreciation to teachers. What a lovely event and there will be many more to come throughout the year. For more pictures, please click HERE.
On 12 June, Primary Year 4, 5 and 6 delighted us all with their incredible production, ‘The Pirates of the Curry Bean’. What a performance! For more pictures, please visit our website at…/year-4-6-production-2019/
During the summer, Windsor Park Campus undertook many exciting facilities projects. Here are just a few highlights: Sixth Form Common Room transformation, diving blocks and improvements of the swimming pool facility, a new huge sand pit for our younger learners, complete refurbishment of student bathroom facilities and new wheelchair access ramps throughout the school. These […]
Banning mobile phones, devices and smart phones on campus has already begun to have a positive impact on our student body. Students have embraced the opportunity to talk, laugh and play. It has been lovely to see so many positive interactions across the school.
Today at Bromsgrove Early Years campus our children enjoyed their weekly assembly delivered by the Headmaster & CEO, Dr Moore. The assembly reflected on the achievements that the children had made last year and set goals for the school year ahead. The children confidently contribute their ideas and demonstrated through ‘The potato challenge’ that we […]
Nama, Year 6, has been very busy this summer! She took part in the 17th Thailand Wushu Competition at Kasetsart University, Bangkok and achieved a gold medal in the barehanded category and a silver in the short weapon – saber. She also participated in the elite 21th Asia-Pasific Dance Competition here in Bangkok and received […]