All posts from the School News

TISAC Secondary Choral Day 2019

November 7, 2019

Last half term, Bromsgrove International School hosted the TISAC Secondary Choral Day 2019. Over 150 students and teachers from eight TISAC schools joined together for a fun and successful day, learning and performing a selection of songs from the movies. Please see the highlights and concert video! For pictures, please click HERE.

Year 13 A Level Drama 2019

October 28, 2019

On Thursday 17 October, the Year 13 A Level class presented an original devised piece based on a key scene from Tennessee Williams’ ‘The Glass Menagerie’. Their piece explored the themes of fragmented memory, loss and perceptions of reality, using the techniques of the contemporary theatre company Frantic Assembly. Their performances were captivating and moving […]

Harumi Won 3rd Place in Junior Tri Dash Thailand 2019

October 28, 2019

Big congratulations to Harumi for winning third place in the Junior Tri Dash Thailand 2019 series in 11-12 years old category. Her accumulation score was a fantastic 600. Participating in this competition shows that Harumi embodies the Bromsgrove Learner Traits, demonstrating determination and being a risk taker. We are proud of you. Well done!

Bromsgrove Term 1 Primary and Secondary Open Morning

October 28, 2019

On Wednesday 16 October we hosted our first Primary and Secondary Open Morning for this academic year. Visiting families had the opportunity to meet our Headmaster, Head of Primary, Head of Secondary and Head of Boarding as well as see our classrooms and our amazing facilities such as Performing Arts Centre, Primary playground, learning areas, […]

Year 6 Students Have Fun Learning Maths

October 28, 2019

Getting back into a regular routine in Year 6 after a busy STEAM Week has had quite a calming effect. The children have been busy and enjoying our activities. In Maths we have been using a written methods for long division. The children have gained confidence using an effective long division method and have been […]

Year 3 Learning about Dinosaurs

October 18, 2019

Have you ever wanted to find out about the dinosaurs? Then ask Year 3 Parrots! Last week the children became experts on their favourite dinosaur, using the iPads to research where they lived, what they ate and lots of other fascinating facts. They loved using actions to help them remember what they wanted to say […]

Bromsgrove Celebrated Hangul Day 2019

October 18, 2019

On Wednesday 10 October, we celebrated Hangul Day a traditional Korean festival and one of the many cultural events that we enjoy here at Bromsgrove. Students, teachers, and staff had an opportunity to learn how to write their names in Korean calligraphy as well as play Tuho, a Korean traditional game.  

Spotlight on English at BIST

October 9, 2019

Benjamin Franklin once said “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn” and if we take this to be true, then there was certainly a lot of learning taking place in the English classrooms this week. Students in Key Stages 3-5 had the chance to act, debate, decode […]

University Life sharing

October 9, 2019

On Thursday 3rd October we welcomed Khun Peter into school to tell us about his studies in the UK. Peter is currently studying for his PHD at Nottingham University, and he spoke to student’s from Years 10 to 13 about how to achieve your aspirations. As Peter is the brother of our Head Boy, Rapee […]