The undoubted highlight of the past few weeks within sport was the Harrow International School Invitational Golf Tournament held at the prestigious Bangkok Golf Club on Sunday 25 September. The BIST team including Poon, Eng, Ja, Dream, Jump, Anais, Marvin and Top won the coveted Team Champions Trophy and confirms, once again, the strength in depth that our golfing programme has. The Sports Academies have started very positively with both the swimming and the golfing groups virtually at capacity already and numbers in the basketball academy growing steadily.
‘Challenge Week’ is almost upon us with the Year 11-13 trips heading out on 10 October, and a number of excited students and staff around the campus. Planning is now in the final stages for all other trips, so please expect to see further information over the coming days and weeks.
As the basketball season is now in full swing, I would like to offer my thanks to the support and assistance from our parent body. Thank you and I look forward to see you at a fixture soon.