Academic Development

Academic Provision

In Boarding, one of our key targets is to continue to develop the academic provision for our boarders.

We offer two streams of academic provision to all of our Boarding students: “Outstanding Academic Provision” and “Additional Programmes for Further Enrichment”.

Outstanding Academic Provision

Primary students receive an hour of Academic Development and an hour of Enrichment Monday to Thursday each week. During Academic Development, they work with a member of the Academic Team and a member of the Boarding Team to complete their work. They practise their spellings and complete their ELOs with the help and guidance of the staff around them. Primary students are supported with their reading, mathematics and science. The Enrichment programme is then designed to extend their thinking, provide them with different skills and develop their talents through themed activities of arts and crafts, sport, ICT and performing arts. Each Enrichment activity is led by one of our dedicated Boarding Assistants and a member of the Academic Team.

Secondary Students receive two hours of prep time Monday to Thursday, in which all students (from Years 7 to 11) read for fifteen minutes, before spending an hour on their ELOs and ILTs. A further hour of academic support with subject support specialists is available for our boarders after dinner. Groups use the library and study rooms having access to ICT equipment and academic resources to support their studies.

For our Sixth Form students, they work in their especially designed sixth form common room which they can use throughout the evening from 15:30 to 21:00. At the same time as the rest of the boarders, the Sixth Form students study and are supported in their subjects as well as receiving advice and guidance on personal statements, university applications and higher level essay writing skills.

โรงเรียนประจำนานาชาติ Bromsgrove International School

“Additional Programmes for Further Enrichment: Provision that goes above and beyond”