
At BIST we provide a broad and balanced Physical Education (PE) programme in line with English National Curriculum (ENC) requirements.

We deliver a curriculum that gives children the opportunity to experience a wide range of activities in an atmosphere of enjoyment and personal development. Through a mixture of competitive and non-competitive activities the students learn about co-operation and evaluating performance. They also learn about making choices and about balanced and healthy lifestyles.

From our Pre-Nursery year right through to our Year 13, all students benefit from lessons delivered by specialist PE teachers. The BIST PE curriculum follows the English National Curriculum from Primary. Consequently, over the course of a year this gives the children an opportunity to try out a range of 10 different activities from invasion games, net and wall games, striking and fielding games, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities, health related fitness, swimming and gymnastics.

In addition to the PE curriculum, all students have opportunities to take part in competitive sport through the House system and the Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) programme. There are also opportunities to represent the school in local and regional tournaments. Curriculum activities have been chosen to complement our extensive ECA programme, encouraging the children to try out new sports, as well as to pursue excellence in their chosen field.

The BIST PE department pride themselves on their student-centred approach. Ensuring that all children’s needs and abilities are catered for inside and outside the classroom is an essential aspect of PE at BIST. The student voice is strong in the PE dept with Sports prefects leading the way in ensuring we listen to and cater for all our students as best we can.

The competitive sports programme at BIST endeavours to provide for as many sports as can reasonably be supported and are offered by the organisations of which the school is a member such as TISAC and FOBISIA.

The school year is split into three seasons (each approximately eight weeks in length) and provides regular, competitive sport for teams of all ages. TISAC sport runs all year round with all age ranges from U9 through U19. It provides our students with many opportunities to play a wide variety of sports against 10 other international schools in and around Bangkok.

FOBISIA sport provides our students with the opportunity to compete against other schools from all across Asia. The FOBISIA Games are highly competitive and challenging, offering our students a wonderful opportunity to take part in high level sport.

These conferences promote student/school activities which provide and encourage opportunities for healthy competition, pursuit of excellence, social and cultural interaction and the development of friendships within the region.