Pathways to University
We begin discussing option choices, subjects and potential pathways with students when they are reviewing their iGCSE options in Year 9. We believe it is important to offer advice and guidance even at this stage in a student’s academic journey.
These sort of informal advisory sessions go on throughout a student’s IGCSE courses and as a small community we can start to build a portfolio with students in order to support them to make the right choices as they move up the school.
Year 11 students are supported to consider their Sixth Form pathways, and we encourage them to start looking at university courses so that they are planning ahead and have the right information available to make the right choices. Although, once again, there is absolutely no pressure to assign a student to a particular course they are advised to carry out research into any areas that interest them and begin to look for universities which they feel might fulfil their requirements.
Our Head of Sixth Form works hard to ensure that students at Bromsgrove are well informed and have access to a wide range of institutions from around the world. Students are encouraged to explore all the options available to them before committing to applications. Students continue to be supported through the process of selecting universities and making applications throughout their time in the Sixth Form.
As a school we have supported students to make applications to universities all over the world. This level of expertise means that students can be guided step by step through the process.