Early Years Update – End of Term 1 Academic Year 2017-18

January 11, 2018

Term 1 – end of term update from Early Years Principal

As always, it has been an extremely busy half term. The last couple of weeks have been filled with a range of Christmas and family activities! For the second year running we did the shoe box appeal to donate to Baan Nok Khmin. A huge thank you to all of those who took part in this activity, supporting those who are less fortunate than us, is such an important value to teach our children. We had our second stay and play event; Christmas lunch; Fun run; Christmas Fayre; and a Christmas Performance by our Primary students. But most importantly this term, we had our first Christmas Nativity! I cannot express how proud I am of all our Early Years students, they performed with such confidence and maturity, they were a credit to all those rehearsals! They have set a very high standard and we very much look forward to doing another one.


All of these events wouldn’t have been possible without the help from the Teachers, TA, Administration and back office staff. We are extremely lucky to have such a supportive hard working team on Early Years and I cannot express enough my gratitude for all their hard work. Also a massive thank you to our PTA. You have been so supportive and I really appreciate all your efforts with making our Early Years Christmas Fayre a memorable one for the children.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I Look forward to seeing everyone in 2018 and welcoming more families to our caring and supportive community.


Charlotte Ridley

Early Years Principal