Term 1 – half term update from Primary Principal
It is hard to know where the time goes! We have had a wonderful first half of term in Primary. There have been many successes so far and we hope to keep building on these throughout the year. I would like to share just a few of the highlights of this half-term, although there are far too many to share them all in this update.
Certificates for Academic Achievement
We have introduced Certificates for Academic Achievement (CAA) in Primary. These are given to students who achieve a certain number of house points in a term.
Bronze – 25 house points
Silver – 50 house points
Gold – 100 house points
Platinum – 150 house points
Students are recognised for their academic achievement in class and in our Monday morning assemblies. I am thrilled that we have a number of students already reaching Bronze, and even a few that have achieved Silver. I am sure that as the term continues and the hard work continues, we will see many more certificates being celebrated in assembly and at home.
In collecting house points for academic achievement the children are working together as a house to collect the most house points each week. Every week in assembly we reveal which house has collected the most house points per person and share in their success. Primary even have a house chant for each house! Talk to your child and see if he/she can remember the chant for their house yet.
ECA (Extra Curricular Activities)
Our ECA programme this half term has been a resounding success. The ECA choices have been magnificent. There are too many to mention them all but we have had everything from swimming, running, basketball and athletics to cooking, pioneering, animal awareness and debating, to art, junk modelling, calligraphy and comic drawing to hip hop, Thai dancing, ukulele and Rock Band, to French, German, storytelling and debating. And that is just some of the incredible ECA choices available to students this term!
Current ECA choices end at half-term for students and following the half-term holiday they will get to experience new choices, ensuring that students are exposed to a wealth of opportunity beyond the classroom.
Leadership Appointments
As we continue to grow and develop as a Primary school there is a need to expand middle leadership roles within the school, to ensure our curriculum and educational offer is the best that it can be. I am very pleased to share some newly appointed leadership roles in Primary and I am sure you will join me in congratulating staff in their success.
Miss Myrille Teaching Assistant Leader
Miss Emily Hartshorne Humanities/Theme Leader
Mr Dan White IT & Computing Leader
Mrs Victoria Amison PSHCE (personal, social, health, citizenship education) Leader
Miss Palna Davda Art & DT Leader
It is not just the staff that have been displaying their leadership skills and enthusiasm in school. Congratulations to our student Heads of House and Captains from Year 6 as well.
Jessica Chandra & Jacob Moore Walters
Sophie Armstrong & Ray Martin Edwards
Victoria Sosakul & Kasit Rojwattanawong Taylor
Aaliyah Dye & Philip Lee Sports Captains
Name Klay-Udom & Putter Tunchatchawal Music Captains
I am sure that all of these appointments, both staff and students, will play a key part in the success of Primary this year.
In addition to these leadership roles we now have a newly appointed Student Council to help the Primary school further develop and grow. These students are:
Year 2 Kwan Kwan & Ethan
Year 3 Jamie & Elana
Year 4 Shreya & Nile
Year 5 Netia & Charlie
Year 6 House Captains
As we continue into the second half of the term I am in no doubt that the Primary phase of school will continue to thrive. I am very excited for all of the events, performances, residentials, and celebrations ahead, as well as continuing to see all of the excellent learning and teaching around the Primary phase of school.
I hope to see many parents at all of our upcoming events.
Best wishes,
Christine Armstrong
Primary Principal